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Investigating a missing king


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Who is this missing king I'm speaking of, you might be asking yourself.




Why, is this a king from a far off land?








no, it's actually a town I'm sure we all know, and love




I'm speaking of the king of falador!








We all know that as of now, Sir Amik Varze, the leader of the white knights has assumed the role of king of falador in place of it's previous kings absence.








Poking around the knowledge base I've come to find that the previouse king, King Vallance, has gone missing.








Here is what the knowledge base says about him:








"King Vallance is the ruler of Falador and of Asgarnia. He has spent a good deal of his life on the throne, but in recent years seems to have retired from public life. No one has seen him quite a long time, and now Sir Amik Varze rules Falador in his place."








Another thing I've found quite interesting in the knowledge base is this:








"The White Knights of Falador, in fact, have become so prominent and influential within Asgarnian politics that they rule in King Vallance's stead. The White Knights do not rule unchallenged, though, for the Crown Prince, who lives in Burthorpe, favours the Imperial Guard. The rivalry between these two military forces is great, and it is probably only the fact that both are devoted to the royal family that has kept them from trading blows in a very public and very messy civil war."








Which would explain the single white knight on the outskirts of Burthrope who 'Seems to be watching something' in the words of his examine.








So now we know that the King is gone and hasn't been seen for years, the prince of falador lives in Burthrope, leader of the Imperial guard, and that the White Knights and the Imperial Guard are rivals








Could the disapparence of the Faladorian King be a plot of the prince, taken out by the Imperial Guard?




or could the disapparence of the King be kept under wraps to the public to keep other nations from invading Falador, seeing the absence of a King as a weakness








Well, I don't have the answers.. but maybe you do!




So let me know your thoughts!








Thanks for reading :)



Str: 86/90

Hitpoints: 85/90

Fletching: 96/99

Fishing: 74/80

Prayer: 61/70

Woodcutting: 82/85

Magic 80/80

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Well, looks like you did your homework, good job! :D




I expect Jagex to be planning a (possibly complex) storyline, extending over a couple of quests. This might lead to massive secrets that would lead to the utter destruction of Falador, as the Imperial Guard would ally with the Black Knights, if not the citizens rebeling in a bloody uprising.








Either something like that or the King of Falador is just vacationing in the Bahamas and lost his passport so it's gonna be a while before he returns.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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*cough cough* Copycat *cough cough*








Just Kidding. I hope this thread will be as interesting as the Investigvating the Wise Old Man one.

7,436th to 99 fishing on July 13, 2008


[hide=Quotes that I lol'd at]

the day the fantastic four come into runescape, i will eat my socks.

what kind of topic is this. ihaven't read it yet

but i now it must be stupid.

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HEres the postbag letter to him








Oh Great and Mighty King Vallance,








Why don't you every show your face? I have gone to Falador lots of times and have never seen you. Are you nervous in front of a crowd or something?








Or is something wrong with you, like that King in Miscellania? Or maybe you are busy making plans for a war. I once meet someone who thinks you are creating a completely new, never before seen, Combat Skill! I would like that, though there is little chance of that happening. I also saw someone claiming that you where making a new weapon, something like a Seriphle.








I would Appreciate it if you took control back from Sir Amik Varze. He is really annoying. He wont let the White Knights show me their Swords without it being in Combat, not even Zeno! You know Zeno, the Partisan. Of course you do. Once he tried to show me it, but Varze made him kill me. I did get to see the sword thoughÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ








Well, I have nothing left to say to you, your Highness. I will hopefully see you soon.








Your loyal subject,












Dear Dequelier,








Unfortunately, His Royal Highness, King Vallance, is far too busy with matters of state to respond to you in person, and has authorised me to do so on his behalf. The King has specifically requested I inform you that, despite his lack of appearances in recent years, he is a more than capable public orator and is in no way afflicted like the unfortunate King Vargas of Miscellania.








Alas, the King is also not quite the young buck he once was, though his health and welfare are sound, protected by our glorious White Knights as he is, but it does prevent him from inventing a new combat-related skill. Besides, it would be a bit of a brutal pastime for a man of such elevated position, as indeed would be the creation of weapons (Saradomin forbid!), a task that he leaves in our very capable hands. Indeed, in the recent past, the White Knights have employed the use of items as diverse as cabbages and redberry pies in protection of the people of Asgarnia, and our 'goat-staring' technique has come on leaps and bounds.








