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Everything posted by Prankster_King

  1. Jobs can be posted and found in the correct Market Forum. I don't think a seperate forum for jobs is needed at the moment.
  2. Even if Tip.It allowed "Naming Names", it would be so very difficult for them to pick out all the people that betrayed Tip.It in the wars. Amid the confusion, it would be nearly impossible to right down the names of everyone they think has turned on Tip.It'ers. Also, who is to say who betrayed who? Many people might be listed down by mistake. This would provide too large a hassle to be done.
  3. From what has been said above, I can see that this was a bad idea and will not be done. Even though I myself don't see all the spammers running wild, I will take your word for it that they're out there. Thank's to everyone for their feedback. This topic can be locked, or if you'd like to continue with the discussion, feel free to keep it open. :roll:
  4. There was a very good idea presented before on sleeping in beds in your PoH. Bascially, when you sleep in your bed, you see flashes of images from all the quests you've done. It's like you're dreaming up memories. I personally think that would be an awesome improvement to the PoH. Note, that I did not create this idea. The name of the author eludes me at the moment, and if you know it, please feel free to post it.
  5. who's "Dingo"????????????? Anyway, as dalcyte said, hemisheres..... What are "hemisheres"? Don't point out someones typos, then make typos yourself. :roll:
  6. That's a very nice article. But when has Jagex actually said (or hinted) that there will be a Runescape 3?
  7. Seasons in Runescape would be pretty cool, I have to admit. The only problem is the enourmas amount of work involved in making such drastic changes to the programming of Runescape. They would have to rewrite just about everything, and such a process could take years. If it takes over a year just to add a new area of land, think of how long it will take to rewrite the entire graphical layout of Runescape. It would also require very large amounts of memory space for all the new graphics. More new graphics means more things to load. More things to load means alot longer loading time, and more lag for slower computers. Sorry, but this idea just wouldn't work out very well.
  8. What about the hundreds of thousands of people breathing all day in Runescape? Major carbon dioxide. :P
  9. All added. Limited on time, so I can't answer your question Silent. Will answer soon though. :wink:
  10. I've found it a bit irritating when i am constantly getting those "Cannot post so soon" messages. Can't you bring it down a notch? I understand this is to prevent spammers, and people posting nonsense just to raise their post count, but the current flood control limit is a bit ridiculous... Even if you only bring it down 5 seconds, that would be 5 seconds of my day saved.
  11. I agree, the current log-in music is irritating. They should at least have an option allowing us to turn it off, without having to turn off our speakers. I'm not sure what song they could change it to... Perhaps they could make a new one. :)
  12. It's a pretty cool idea. Fm needs some new improvements...
  13. Thank's again to everyone for their support. All have been added. Art_Crazy, even if your math was incorrect, we still provide enough money for Jagex to give us more bank space. Why haven't we gotten more bank space in all this time? Well, there are a couple of reasons: I. We're not members. We don't directly pay them for our updates. They get money from us from the adverts they make us sit through. II. We didn't always have this many items. The number of items we have to store is gradually increasing each year from holiday events, random events, and other small updates such as the sceptre. III. No one has actually stood up and pointed out the dire need for more bank space until now. We currently have about 260 suppoters, and the number is growing every day. 260 people cannot be ignored forever. We need more bank space now. 12 spaces can go a long way, possibly even years. If they would give us 12 more spaces now, then they wouldn't have to give us any more bank space for a very long time. True, as more and more holiday items and random event items are given to players, we will need more bank space eventually. Perhaps Jagex will give us a better way to store those items sometime in the future. Until then, all we can do is ask for more bank space. Please remember that it isn't just random event clothing and holiday items that we have to store. We have ores, bars, runes, logs, armour, weapons, arrows, bows, and so many other items we need for training our skills and pking. 