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most powerful natural force


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And gravity is WEAK relatively compared to the others, although it has been hypothesised that this is because it acts on a much larger multi-dimensional scale, so is dissipated over a larger area and hence seems weaker to us.






well, you've got to take into account the fact that the gravitational force has 3 variables, the mass of the 2 objects and the distance between them....




so if you were inches away from the most massive black hole in the universe, the tidal force of gravity would pull the atoms you're made of apart.




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The most powerful force is the Strong Nuclear Force, which keeps the nuclei of atoms together.








Bah, beat me to it.




Definitely this, without this we'd all be just protons and neutrons and electrons with no place to go.




And gravity is WEAK relatively compared to the others, although it has been hypothesised that this is because it acts on a much larger multi-dimensional scale, so is dissipated over a larger area and hence seems weaker to us.




Even if it's not on a multi-dimensional scale I'd say it's strength lies in it's ability to affect stuff...hear me out...over infinite distances. So if you multiply the strength of the force by the distance over which it operates (as I consider this a vital point to consider), and no matter what fraction you set for the lower value of distance, you'll still find that gravity beats your patheticalyl powerless "strong force".




IMO the interactions should be called the weak force, the return of the weak force, electromagneticism and GRAVITY, KINF OF FORCES.




*dramatic drumroll*




But maybe that's just me.








Anyway, I still hope they're one and the same eventually, atleast for my sanity. Damn quarks, messing up the theories of good scientists.

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There was a savage one about a year ago up north from where I am and it totally killed a costal town and the bananna industry. They've both recently got back on thier feet, though.




Destroyed most of Australia's bananas, prices went way up for ages.




I would have to go with water, you don't mess with water if there is enough of it. It can wash away mountains and destroy cities.

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The most powerful force is the Strong Nuclear Force, which keeps the nuclei of atoms together.








Bah, beat me to it.




Definitely this, without this we'd all be just protons and neutrons and electrons with no place to go.




And gravity is WEAK relatively compared to the others, although it has been hypothesised that this is because it acts on a much larger multi-dimensional scale, so is dissipated over a larger area and hence seems weaker to us.




Even if it's not on a multi-dimensional scale I'd say it's strength lies in it's ability to affect stuff...hear me out...over infinite distances. So if you multiply the strength of the force by the distance over which it operates (as I consider this a vital point to consider), and no matter what fraction you set for the lower value of distance, you'll still find that gravity beats your patheticalyl powerless "strong force".




IMO the interactions should be called the weak force, the return of the weak force, electromagneticism and GRAVITY, KINF OF FORCES.




*dramatic drumroll*




But maybe that's just me.








Anyway, I still hope they're one and the same eventually, atleast for my sanity. Damn quarks, messing up the theories of good scientists.




You have a point ktmcf121 but that's a very extreme example. A black hole with that kind of tidal gravity would be very rare, and even then there are different theories as to what would actually happen if you fell into one.




Also Korla, think gravity is strong? Lift your hand up. That's the entire gravitational force of the Earth pulling down on your hand but you can easily overcome it. I also wasn't aware that gravity can act over infinite distances (large® yes, but infinite?). Otherwise why isn't everything in the universe being pulled towards the object with the largest mass? I might be missing something. :P

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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The most powerful force is the Strong Nuclear Force, which keeps the nuclei of atoms together.








Bah, beat me to it.




Definitely this, without this we'd all be just protons and neutrons and electrons with no place to go.




And gravity is WEAK relatively compared to the others, although it has been hypothesised that this is because it acts on a much larger multi-dimensional scale, so is dissipated over a larger area and hence seems weaker to us.




Even if it's not on a multi-dimensional scale I'd say it's strength lies in it's ability to affect stuff...hear me out...over infinite distances. So if you multiply the strength of the force by the distance over which it operates (as I consider this a vital point to consider), and no matter what fraction you set for the lower value of distance, you'll still find that gravity beats your patheticalyl powerless "strong force".




IMO the interactions should be called the weak force, the return of the weak force, electromagneticism and GRAVITY, KINF OF FORCES.




*dramatic drumroll*




But maybe that's just me.








Anyway, I still hope they're one and the same eventually, atleast for my sanity. Damn quarks, messing up the theories of good scientists.




You have a point ktmcf121 but that's a very extreme example. A black hole with that kind of tidal gravity would be very rare, and even then there are different theories as to what would actually happen if you fell into one.




