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Everything posted by Kiriyama

  1. Attack. Makes training defence a bit faster, whilst higher defence won't help as much training attack to 99.
  2. No, there isn't. And if there was, we certainly wouldn't tell you.
  3. All the programmer has to do is edit his script and it works, or write a new one.
  4. Okay, you know what..[bleep] this. My friend, who shall remain unnamed botted for over a year on an account. He's still not been caught to my knowledge. I know his technique for not getting caught, it's a simple one, since Jagex DOES NOT know whether a player has a bot running or not, it controls the mouse to perform functions, and in cases, the keyboard. It does not change anything about the game, and for Jagex to detect bots, the users need to be insanely stupid, or they'd have to ILLEGALLY hack into a player's computer. Which, of course, they won't, as it is an e-crime, and they'd have been caught by now. EDIT: That friend of mine did get caught, but he got bored and did something stupid.
  5. Okay, fine, I didn't want to resort to this, but hopefully it'll get the message across. I've previously spoken to P Mods about this, and with her permission, I'm now saying this. To quote one: "It's impossible to eliminate them..They'll always find ways of improving to get around the latest attempts." I was hoping that my knowledge of scripting alone would be enough, however, I've had to bring up a source perhaps you'd listen to. Hell, the reason I know so much about botting is because I had a friend who used them, and went without detection for about a year, because he was smart enough to know how to use them.
  6. Sorry, but I think I know more than you. Currently, I am in college, on a Video Game design course, which, of course, requires me to have some knowledge of scripting. But yeah, you're completely right, let's just throw money at the problem and it'll go away. Forget how complex scripts are, how they are nearly impossible to detect without Jagex resorting to e-crime through hacking a user's computer.
  7. Okay. You are officially an idiot. Firstly, how many reports do you think they have to go through? Secondly, in the case of botting, they have to investigate each case. Finally, it is impossible to make the game "bot safe", sure, they can change some game mechanics, but they'll be found out, the scripts changed and the bots will be back. It is IMPOSSIBLE to make ANY game free from bots.
  8. Oh, so you want Jagex to come in and magically fix it? They can't. Bots are often pretty good, with the people writing the scripts, Jagex pretty much relies on player reports to find them, unless someone is being an idiot.
  9. I've also seen this in W39 and the low level never drops anything and he doesn't move either... Besides what kind of remark is this "Don't you know nothing about boting?" First of all: it's botting not boting => Don't you know anything about spelling words or re-reading post before actually hitting the "Add Reply"-button Second: i'm proud I don't know anything about botting :) If you're going to correct someone, do it perfectly. It's "I'm" not "i'm". Secondly, you're proud to know nothing about botting? Why? Mantux was talking about the script behind bots, not botting. You don't need to know anything about bots, or actually use a bot to know something about the scripting behind it.
  10. "i always feel the need to be under the influence of something." That is pretty much an addiction. You're addicted to the sensation of it.
  11. I hate some people on MAG. Killed a couple guys for not shutting up. They then discussed whether to kill me or not. They'd have to find me first.
  12. Kiriyama


    Well, £1000 on lessons is at probably around.. 80ish lessons? You'll never need that many.
  13. Kiriyama


