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Hey guys I'm U---R---Gone (x3 spaces for each one). My name sounds a bit like a pure cuz it used to be but now I'm making it into a plain regular member. I had an old 96 main but now this guy is my main. I am a p2p and will be on a variety of worlds.








I am trying for 70 range and from there I will attempt to get 99 range. Just because my combat and other skills are really low doesn't mean it's not possible. I really would like to meet some other tip.iters so give me a hyt in-game (chat is always "on" except for a few random occasions.)












By the way call me Kyle or `Gone. I picked Gone because you can't have ` 's in your name.

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ok so im horsemain,yes i am a girl.[as of 2.8.07 i am lvl 72],my fav. skills are fishing[51] and wc[51].I should be at least 80 by now but i took a temporally hiatus and just now got reintroduced to it after about a year of absence.




I also play World of Warcraft,Halo2 on xbox live(acc. name;Seriousmager,lol my bro came up with the name,its one of his rs acc. names.) and i play horseland an odd assortment of games for a girl but what can i say, im a geek :D




i also have a horse that is my complete and total world.I do jumping[2ft-3ft standards] and dressage[we're at the lowest lvl on dressage but its boring so idc!]Mess with my horse, i'll mess up your face mmk?




i do have a myspace but i dont want people over the internet that i dont know physically to be looking at my pictures and to know where i live,thats why its set to privet mode,so please do not ask me!kthanks.

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hey, just starting to get back into rs on my main 'project k', made a pure...thing...of some sort. 'tax r' fighter/mage (whoever would of thought THAT would be pure? lol)








add me in game, dont know many people on these days. ill be on 1 or the other

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and i was wondering hwo do people get the little pictures underneath there names?


Dragon Drops: Platelegs x9, Med Helms x7, Plateskirts x4, Shield Left Half x3, At least 75+ Boots!, Hatchets x5, Ruined Shard x1, Solo Claws x2, Dragon 2Hander x1, Spear x2

Whip x27, Dark Bows x9, Draconic Visage x1

sweetol5.png <- do that when you see me :P

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Hello I am S.S.Drei(the .s are spaces in game)in game and i like my magic skill though it is low for playing for 2 and 1/2 years.








~Drei the dragon mapper :-s ~

I will summon the toads of doom and control the world! Mwuahahaha!

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hey I'm syugo I use to play along time ago back before it became ultimately popular but after i didn't play and i created a new account 2 years ago, was a p2p then stopped playing and just recently reopened the same account to p2p, currently at lvl 60 =D and I really need to catch up =

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hey im theburgerking ive been playing for about 2 years now and




im a lvl 72 ( i know its kinda low for 2 years) anyway my hobbies in rs are pkin and hangin out wit freinds.

ill be on my pure mr angry93

The burgerking wants you to rock on!

Trying is the first step towards failure- Homer simpson

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Hey everybody! Whats happenin' tonight!? *dead silence* uuuhhh... ok then i'll get straight to the matter thingy here.




I am Aaron, Darthdude10, Darthdude, Darthman take your pick i have been playing Runescape for 2 years i enjoyed it at first now i only play it when i am Bored. I have been using tip.it forums for a few months (on my other account, but i forgot password) so i know who's who. A little about myself: I live in Ontario, Canada In a small town I play most sports and love em' I love to draw, im great at it just not colouring.. only shading.. I have tryed pixeling on teh computer but i suck as bad as shack is at freethrows *no disrespect to da big man hes just not talented in that area* and ya... Thats pretty much all i can really think of right now considering i just fell out of my chair....... well Take it easy everyone.









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k im sfunk_89, meh friends call me funkness...dont ask lol. ummmm I've been a tip.it user ever since i started playing - which was about a month after "rs2" came out - so i figured it was about time to sign up for the forums here =p. I just need a nice sig now..hehe.








