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How many school shootings does it take?

Guest XplsvBam

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Maybe it wouldn't be a half bad idea if you talked to somebody else than your teacher....


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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So you are arguing that bullying and belittling are only bad because the person you are bullying might just go schitz and pull Daddy's gun on your self centered but?




I don't mean it quite as strongly as that, but surley we should not bully people because it causes pain, not because it makes them shoot you?



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i find it sick that just because someone thinks their life is a mess (even though all thats happening is they are being "bullied" (do something about it!!!) when people all around the world live which much harder things, and they don't go around shooting people) that they decide to end it but instead of just commiting suicide, they feel the need to ruin other peoples lives whil they are at it, even the people who only shot themselves at school, are still traumatizing those around them, who may have to have counselling for years after witnessing that


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I believe they can and will acquire guns illegally. *gasp* So much for your obvious choice..


Of course, but with strict enforcement and a better light from the media gun use could be down to an extreme low.




But making getting guns harder, especially for teenagers, will certainly reduce the amount of school shootings.


How about making guns illegal for everyone? Not just teens. Most kids can easily acquire guns from their parents as it is.




Again, taking guns away from people is taking away a personal freedom. This is your democracy your fathers and grandfather fought for, now live with it.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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in england guns are ilegal... what a suprise theres still loads of kids that own them.


Look at all the stabings that take place every year, theres loads of them (concidering the population in the U.K and the U.S. theyre probably would happen around as often as in the US but we have like 1/10 as many people here as you do)


so makeing guns and knifes ilegal isnt going to help.

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I agree... I just wish people would cool it. But it isn't gonna stop...people have to make other people feel bad just to live with themselves. But remember, most kids that do that kind of stuff are severly disturbed, and probably have problems at home or mental problems. Not every kid that gets made fun of kills people.


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The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind, the answer is blowin' in the wind.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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How many school shootings does it take before the American public realises guns are extremely dangerous?




Angry people retaliate with whatever weapons are immediately available to them. If there is a gun, they use it. If they can't acquire a gun, they resort to a knife. If the knife isn't available, they resort to fists.




Take away the guns, and there won't be so many shootings. Seems like the obvious choice...




I believe they can and will acquire guns illegally. *gasp* So much for your obvious choice..




Which would be harder than going to a store and getting one legally.

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What NEEDS to stop is the STUPID rules on STUPID guns made by A STUPID GOVT!>




actually, what needs to stop here, is the STUPID flaming by people with NOTHING of value to contribute to the topic. <.<




i have a question for anyone who thinks guns should be outlawed.




How do you propose we eliminate them? Are you going to come around and collect all the guns from everyone in America? Hmm? If not, then who's going to make us give them up?




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What NEEDS to stop is the STUPID rules on STUPID guns made by A STUPID GOVT!>




actually, what needs to stop here, is the STUPID flaming by people with NOTHING of value to contribute to the topic. <.<




i have a question for anyone who thinks guns should be outlawed.




How do you propose we eliminate them? Are you going to come around and collect all the guns from everyone in America? Hmm? If not, then who's going to make us give them up?


I agree.


You can't take our guns away, we have a constitutional right...or something like that. But it wouldn't matter... people would bring in kitchen knives and kill people with those....or do you propose banning them too? I mean, we could obviously cut with spoons....


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I agree.


You can't take our guns away, we have a constitutional right...or something like that. But it wouldn't matter... people would bring in kitchen knives and kill people with those....or do you propose banning them too? I mean, we could obviously cut with spoons....




If you want to be technical you have the right to bear arms as part of a well armed militia.


Anyway, have you ever heard of anyone killing 30 people in one go with a knife? I doubt it. The point that people are making is that firearms make it so amazingly simple to murder people in a fit of rage where as killing people via another method is far more difficult. You can defend yourself (when your unarmed) from a knife to some extent but thats not possible to do when faced with a gun. Comparing knives to guns is a silly comparison.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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How do you propose we eliminate them? Are you going to come around and collect all the guns from everyone in America? Hmm? If not, then who's going to make us give them up?


Eliminating guns from America would be an extremely difficult process, and it would take many years to complete. Nobody said it would be easy.




But it wouldn't matter... people would bring in kitchen knives and kill people with those....or do you propose banning them too? I mean, we could obviously cut with spoons....


If the Virginia Tech attacker had used a knife, the death toll would have been far lower. If only that was the case... :(

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Bullying will probably never end. The "Rachel's Challenge" came to our school, which is the first girl who died at Columbine, which, by the way, Eric and Dylan were 17 and 18, but the feeling of being nice lasted for that day.




Also, March 14, 2006. Reno, Nevada, where I live, a kid at my sister's school brought a gun and attempted a massacre. My old P.E teacher got him to stop. She is so cool :D




Pine Middle School shooting


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Most of these people are slightly...err..have problems in the head, and i mean that in all seriousness. I think the main problem here is parents not keeping enough protection of kids not getting their guns..

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How many school shootings does it take before the American public realises guns are extremely dangerous?




Angry people retaliate with whatever weapons are immediately available to them. If there is a gun, they use it. If they can't acquire a gun, they resort to a knife. If the knife isn't available, they resort to fists.




Take away the guns, and there won't be so many shootings. Seems like the obvious choice...




I believe they can and will acquire guns illegally. *gasp* So much for your obvious choice..




Which would be harder than going to a store and getting one legally.




Harder, but not goddamn impossible! If I REALLY want to shoot up my school, I wouldn't give a [bleep] about the law.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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tbh, i'm starting to think that allowing concealed weapons on a college campus(by liscensed, trained citizens only) would actually help the situation rather than hurt it.




of course, they would have to be highly regulated, i.e. having to take a college level course on gun safety, and aquire a liscense with a thorough background check.




had only one person in that VT classroom had a gun other than the killer, he might not have killed anyone, or the death toll would have been far lower, at the very least. hypothetically, of course.




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My grandma told me when she was a girl, there was no threat of school shootings. Her cousin brought a gun to school for when he would go hunting afterwards and set it in the corner of the classroom. Nobody bat an eye at it.

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Bullying is not going to stop.




What needs to happen is school programs on self-defense and the relaxing of "defensive fighting" rules so that the children being bullied can defend themselves without having to bottle this behavior up.




Or, *gasp* tell someone that they're being bullied!




Oh my god, I'm a genius!




Not quite. Other children would lable that student as a "tattle" which will discourage them from doing it in the future.




Nothing says "leave me alone" like a swift jab to a pressure point.




Yup, and if they're pretty fat, go for the sides just below the ribs, as the flinch over, either knee them in the stomach or elbow them just below the neck. :P


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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All we can really do is get highten security and teach our own children against such things, though it won't stop it completly, it will still make schools safer in the future.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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If the Virginia Tech attacker had used a knife, the death toll would have been far lower. If only that was the case...




It would have been even lower yet if one of the intructors or even the other students also had been armed and could have defended themselves properly.



Some people are like slinkies, normally they are dull, but they always give you a smile

when you push them down a flight of stairs.

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Giving students weapons is a poor idea. The last thing we want is angry and irrational-thinking students carrying guns in their pockets. Same goes for teachers. They can get angry a lot easier than most students...

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