    Is it very expensive in the UK? You guys are lucky though, cos you have a really good public transport system (when it's not frozen :P). We don't here, that's why most people have cars. I dunno. The lessons themselves cost a lot from what I've heard, at least over £1000 in total and the provisional is like £75 I think then you need a car and insurance... I think in general it's not TOO expensive it's just we have no money =/ And yeah, the public transport we have has always worked for me. I'll be sticking with it for the foreseeable future :thumbup: Provisional is £50 Lessons, they depend on how much the place charges and the amount of lessons. You do not require your own car and insurance for lessons. Most, if not all, places will provide a car and you'll technically be insured with it, most likely it'll be a learner's car with a brake and something on the passenger side. I've hired one of those before for lessons with my Dad. It actually wasn't too expensive for an hour or two.
  14. Yeah, just putting it there for those who are going to purchase the game, eventually. I'll probably be getting it around the Summer, since I plan on having what I owe to my other account (supposed to be for my education/driving/stuff) paid back by then, since I need to borrow some money out of it.
  15. You're right you guys in England are wimpy about the snow, up here we tend to deal with it like real men :razz: . Only in Scotland would a guy still to the pub in just a shortsleeve shirt (the guy passed my house last night). That being said, it is a pain in the backside, I just hope the train and bus I need on Monday is running. Edit - Nick, somewhere in the UK it was -17 celcius. I would say that was cold. Depends on what area in Scotland you are in. In Edinburgh, it's definitely warm enough for a t-shirt for me. Though perhaps that's just me, around where I live, it's definitely colder, as well as where my mate lives. I wouldn't say it's because of my body fat, I have practically none. Thankfully, I don't live in the worst hit areas, I was able to go out in what I've been wearing for months.
  16. Same as you. I've done well enough with the basic scopes, though I mainly stick to Sabotage. Assault Rifles could do with some rebalancing, maybe a little lower accuracy/higher spread on LMGs. Only problem is how shaky the aim on the Snipers are at times. Though I guess when I unlock the thing for the Janus that stabilises it it'll be better. Though I'll consider the .50cal shots first. If you're wanting a few tips, I suggest heading for areas that are high up, or have high plant cover. A high area with plant cover is preferable, since you can position yourself where it barely obstructs your view, yet hides you. The map where Raven defends against SVER has a good spot, near point B and has a good view of the bridge. The main problem is that the Sniper Rifle is always a 3 hit bodyshot kill, though perhaps that will change with the .50cal. If you're having some real trouble, switch to the basic Sniper Rifle and scope, and use the foregrip. I, at times, get more kills/higher streaks with that. Though the magnified zoom is going to be handy against paratroopers, so I'll be sticking with that. Plus it's the Rifle I killed Insanity with. Almost had a 8:0 ratio that game, but I got cocky and moved too far forward, allowing myself to be sniped. Also, I suggest the 2nd armour (forget the name, but it's the middle one), Smoke Grenades (distractions), First Aid kit-thing (make sure this is attached to the first L2 slot) and DO NOT equip the RPG, it makes you slightly bigger when prone, and therefore easier to spot. EDIT: Fool, what PMC are you in? Oh, and to clarify, I won't be buying this game at release, and probably won't for awhile after. I've a pre-arranged engagement that requires a lot of money. Insanity, Fool, if you want to see my Raven spots you'll need to be on Raven, and I'll show you tomorrow/Sunday. Even with the the basic sniper, I was easily getting at least a 2:1 ratio most games, with few exceptions. Though it is likely I'll be on late tomorrow, might be on later tonight. However, I may not be on late tonight, or tomorrow. It depends on how long my girlfriend is on MSN, I like to give her my full attention. Just throwing this out there, but how would all the MAG players here feel about adding a TIF clan tag?
  17. Sniper position that keeps me well hidden. Along with the good scope.
  18. Okay, I'll first get the more..business-like aspect over first. The types that report these stories are often tabloid newspapers and news programming. Now, the purpose of these are to entertain, nothing really grabs our attention like a sensational article, especially if someone famous is involved. Now, who does the blame really lie with? Us. We watch this programming/read those tabloid newspapers. They're just going with a business practice that works, and we buy into it. Sure, we'll all [bleep] about this so called invasion of their privacy and such, but hell...I blame the masses. Okay, now for the actual matter at hand. Freedom of Press/Speech is always taken at face value. They believe it means pretty much absolute freedom, of course, it does not. Like others, I believe if we let them have more control over 1 aspect, they'll eventually try for more and more, imposing more limits. Celebrities should know what happens when the misdeeds of celebrities are found out, if they were really that bothered by the possibility of it happening to them then they are either in the wrong line of work, or they should just avoid any of these misdeeds. Of course, it's a different matter when say, a politician had tried weed when he was 18, who really cares about something that no longer happens, as far as we know, and that occurred years ago.
  19. Well, it's clearly pushing the limits with as little as 64 players for a game. And that's with nearly no lag to speak of. Hell, even in a Domination (I sucked due to no good sniping spots) there is little to no lag that I've encountered. This is more than I can say for CoD4.
  20. Your friends are idiots. Then again, you clearly thought their meaning was right. Whilst I'm at it, I'd say that Sonic and Star Fox are pretty much considered "acceptable" pieces of furry art, though when you use the word on the internet, many are likely to take it to the extreme way. Sadly, you were closest with "hentai", which roughly translates to "pervert". Though it's likely you only know it as animated porn.
  21. I hope you get fired. The place you work could easily be sued by him. Do your [bleep]ing job right, or quit.
  22. Kiriyama


    Today, I hit a 0.(something):1 K:D ratio on MAG. How? [puncture] kept teamkilling me because I was somewhat far back. He wanted me to move forward. I was sniping.
  23. Though if you look at the original, it states that jobs and money are part of the cup. If you don't even slightly worry about either of those, you'll end up broke and jobless, without access to the things necessary to sustain life, food, clothing, warmth and shelter. Hell, even your social standing can have an effect on your happiness. If you don't worry about how you appear to others, you'll be alone and miserable. Humans are social creatures, we basically need interaction with our peers. Looks like the cup is pretty important to me.
  24. Or maybe you're just unable to comprehend the importance of the point, whereas you consider yourself above the need to learn from the lesson and therefore it is "lame"? The point being enjoy life and don't worry about the cup? The cup being jobs, possessions and so on? Yeah..That's a great lesson to teach people. That they don't need to worry about how they'll support their life as long as they enjoy it. The thing is, your quality of life does now depend on jobs, money and social standing. If not, then what is there to enjoy?
  25. Sonic, don't use words you barely understand. He's just a teenager with overactive hormones. Generally, female characters in games are designed to be attractive or have sex appeal. That's what helps to sell some games. Also, "Otaku" has two meanings, the Japanese meaning, and the Westernised meaning. Seriously, it's annoying that you're using words without knowing what they mean. EDIT: And he's definitely NOT a furry for finding a human game character "hot", don't use the damn word.
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