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Everything posted by Ash6110

  1. Dude, Carlos is my dogs name! Cat's name is Mike, and my snapping turtle's name is Mr. Big Man
  2. Knife juggling actually, in my opinion its easier, you just need to know where to ffrab the knife.
  3. I collect brochures, dont ask me why, I just do.
  4. That there is a centipede, a bid one too from the looks of it. Kill it, though I dont like killing bugs, it can give a really painful bite sometimes.
  5. [what the heck]? Do you even know what a RPG is? Its a rocket propelled grenade, I doubt that if some one got hit with one it wouldn't blow up...Also why would they fire them at men? I mean my brother (who served 3 years in iraq) said that they only used them to fire at helicopters, tanks, trucks pretty much any thing big they want to blow up. I guess it it possible...I guess, but I still think you have a greater chance of living playing russian roulette loading the gun with 6 bullets. :roll: :lol: Anways, I am a little septic that you are really going into war...as your grammer first struck me, how would a 18 year old use such crap grammer? Well its like the russian roulette with 6 bullets, lol. So I searched some of your threads and I am 99% sure you are lying for attention. Your in a gang? So you have the balls to get in the line of fire and get your self blown up or captured and torchered but you can't say that in real life? I also went here and put in your name, that you put on another thread, even left to the broadest search possible, home town and last name, didn't come up as anything...I wonder why? :roll: Final comment, stupied little 7 year old boys who want attention so they lie about stuff. Now normaly I wouldn't care but its about the war and my oldest brother was in it and almost died in it so I don't care for people who lie about stuff like that, pretty panthic if you ask me... I really shouldn't dignify this with a response but....... 1. I'm not in a gang, I was walking through a bad area wearing a blue t shirt. and these guys mistook me for someone in a rival gang 2. Do you even know my nam dude? 3. So my grammar isn't all that great, and? I have a feeling your just another one of the angst filled, acne ridden, adolescents that have nothing better to do than sit at the computer all day to flame people for attention. Oh well it's probobly just a phase....At least I hope so! Got anything else feel free to pm me.
  6. Thanks, and by the way I am just standard infantry except I have a light machine gun instead of the standard M16A4. Also changing thread to a war journal.
  7. My old foreign exhange brother's Chilean accent is pretty bad Oh and I lived in thuh south for 10 ye-uhs and I ain't no licensed redneck y'all unduhstand that?
  8. This iis my journal that I'm making while I'm in Iraq Friday May 18th Well I'm leaving for Iraq tomorrow. And to be honest I have the crap scared out of me. I got a paper in late March saying "Hi, were sorry but instead of serving in Pearl Harbor like you were, we will be transferring you to Iraq" That just sucks. So yeah, I start my tour of Duty on May 20th. I'm gonna be stationed South of Baghdad so if anyone is in the Triangle of Death anytime soon pop in and pay me a visit. Anyone else here serving or know someone who is serving in the armed forces? BTW: Next time i'm gonna be back in the sweet states is November 12th that is if its not pushed back :roll:
  9. Wrong side of town + Wearing the colors of an enemy gang there (It aint hard cause its jeans and a blue t shirt) + Plus patrolling gang members + switchblads, bats, and brass knuckles = Major beat down!!!!!!! :P
  10. Ive only got a couple of detentions because of demerits, and unlawful abscencesthrough my school career Also got an In School Suspension a few times
  11. It all depends on where you build it. For instance the building looks very vulnerable to earthquakes and such.
  12. Im suprised nobody has said the Punisher yet :shock:
  13. Yeah ive had my definite shares of sprained ankles and such. Meh, i play football what do you expect
  14. Probobly compound fracture on my right leg (Means the bone is sticking out)
  15. No right turn on red :P
  16. Im a Norrisist That means I think CHuck Norris is god and when he dies he will take the earth with him :D
  17. 0mG t3h pwn0rz Why are we still at war with Iraw?
  18. LOL its just so funny to imagine that guy fighting in combat
  19. Well im not sure if anyone around here plays airsoft or painball but if you do tell your story. Mine would have to be when me and my friends were plinking each with our airsoft guns. This middle aged guy comes up and says, "Hey,guys can I play?" Me and my friends look at eachother like "Freekill" and said sure. Then he pulls out his fully automatic customized MP5 and started shooting at us. It hurt like hell.
  20. Well, your mommas so fat shes fat! OoOoOh wehat now bioch
  21. sorry man but your a wee bit screwed there. Good Luck
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