As far as my runescape...um..info? Not much to say except that I'm only one level away from getting all skills 50+ ^_^ (runecrafting is currently 49/50) Er...my favorite skill is probably slayer...I want that slayer cape!!! >_< gonna take me forever though..








Lastly, I just wanna say...tip.it pwns, =] i wouldnt be nearly as successful in the game without this site.




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Well i joined earlier today




My fav Skills must be combat (spec mage,str and attck!) wc mining fishg and cooking




Been playing for about 1 year, but didnt play for about 5 months becuase moved house and didnt have internet :evil: :cry: :evil: but now im playing everyday unless im busy with mates or girls =P








add me if ya wont on Busybee900 or i might be on my pures =P








peace out

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Greetings! I am Frankie Ya. I am 13 years old, and I live in the U.S.A. I started playing runescape in 2002, and have been playing since today. I've always enjoyed runescape. I speak alot of languages, I speak German, Italian, English, Spanish, French, Dutch and Norwegian... In that order :) In my sig, i have my character stats if you want to know that. I've been comeing to tip it ever since it came out for RS2. I never knew about it for RS, and am dissapointed I didn't! The section for rsc is cool. Well i am glad to be apart of this forum!








What does it take to get an article on the front page? Just wondering...

English is my third language, but I am still trying.


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hey hey is my signiature hello








my name is i m so funky








my fave skills are str, fishn, cookin, and now wcing








i m not in the high scores but i m close for fishn and cooking












































































there u go normally in low ppl worlds











Barrows Drops: Hood, Hammers, DH Helm, Guth P'Body, DH P'Bodyx2,

Dragon: Platelegs, D Medx2

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Hello, I'm reaper88888.








I've been playing for something like 2 or 3 years, on and off.(Lolz, can't really remember :wall: )








I love castlewars, and am too lazy to make any kind of real gp. I also hate the hunter skill with a passion, and i will never level it until all my other skills are 99 and i have completed all the quests.








I have no blackmarks. \'








Thats me...

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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Hello I am Kishiru! On Runescape I have two accounts Kishiru1 and Zero55. Kishiru1(lvl 29) is my newest account and Zero55(lvl 42) is my oldest(duh XD). I started playing Runescape when they had the choice to pick which "class" you wanted to be. And the account I had around that time was called Teran12 (I think) and it got hacked becuase I was stupid and young. And then Zero55 my account that has both bunny ears and a scythe got hacked becuase when RS2 was starting up there was a bunch of fake websites. And they showed some screenshots that they made and I thought it was real so I put all my info there and got hacked. Then it got banned and today I finally got a thing to appeal the ban. Kishiru1 is my newest account and it's kinda better than my main one since I didn't just train on only my combat skills.

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G'day all.








I'm Knight Ste, level 83. Believe it or not, I found this game in '01 when I was 13 years old. I didn't grasp the game much back then, and have stopped playing several times for long periods, the last one being for over 2 years - the others a few months at a time. So overall I may have only accumulated a little over a year in playing time.








Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't have quit, since I had a lot of items which are considered rare now! I managed to get a party hat set, with a second white and a left over cracker! I had a green halloween mask, and a santa! Along with those, I had the disc of returning from the cool mini game in Dwarvern Mines and possibly an Easter egg, although I may not have. Being as young as I was, I ended up giving away or selling those items back then for obviously nowhere near the amount of GP they'd rake in now! Sad times!








Recently I decided to log on again, and attempt any quest which took my fancy (quests tend to spark up a little interest in the game for me), I completed 4 quests one after the other, one of which was the Legend Quest; one I'd be aiming to do for a while. I visited Tip.It to find out about these new skills, and I managed to stumble across The_Tallest1's thread about him raising his skill total etc. I read the entire 17 p ages of the thread, impressed by Tallest's achievements aswell as others who posted in that thread (swampjedi comes to mind). Reading about this got me motivated to have another crack at playing, and so here I am attempting to get 99 cooking!








Good luck, 'Scapers.

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