As regards your concern that our White Knights are not seen to wield their weapons at all times, I would like to highlight the reason for such is that the streets of Falador have never been safer. The guards manning the doors to our white-walled city are more than capable of dealing with what little rabble and riff-raff we do encounter - in fact, the average lifespan of our city guard has increased to an all time high of twenty-seven point six-nine seconds! But fear not, as you have experienced first hand, Falador's White Knights are ready to unsheath their weapons at a moment's notice in self-defence, just as it should be for such honourable and duty-bound warriors.








Yours 'annoyingly',




Sir. Amik Varze




(On behalf of King Vallance)

noob:need hot gf

me this is not a dating sevice its a game

noob:but thats the only reson i play this game

then is suggest you use a dating service

but i cant im only 7 #-o

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Maybe Sir Amik Varze is just on vacation...? Everybody needs vacation sometime, even RS kings! \'




I think you mean King Vallance, Sir Amik Varze is the guy that's running Falador right now with his white knights. Interesting research you've done there though, Jagex is probably working on a quest right now that'll shed some more light on this situation. F2P?...just kidding.


Check out my Pocket Slot idea!

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I belive there was a poll on this




Taken from runescape (offical site)








(i will make pictures of the bars -=1% votes








What do you think has happened to King Vallance, King of Falador?




King Vallance of Falador has been missing for quite some time now; very suspicious for a man with so many enemies. So what do YOU think he has been up to?




















He is ill in bed in a secret chamber. 4087 votes / 3%








He is on holiday in Eastern lands. 4360 votes / 4%








He never existed. He was made up by Sir Amik Varze. 17924 votes / 16%








He is dead. 10476 votes / 9%








He has been turned into a frog. 3934 votes / 3%








He is PKing in the Wilderness. 19221 votes / 18%








He has been kidnapped by the Black Knights. 32098 votes / 30%








He has been kidnapped by the White Knights. 13625 votes / 12%
















so just some random ideas to throw around on your thread (like how wom investigation has the diff theries)


Rofl. My chair has a fridge, a cooler, a toilet, a shower, and a barbecue bulit in.

Hey, I may have quite Runescape, but I just bought an XBOX 360 and play way to much COD4 with the Gamertag Lava Mage

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All the information gathered has been around for quite a while now, so is the white knight watching Burthtorpe. There has also been an official poll on the runescape website on this topic, it might be interesting to post the results here.








I do hope that, considering this has been around for quite a while, the quest(s) related to this subject will be challenging as they seem to be taking plenty of time to release them.




I doubt there is much more to investigate though, case closed for now if you ask me

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just posted results :mrgreen:


Rofl. My chair has a fridge, a cooler, a toilet, a shower, and a barbecue bulit in.

Hey, I may have quite Runescape, but I just bought an XBOX 360 and play way to much COD4 with the Gamertag Lava Mage

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You know what I think?








If you've ever talked to Bob while he's in Falador (or Varrock, forget which place) he warns you to not trust the White Knights.








Now look at the story.








Imperial Guard < Supported by the Crown Prince




White Knights < Supposedly supported by the, interestingly enough, missing king.








If the King were killed in combat or by assasination or even died from old age, the crown prince would assume control along with the Imperial Guard, removing the White Knights from power.








If you were the leader of the White Knights, what would you do in such a case?








I know what I would do, especially if the king were of old age with a short amount of time left to live. I would kidnap him and assume control. And what would you do if the king had been killed by some other force? Pretend he is alive and off on some journey or just simply out of the public eye.








And guess what? That's exactly what we have.

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Bloody skife. I must start out saying I'm sorry if you felt I was copying your thread about the wise old man, I just didn't know what else to call my thread :P












the thing that gets me is that king vallance has never been in the runescape world since it started, meaning, if all the characters were made around the same time period, then the king was missing years before that time period.








another thing is no one knows where he is, where he went, and even why. you can't be that high up in the world, being a king, without having your moves watched, and cared after to ensure your safety, look at the president, he always walks around with bodyguards. point being there is no way the king could have just up and left on his own free will, not tell anyone, and not be seen again.








it just bothers me that no one is really trying to find him either, no one in runescape [npc's] are looking for him, not many players even question why falador doesn't have a king, like varrock does. Even jagex leaves so many blank spots in this case, all I've found is he left, hasn't been seen for years.