60 spaces just isn't enough for all of those things. Jagex needs to recognize our need for more bank space before the need grows any further. The longer they wait, the more and more items we will need to store. The more and more items we need to store, the more bank space we will have to ask for. Jagex should give us those 12 extra slots before the need for bank space gets out of hand. The more they procrastinate, the more work it will be to give us more bank space in the future. Why don't they just give us more bank space now? It would be so much easier for them. They say it costs money to give us more bank space. Well duh... We know that. Nothing ever comes freely. Now, let's compare the amount of memory needed for 12 more bankes, to the amount of memory needed for the holiday updates they do every year. The amount of memory needed for more bank space is extremely small compared to the other. It would be so easy for them, and so cheap to give us 12 more bank slots. They can't just leave us with 60 bank slots forever, and give us more and more items to store every year. They must be insane. A possible solution to stop the need for more bank space building up over the years, is to give us 2 more bank slots each year. 2 more bank slots a year would be profficient. I'm sure someone will post saying "You shouldn't get more bank slots every year! You don't pay for it! We need more bank space too!". Yes, I know you need more bank space also. We all do. But think about it; Members get a bank space update every year, increasing the bank size by at least 5 or more spaces. They have to due to the constant amount of updates you recieve with new items. Well, members aren't the only ones that get updates each year, thus increasing the need for bank space. I understand that Jagex is busy making those huge updates for members. But how hard would it be to add 12 more bank slots now, and then 2 more each year? It would take a couple of days with a small task force. That's nothing. I'm sure Jagex can spare a few people for a couple of days to give f2p more bank space. It would require almost no work at all. So what's going on, Jagex? It would have been easy enough to do this before now. Why have you waited all this time, and let the need for bank space increase without the slightest hint of us actually getting it? It's like the pressure in a bottle rocket, ever increasing until the bottle shoots off. If Jagex keeps waiting, there will be hell to pay. More and more people are realizing the need for more bank space each day. Soon, Jagex will be flooded with letters and emails from Runescape players, questioning them about why F2P haven't gotten more bank space before now. You don't believe me? It's already started with this very thread. I have opened your eyes to the need for bank space. You are blind to this fact no longer. More and more eyes are opening, and their numbers will increase the longer Jagex waits. Jagex, stop waiting. F2P playes a huge role in your funding, and payment from future members. You don't give us more bank space as you continue to give us more and more items to store. Are you trying to shoot off that rocket? Don't tell us that we don't deserve more bank space. That's one of the biggest lies you could tell. Our role in your funding is larger than many people know. Once again, I tell you to stop waiting. The need for bank space has reached its maximum, yet you continue to pump more and more pressure into that bottle. Stop waiting. The rocket is about to explode in your face.
  14. Ah.. Thank's for the explanation. :)
  15. Nice ideas. Having more higher leveled prayers would give players more incentive to bury bones. And for those people that already have a high leveled prayer, they would be rewarded for the time they took to bury thousand and thousands of bones. :thumbsup:
  16. Very cool idea. I can deffinately see Jagex making an Agility Room.
  17. Really cool idea. Jagex needs to include some way of telling time into the game. :thumbsup:
  18. For those of us that don't know what the Hazeels Mark is, can you please elaborate? :wink:
  19. Doesn't it already do that...? :shock: Not a bad idea. Makes sense. :P
  20. Very good ideas. I have to agree with you. For me, training on lessers is a pain, even when they're only a few levels higher than I am. As for the edible rares, all I have to say is "Lol" to anyone that eats one by mistake. :lol:
  21. I thank everyone for your support. MAny of you have said that Jagex will never do this because we are f2p. I beg to differ. If we can keep this thread alive, and get more and more supporters everyday, we will get Jagex's attention. It might not be today, tommarow, or even a month from now. But I can garuntee you that Jagex will recognize the need for more bank space. We need more space now more than ever with the new Halloween update coming up, and even the new capes for getting skills to 99. If we can get our number of supporters to 300, I will renew my bombardment on Jagex to get their attention. I hope that you will all join me in this chaotic crusade. :wink: More bank space for all is a must.
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