Also Korla, think gravity is strong? Lift your hand up. That's the entire gravitational force of the Earth pulling down on your hand but you can easily overcome it. I also wasn't aware that gravity can act over infinite distances (large® yes, but infinite?). Otherwise why isn't everything in the universe being pulled towards the object with the largest mass? I might be missing something. :P




Perhaps there's an asymptote in a graph of the mathematics of it, which would mean the effect would be infinite yet increasingly infinitesimal the longer away you take a measurement. o_0 Lol, I have no real idea, I'm just playing devils advocate. :P

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Even with black holes though, their gravity isn't that strong until you get really close. They don't warp spacetime like an extremely large ball, just a very dense, very small one.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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The most powerful force is the Strong Nuclear Force, which keeps the nuclei of atoms together.








strong nuclear force, as said before. but for a more fun response, gravity!




My first thought was gravity but I think I will change it to sub atomic forces after reading the above posters reply.




Nonono, graivty is the [cabbage], it bends fricking space-time, how cool isn't that?




If there's one super-power I'd like to have it isn't:




i. to make people go: "OUCH! Get that sunlight outta my face!": Tan-Man


ii. to throw cows around with tornadoes: Wonder-Wind.


iii. to soak people. ALOT: Waterboy.


iv. To make REALLY small things stick together, unbelievably hard: Super-glue Jr.




no, it's the ability to travel space and time by BENDING it, cmon people, how cool isn't that.




Nonono, gravity doesn't bend spacetime, it's the result of spacetime bending. Think of the fabric of spacetime like a trampoline; place three round objects of varying size and density on it. The bigger and / or more dense ones make the trampoline dip down further no? As a result of this curvature of spacetime, any lighter objects placed near a heavier object will roll towards it--thus gravity.

Nothing left in my right brain; nothing right in my left brain.

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Definitely the strong nuclear force is the most powerful force.


As for gravity, even weak nuclear force is billions of times stronger than gravity.


And electromagnetic force lays somewhere between the gravity and weak force.

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Perhaps there's an asymptote in a graph of the mathematics of it, which would mean the effect would be infinite yet increasingly infinitesimal the longer away you take a measurement. o_0 Lol, I have no real idea, I'm just playing devils advocate. :P




you've pretty much got it. since the equation for universal gravitation is GmM/r^2, r being the distance between the 2 objects, as distance goes to infinity, the force goes to 0, but since you can never actually reach an infinite distance, the graviational force is technically always present.




when calculating escape velocity required to exit the earth's atmosphere, for example, distance is taken to be infinite.




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A Magnetar is sweet. It a neutron star that's magnetic. They can kill humans from thousands of kilometers away as all of the water would get ripped out of you. It can erase the magnetic strip on your credit card from a distance of about 200,000km...




Okay, let's remember that magnetic forces get exponentially stronger as your bring them closer together...




Most powerful force? I want to see someone stop two Magnetars from colliding if they were 1mm apart from each other \'




I can't even fathom how powerful of a force that would be.

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In actual power, i think a star (nuclear fusion ftw). But geothermal might be more appropriate. Than again tidal forces are unstopable.




But the strongets force, heres the scientific answer. There are 4 forces: gravity, magnetisim, weak nuclear, strong nuclear. Strong nuclear is the strongest force of the 4 actual forces (in science)

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Fair cop, I didn't take into account pre-photosynthetic metabolic pathways. The basic pathways given in your second article use glucose to create ATP, as is done in us but I'm not overly sure as to how anerobic organisms get thier food or did when there was no photosynthesis to create glucose. Any ideas?






Its been a few years since I studied this topic (the main reason why I am supplying links to wikipedia articles because I forgotten the details) but they mainly got their food from breaking down naturally occurring organic compounds and probably in a few cases inorganic compounds.









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Sex is the most powerful force. It's what drives... everything. ^^


Yeah, it even makes people want to rape goats.




If we're going to broaden the definition of a natural force I might aswell throw in God. He's the creator of everything, therefore God > natural forces.

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what about all of the organisms at the bottom of the ocean who don't rely on sunlight :-k




Essentially every organism requires food for energy, thus, the food they eat contains energy. This can basically all be traced back to the energy plants get from the sun.


I've always thought that chemotrophs don't get engergy from the sun at all considering that they get their engergy from the bacteria that thrives at the openings in the ocean that release chemicals from the Earth. There isn't any sunlight down there.

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lol black hole....takes everything...think about that or even this...the universe is a giant natural force that will have to do something if thats die or etc...and dont talk to me telling me that the universe wont die...it may it ,may not, but most likely probally. How that to burst your bubble??? Try to sleep on that.. will we ever survive no matter what!? what is this cruelitly just to think you mad it and then... :ohnoes: ...yes, very cruel




Yuppers \'






And PS to all of you, umm if there was no sunlight, all water (even oceans) and everything, would freeze!, so hence no umm energy to keep those little cutsi wootsi little ocean bugs alive...so they instantly freeze and all is lost eh? hehe they need the sun as much as we in that way..

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The defining equation for a force is Mass times acceleration. How does "water, wind, ect" fit into it?




Force of nature, and a force are two different things, seems someone should set a standard here.


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