One theory I could think of though is this: what if sir amik varve sided with the black knights, or imperial guard, to take out the king, and thus making him ruler of falador, as people begin to wonder where the king went sir amik varve covers it up, more and more, and maybe put laws out to stop the white knights from looking for him, and eventually over time people grew to accept it.








The thing that ticks me off though is there really isnt any way to figure this out either, there aren't any books talking about him, aren't any quests that has to do with him, nothing.








the only thing I can think of would be the Knight's sword, Wanted!, and the Sea Slug quests, seeing as those are as close to falador and sir amik varve we get as this current time. maybe...just maybe these quests might lead us deeper into the hierchy[sp?] of falador, and eventually get us closer to finding our king of falador!



Str: 86/90

Hitpoints: 85/90

Fletching: 96/99

Fishing: 74/80

Prayer: 61/70

Woodcutting: 82/85

Magic 80/80

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I would be shocked if Sir Armik Varze were working with the black knights. It doesn't make sense politically. One of the things that has kept the White Knights running for as long as they have is their constant struggle with the Black Knights, and to risk throwing away all the power Sir Armik already has would seem foolish. Imagine the scandel if it came out to the Falador public that the leader of the White Knights was working with their sworn enemies! He'd be out of a job fast, and perhaps even executed.








And to think that the Imperial Guard would work with their rivals to put their leader in charge of Falador is...well...silly.








I think the reason nobody is looking for the king is because his own bodyguards are assuring everybody he's fine, and if anybody doubts that, I have a feeling Sir Armik is keeping everything hush-hush.








No, I have a feeling the missing king has a more political motive, and is tied in with the struggle between the Imperial Guard and the Knights of Falador.

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*cough cough* Copycat *cough cough*








Just Kidding. I hope this thread will be as interesting as the Investigvating the Wise Old Man one.








oooh!!! i know it, it's the wise old man :lol: to be honest, i don't have a clue... i just thought it was funny since i've been trying to find stuff about the wise old man (the investigating the wise old man thread) ah well, good luck with your investigation :mrgreen:

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ur all thinking too deep, if jagex had planned out all this, they would have made a quest about it long time ago, i mean, its not like they just added the white knights to the game..




Get out of the thread if you don't like it. It's as simple.




What if the white knights were actually traitors? Sir Amik Varze seems quite suspicious to me, after what I've read here. This doesn't necessarily mean that he is siding with the black knights, IMO they may just be trying to slowly and surely take over Falador. They are doing a pretty good job in that case.




Or, come to think of it, King Vallance may know about this treachery already and so they put up a clever plot to remove him. So they used their temporary power to make it permanent.




Hey, we could make a riot in Varrock to continue this storyline \'



You're being watched.

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Maybe the black knights did kidnap King Vallance, with the help of the white knights, but now the white knights have turned on them and are trying to wipe them out to stop them revealing the secret that the white knights with sir Amik Vase worked alongside the balck knights o depose the king. Thats just what I think anyway...


You just won the award for "The Most niave person on the Tip.it Boards!"]
*Points towards the monkey sitting on the button and declining every query*
Help me



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WOW! I do love a good investigation I do!!








Anyway, something your missing, the crown prince is incognito, and cannot be seen by a mere player... just the steward looks after things, like sir Amik Varze does for Falador. Also, I think I am one of the few who noticed this, why do you have someone as important as the Crown prince not 5 minutes away from a huge army of trolls!?!?!








Also, the white knights have a fully equiped torture room ( I think) and why would it be emppty (includes dungeon.)








There is a great rivalry between Burthope and Falador, guard/white knight wise and taht the White knight in Burthope, though he might be supposed to watch the Crown prince (assumed) he is gawping at The Heroes guild door guard! (She is hot though, in an RS way.)








TTFN, ta ta for now!








And best of luck!


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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I belive there was a poll on this




Taken from runescape (offical site)








(i will make pictures of the bars -=1% votes








What do you think has happened to King Vallance, King of Falador?




King Vallance of Falador has been missing for quite some time now; very suspicious for a man with so many enemies. So what do YOU think he has been up to?




















