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Playing games at work/school


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In my science class we chop up bits of glue from a glue stick an use a ruler to flick it at each other \' It's great fun until one day it got stuck in my hair <.<


My schools computers suck too much to run runescape, but I just go on http://www.myiproxy.com and go on my space to get around the schools block 8-)




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I have a better chance of finding a $1,000 bill on the ground than find a way to go through the internet proxys and crap like that from my computer. We can't even look on Google Images. :roll:




We sort of have something like that. It's incredibly intense security. Wikipedia's even blocked.




Some kid in my sci vis class gave us all warcraft 3 on our flash drives so we play that these days. My teacher cares but doesn't do anything to stop us. The best advice I guess I could give would to keep your finger near alt+tab.

*Gasp* Without Wiki, where would I be? Hell! Wikipedia is heaven, that's why. <3:
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My hacker friend (I'm a little bit of geek, but he's extremely so) is currently working on a way to circumvent school security - very tight at our school. He got himself banned from school comps though, what an idiot - he understands hacking, but he has yet to master the art of not getting caught.

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At my 6th form and school before we always just go on chhesy game websites and what not. Also some dude hd doone the quake on flash drive aswell. Also i spend a fair bit of time on skysports.com and other sport sites. And more recently weve been going on gpokr.com - check it out its quite fun.

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Some people installed Counter Strike on most of the school computers. To access it you need to substitute the drives. Everyone just plays with each other on LAN network. When teachers come, I just use Bosskeys :D .

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My hacker friend (I'm a little bit of geek, but he's extremely so) is currently working on a way to circumvent school security - very tight at our school. He got himself banned from school comps though, what an idiot - he understands hacking, but he has yet to master the art of not getting caught.
Seems like he's also yet to master hacking. As getting caught is perhaps the first lesson that you need to pass before you try anything at all :uhh:
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I was never really all that keen to play games in class. Hell, I had a spare lesson on computers with generally no teachers in the room. I basically just listened to music and did some assignment work. Ahh the spare lesson. Those were the days... :)




Actually now I think of it, there was a crackdown on games playing at my school once and for some reason I got caught (through the system) playing solitare (which wasn't a frequent occurance, I can assure you) while a friend of mine who I sat next to in class was on game sites all the time and never got caught. :wall: :P

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well when i left school they introduced a state wide system that is nearly impossible to crack, if any aussie in NSW has cracked it let me know i wanna know how they did it :S


That DET portal crap? Man that works so well I don't even "exist" (don't have an account that works), so I have no internet access unless someone signs me on with their account. If anyone cracks that thing then I would definitely would like to know how aswell, but I doubt anyone would.

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well when i left school they introduced a state wide system that is nearly impossible to crack, if any aussie in NSW has cracked it let me know i wanna know how they did it :S


That DET portal crap? Man that works so well I don't even "exist" (don't have an account that works), so I have no internet access unless someone signs me on with their account. If anyone cracks that thing then I would definitely would like to know how aswell, but I doubt anyone would.

yeah i didnt even get a account too and i did IT before i left so that was extremely hard :XD:
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The current vendetta I'm having against the IT nazis at my school makes all this info verrrry interesting *laughs maniacally*




Seriously though my work is so much I barely have time to finish it in school, so little or no playing games there.

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my teacher usually plays games like tetris at my afterschool.




i see nothing wrong with playing at school, at lunch period we have the privledge to even play runescape at the computer lab.

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I recently found out that even though most filters will block game sites, the actual server addresses for runescape are not. I only use this trick if I'm stuck at my parents office for a longtime and want something more exciting than solitare. Also tip.it is blocked, but the fourms arent, which is nice ::'




There is more than knowing server addresses to play runescape, but I wont say what, that would be breaking the rules in this case I think ,might have alredy said to much :ohnoes:


Pm me if your cool.

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Lucky me i work at a computer lab in an apartment building keeping it open, and one of the perks is access during work to such things as runescape \'



Some people are like slinkies, normally they are dull, but they always give you a smile

when you push them down a flight of stairs.

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Looks like my school has more lenient blocking than some of yours.


And my Latin teacher doesn't completely understand computers. I took a screenshot of one of the sites we were supposed to be on, and inverted the colors. She thought my computer had a virus. :roll:


And some kid download Simcity to all the computers at my school. I never found out who, but I thank him...All those trips to the computer lab to do pointless research would've been a lot more boring.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I have a better chance of finding a $1,000 bill on the ground than find a way to go through the internet proxys and crap like that from my computer. We can't even look on Google Images. :roll:


Any chance you live in South Georgia? It's the same here.

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As long as I had my work done the majority of my teachers didn't really care what I did, but I still spent most of my time in the Student Naturalist room taking care of the animal that had complete idiots assigned to them.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Does screwing with the computers when the teacher isn't looking count as a game?




My friends and I usually pull out some random cables from computers, turn the screen upside-down (not the thing itself, but what it shows), etc.


We also play poker if we're done with the work we had to do(most teachers don't care :D ).

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I once got into my history teachers login, (nothing fancy, he was sitting next to me, There's really no-one to blame than himself, having 'dog' as his password) And ended up installing CS onto the network drive that students can only see and copy stuff from, not upload. It was amazing, the whole school pretty much played it during computer lab periods, you could open it in a window, but they took it off on the second last day of school last year :wall: I mean, how tight can u be, everyone had been booked into the computer labs just to play it lol...




We've gone through countless proxy servers, it's always the boarders that find them, like gate0.us, proxify, surfingincognito etc etc...


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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In my school, we have RM connect (it stinks) Our admins blocked tip.it, google images, wikipedia (the horror) and every proxy ever known in our school.








And the teacher can see what you're doing, she has this window that displays all the student's screens. There's a way around it, but you lose internet :(

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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In my school, we have RM connect (it stinks) Our admins blocked tip.it, google images, wikipedia (the horror) and every proxy ever known in our school.








And the teacher can see what you're doing, she has this window that displays all the student's screens. There's a way around it, but you lose internet :(

dang and i thought my school was tight when i went lol
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