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Jagex hates me?


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Well,I checked my e-mail today and i got this.












Subject: Video Removed: Copyright Infringement




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Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 22:50:21 -0700 (PDT)




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Dear Member:








This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by Jagex Ltd. claiming that this material is infringing:








Runescape riot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hET4tYLQrI








Please Note: Repeat incidents of copyright infringement will result in the deletion of your account and all videos uploaded to that account. In order to avoid future strikes against your account, please delete any videos to which you do not own the rights, and refrain from uploading additional videos that infringe on the copyrights of others. For more information about YouTube's copyright policy, please read the Copyright Tips guide.








If you elect to send us a counter notice, please go to our Help Center to access the instructions.








Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification may be subject to liability.












YouTube, Inc.








Copyright ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâé 2007 YouTube, Inc.












Why would Jagex only ask for my video to be removed, if runescape belongs to them? Theres tons of vids on runescape on YouTube.

I bet it's some totally awesome 20-stringed, dragon shaped instrument that doubles as a flamethrower/laser phaser. Or some really lame Chinese bamboo thing.

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omg if jagex started making us remove our video's from youtube aswell im going be really annoyed....this is stupid idk what the video was about but surely jagex is going too far stoppin us videoing on youtube? :-k



Ex-Wilderness Guardian


Retired from F2P clans indefinitely

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I'm sure it was a mass sweep. Jagex doesn't exactly like YouTube, it would seem, however there may be reasons why yours was searched out specifically or as part of a sweep.








If the video had some kind of word in its summary that raised a flag, such as "bug" or "glitch" or "scam" or something like that, Jagex may have asked its removal because it would seem to encourage rule breaking.








Otherwise, Jagex just may not like people posting videos because they technically own all things in runescape. No guarantee on this option here, however putting a disclaimer in your summary, like "all depictions in this video are owned by Jagex Ltd.," to show that you aren't claiming that you made everything they see...


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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What was the nature of the video?








Comparing to different games?




Did you read it? It was about the RuneScape riot. I don't know which one, but I think the one about third party software (read: swiftswitch).








OT: This is obviously selective use of the rules, seeing pk vids, etc. aren't forbidden. I see Jagex taking control of the game more and more once again. Why don't they let it go a bit? Ignoring and muting it is not the way to solve a problem (in dutch: het in de doofpot stoppen, does anyone know a good translation of that?).




Eventhough I'm mostly on Jagex side, I totally think this is an incredible bad move. I mean, it's a democratic country, not a comunistich one. :roll:

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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In the video, there were at least 500 people and I counted 12 pmods and 1 jmod there. They were protesting about "Jagex's automated ban appeal system" and later on Elvemage showed up and they changed their riot to "Un-mute Elvemage"

I bet it's some totally awesome 20-stringed, dragon shaped instrument that doubles as a flamethrower/laser phaser. Or some really lame Chinese bamboo thing.

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Otherwise, Jagex just may not like people posting videos because they technically own all things in runescape. No guarantee on this option here, however putting a disclaimer in your summary, like "all depictions in this video are owned by Jagex Ltd.," to show that you aren't claiming that you made everything they see...








I was under the impression that those videos were protected under the fair use laws.




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What was the nature of the video?








Comparing to different games?




Did you read it? It was about the RuneScape riot. I don't know which one, but I think the one about third party software (read: swiftswitch).








OT: This is obviously selective use of the rules, seeing pk vids, etc. aren't forbidden. I see Jagex taking control of the game more and more once again. Why don't they let it go a bit? Ignoring and muting it is not the way to solve a problem (in dutch: het in de doofpot stoppen, does anyone know a good translation of that?).




Eventhough I'm mostly on Jagex side, I totally think this is an incredible bad move. I mean, it's a democratic country, not a comunistich one. :roll:








i understand what your saying but in the rules when you sign up it says that they have full control over your account so they can do whatever they want its there game :^o


lucky barrower-dh legs,veracs skirt,karil skirt, karils top (x3), dh pl8,karils coif,half key(x2), x-bow, ahrims robetop

goodbye Piman1053 Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:05 pm

326death326 is banned~~~EVERYONE ADD MY NEW MAIN "Y0uknowwho" (first o is a zero)

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I'm sure it was a mass sweep. Jagex doesn't exactly like YouTube, it would seem, however there may be reasons why yours was searched out specifically or as part of a sweep.








I agree with that 100% I could imagine why. Most videos of Private Servers are also shot down too.

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sorry to hear, they're crazy...








Youtube: hey jagex, back again so soon?




Jagex: yea, there's some noob's video we gotta take down, i figure it'll mess with him pretty good..




Youtube: roflmao, pm him to meet you in wildy and KO him with ancients and dds specs!




JAGEX: er...


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Youtube: hey jagex, back again so soon?




Jagex: yea, there's some noob's video we gotta take down, i figure it'll mess with him pretty good..