He is ill in bed in a secret chamber. 4087 votes / 3%








He is on holiday in Eastern lands. 4360 votes / 4%








He never existed. He was made up by Sir Amik Varze. 17924 votes / 16%








He is dead. 10476 votes / 9%








He has been turned into a frog. 3934 votes / 3%








He is PKing in the Wilderness. 19221 votes / 18%








He has been kidnapped by the Black Knights. 32098 votes / 30%








He has been kidnapped by the White Knights. 13625 votes / 12%
















so just some random ideas to throw around on your thread (like how wom investigation has the diff theries)
















Here's a link to that poll:




/lang/en/aff/runescape/id/4459336173297931406/vote.cgi?pollid=119]https://[scam site]/lang/en/aff/ ... pollid=119








Nevermind. goes to the list of polls, you'll have to look for it.

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You know, maybe King Vallence is dead? and his son dead too, but the Knights and guard don't want to start a mass panic and such, keeping Falador in check and stuff... maybe. Except that the Royal guards (the ones in Burthope) want to tell people, but the White knights won't let them, this explains the white knight outside of Burthope. And it explains why all of the other White Knights are generally in Falador.


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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I see some people talking about the white knights and the guards together, but the way I see is like this, the white knights are employed by the king himself, going through rigorious training and are set to defend the castle and the king alike, the guards on the other hand would be employed by falador, set to keep the civilians safe, because in the grand shceme of things, the king, in most cases said to be of holy decent, are more important that common day peasants.








just wanted to clear that up












But as for the king himself, given what I've been told from you guys, I'm thinking like this:




Say, as the king was in power, is when the black knights started. I would say the whole fight started because the black knights were people who tried to be a white knight, and couldn't make it up to the king's high standards, humilated they all ran to into the dungeons[sp?] near fally, and the castle above the mountain just north-east of fally, on the outskirts of the wild. so over time, the black knights would band together, hating the white knights for succeding where they had failed, angry, that waged war on the white knights.








that would explain their rivalry.








but onto the king, i believe that one day a representative from the black knights came to sir amik and forged a plan to get rid of the king in return they would cover it up, and sir amik would be given control of fally in the king's place.
















over time, the black knights probably got upset, not getting regonized for their hand in the dissapearance of the king, and were probably going to tell the world, therefore sir amik has had the white knights wage war on the black knights.








Why are you killing 2500 some off black knights for all that special white knight gear?








I would just want to hear the story from a black knights point of view, which we've never really been able to see, all the quests have always been geared towards the white knights, the good, against the evil, without ever really giving a reason, except its white against black, no racism intended [deeply sorry if anyone feels that way btw] but maybe it is quite the opposite, maybe it was the black knights that were good this whole time, cast by the white knights












and this is a whole new theory








maybe the people that didnt make it into the white knights were laughed at and cast out of town, forced to live underground and on the edge of the wildy.




well maybe one day sir amik came to make a visit and propose a deal, if the black knights would dispose of the king, he would make them all white knights, knowing full well that the absence of the king would cause him to be the one in control, and seeing as he is the leader of the white knights he would have power to make them white knights. so after the deed is done, they contact sir amik saying hey...we're still waiting to be white knights, whats going on? this is when sir amik laughs and denies them the right to the white knights and deems them as enemies.








well the black knights would be powerless to say hey! he bribed us to get rid of the king, because they would all be thrown in jail for killing the king anyway. so they are now powerless to do anything to sir amik, the king is gone, the black knights are still screwed and sir amik is in power regardless
































that actually sounds pretty solid to me
















edit: why does it say 'sum' and 'teh' for everything =[




i tried my best to sound smart and get rid of typos then it makes me sound stupid to begin with...how lame >_>












lol april fools joke maybe? HA! tip.it got us :P



Str: 86/90

Hitpoints: 85/90

Fletching: 96/99

Fishing: 74/80

Prayer: 61/70

Woodcutting: 82/85

Magic 80/80

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I think he is crusading in the West. He will be corrupted by evil. His twin will split the town in half. West and East. East will have a plague. Maybe. We will kill him. West people will tell us that he is good and the East twin is bad.








Or did somewhere else do that :?:


It's not about the other people, its about shooting cute furry things that explode.
I sincerely hate any-one who replies to a quote in their signature.

Amen to that! Preach it brother!

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