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The chav VS Emo arguement were do you come in


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I don't see the point in hating a class of people - everyone has their good sides and bad sides, and no person is completely evil or holy, not even Jesus (the temple, for example). You should listen to Guthix more!




I don't hate 'Chavs'. I dislike people that have an undesirable effect on society. If you want to take that as the definition of a Chav, then not only are you judgemental, you're also narrow-minded - there are loads of people that take drugs and go about in trackies that are still perfectly nice people! "Never judge a book by its cover".




As for emos, I find people that call themselves 'emo' a bit hypocritical. They claim to be individual, yet they go about all in the same clothes, and they still say they're like no-one else :-k




I don't see the need to label yourself. You are who you are!




What am I? I'm Ginger Warrior.

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To the gallows with the lot of em' :twisted:




But seriously, I don't really personally mind either as I've never met one of either. I've seen emos but they've never bothered me so naturally I have no reason to dislike them.

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Emo people just pretend to be depressed and don't really do much. Chavs cause trouble for the rest of the general public. If it were an either/or situation i would exterminate the Chavs first.




Well I don't live anywhere where we have to deal with Chavs yet but I think if I did I would agree with this guy, anyway I have allot of Emo friends, lol, its always funny when I ask to see there wrists.

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I like to touch emos hair I also like to touch gangsters bling



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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There used to be this hot 'emo' chick in my freshman year that used to wear a really short kilt. She made it impossible to not see what she color are her undies. See, I don't know what smiley to put here <<




Not going to lie.. i think that'd be pretty hot...


Plaid short kilt on a pretty girl =P~ of any "stereotype"




Lateralus' right, for once my mind was not focused on the contents of pants.





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EMO-Will almost never bother you


CHAV-Will shout EMO EMO! at anyone with a fringe (sp?)


GANGSTER-Will put a knife in you if you look at them wrong






I think ive made myself clear ::'



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Quite a narrow worldview.. "Emos or chavs" :lol: I dress up sometimes in a hoodie, sometimes I have a blazer (depending on occassions and weather obviously).




I also got all kinds of stuff on my MP3: Trance/dance, death metal, metal, hard rock, classic, country, ambient, soundtracks, rap/hiphop, video game music, 80's... (Hate pop though but that's just an opinion)




When you grow up you hopefully wont need to put people in just 2 categories 8-)

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GANGSTER-Will put a knife in you if you look at them wrong





There's a lot of "gangsters" at my school and they're mostly just talk. They have occasional fights between themselves but nothing more than a few punches and someone from administration steps in.




I think what you're thinking of is gang members. Gangsters are more or less just high school kids following the media and pretending to be in a gang so they'll be seen as cool. Gang members are the ones who will commit crimes for no appearent reason.

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1: Why bother to be agressive, what will it get you?


2: Why bother locking yourself out from the rest of the world, it will only cause you being depressed.


3: Why bother with rap :-#




I tend to be neutrall, just try to be friends with everyone.




I dare to be me, someone who doesnt try to be biased at what people wear. I dont see an EMO, I see a person wearing black. I don't see a chav, because they are an endangered specie here in Holland.


Call me naÃÆÃâÃâïve, call me whatever you like, I won't bother reading a post that is aimed at me and is just blind foolishness.




Balance in everything, is the story of my life.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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I am constantly harrased by drugged up Chavs at work. I hates em :x




I'm not fond of emos/goths though. The way they act just really annoys me. The girls aren't as [bleep]ty either :P

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I cant stand the little gangster wanna be kids that come across to the train station after they finish school and talk tough and act like the biggest idiots ever. Or think its hardcore to hang around shopping malls in their groupies.




"Oh ya wanna go" "your mom this" "ill smash ya head in" "what ya lookin at" every second word f this f that...




It's just rubbish. I just wanna grab the lot of them, bang their heads together and say get a day job.




Hope they enjoy community welfare housing.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I'm going to be completely, totally honest, which is something that you'll see from a Russian once in a blue moon.




When I saw the title of this thread - "The chav vs" part - I was seriously expecting a discussion about Hugo Chavez. I had my opinion ready and I was expecting a heated political debate. I was dead wrong.




I guess its my fault for expecting a non-trivial arguement to appear on this board. -.-

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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*checks wrists* well I guess I'm not an emo...




You're an idiot.




Forgot to mention that too in my other post...don't mess with emos like that here, we have deloriagod and he pwns.




I just hate it when people are like, "omg emos slit their wrists!" People need to get their damn facts straight before they go off with stereotypes that aren't even close to being true. Now, shall I remind everyone who still thinks just emos cut themselves that cutting is a form of relief and is generally caused by depression?




I suppose I'd stand up for any stereotyped group if I felt the need to..

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I like stereotypes. From there I can easily group people based on appearance and have no need to get to know the actual person, talking with them and figuring out what their personality is like is just wayyyyyyy too hard.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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I like stereotypes. From there I can easily group people based on appearance and have no need to get to know the actual person, talking with them and figuring out what their personality is like is just wayyyyyyy too hard.




I really, seriously hope that was sarcasm. If it wasn't, your mom had to have been smoking weed and standing near microwaves during pregnancy.

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im an outcast lol


i have a few good friends and don't really care what other people think


be who you are


i hate stereotypes :evil:




You will only ever go through life being able to count your REAL friends on one hand.




The fact that you're choosing and knowing who they are right now and weeding out the other idiots only makes you a wise kid/teenage/adult.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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