Youtube: roflmao, pm him to meet you in wildy and KO him with ancients and dds specs!




JAGEX: er...












huh? :?

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I'm going to go ahead and assume that YouTube has a pretty good hold of copywrite laws. And, if that assumption holds true, then I can't hold it against Jagex for asserting a right under those laws. After all, they're there for a reason.


Maxed total levels

Remaining for Completionist Cape: Livid Farm spell (Borrowed Power)

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Does Jagex have the right to do this? I mean.. someone recorded what was happening on his screen. Does Jagex have the right to claim it as their copyright?




I'm no lawyer or anything like that, just interested.

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Oh no no, Jagex hates me. No dragon drops in my career, always can't hit the right ko on my pure, (He has 5 hp i hit a 1 with r2h?), and my best drop is a clue. Don't get why jagex would ask to get rid of your vid though, there are millions on youtube.

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Does Jagex have the right to do this? I mean.. someone recorded what was happening on his screen. Does Jagex have the right to claim it as their copyright?




I'm no lawyer or anything like that, just interested.








It contains their game, they could ask for the removal of all RuneScape vids if they wanted.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Ok, let me try and clear this up for you.








I ahve previousally had a discussion about 3rd part videos and the offical atance on the matter is:








Jagex will always remain the rights to their content being used, you can use videos of the game on 3rd party sites, however they must not be showing illegal use of the game, encoraging rule breaking, or showing others how to reproduce bugs (amongst others).








The sites they can be posted on must not be breaking the rules of the game, so for example copyright permission would be removed if it was posted on a hack site.








Jagex dont have an issue with Youtube, as it is quite a good advertising place. However its fair to say that if it creates damage to the game they have the right to say it cant be used.








The reason why the riot video would have been removed will be becase it promotes rule breaking, Jagex to NOT listen to rioters, and if you have a video saying the opersit it will actually make these riots more common, and make the game a worse place.

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I'm sure it was a mass sweep. Jagex doesn't exactly like YouTube, it would seem, however there may be reasons why yours was searched out specifically or as part of a sweep.








If the video had some kind of word in its summary that raised a flag, such as "bug" or "glitch" or "scam" or something like that, Jagex may have asked its removal because it would seem to encourage rule breaking.








Otherwise, Jagex just may not like people posting videos because they technically own all things in runescape. No guarantee on this option here, however putting a disclaimer in your summary, like "all depictions in this video are owned by Jagex Ltd.," to show that you aren't claiming that you made everything they see...

If the video was showing something illegal, then I support it being removed. Anything else, then not so much.








What I kinda find funny is that blizzard (owners of world of warcraft) is sponsoring a WoW video contest on youtube, and yet jagex won't even let people post runescape videos. :lol:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I'm sure it was a mass sweep. Jagex doesn't exactly like YouTube, it would seem, however there may be reasons why yours was searched out specifically or as part of a sweep.








If the video had some kind of word in its summary that raised a flag, such as "bug" or "glitch" or "scam" or something like that, Jagex may have asked its removal because it would seem to encourage rule breaking.








Otherwise, Jagex just may not like people posting videos because they technically own all things in runescape. No guarantee on this option here, however putting a disclaimer in your summary, like "all depictions in this video are owned by Jagex Ltd.," to show that you aren't claiming that you made everything they see...

If the video was showing something illegal, then I support it being removed. Anything else, then not so much.








What I kinda find funny is that blizzard (owners of world of warcraft) is sponsoring a WoW video contest on youtube, and yet jagex won't even let people post runescape videos. :lol:

Well Blizzard isn't full of people who care about bringing 10 year olds to their game.








I've seen a thread a while back about someone's video getting deleted, I'm sure it was depicting something they didn't like.

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Jagex infringement, they got a lot of YouTube to sift through :D As the massacre, violated of their Code of Conduct i can see why they did it, but some people might want to reference the event, personally with them requesting the removal of such events this massacre may become a myth :(

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If they are removing rs videos from you tube what are tip.it events team going to do since they sometimes put stuff on there.

.sigs these of many too read have you backwards this read you If


Finding cool stuff = advertising.
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If they are removing rs videos from you tube what are tip.it events team going to do since they sometimes put stuff on there.

.sigs these of many too read have you backwards this read you If


Finding cool stuff = advertising.
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Trust me Bloodveld, they do allow posting on Youtube. It is an important advertising tool for the game.








But as for what blizard ar doing with the competition, whilst that is a good idea, runescape has a younger target audience, and so have to protect the userbase more strongly. They cant tell people to use the site as if a problem developed through it the blame would come back on jagex.








It come because of the personal infomation rule. Whilst on runescape everything you do and say can be moderated, and we can makesure you safe, however as soon as you are directed to a differnt site you can no longer be protected from the dangers on the internet, so whilst jagex probaly support sites like tip.it, youtube, google etc. It would be dangerous of them to say so.

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Good points.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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