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most powerful natural force


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what about all of the organisms at the bottom of the ocean who don't rely on sunlight :-k




Essentially every organism requires food for energy, thus, the food they eat contains energy. This can basically all be traced back to the energy plants get from the sun.


I've always thought that chemotrophs don't get engergy from the sun at all considering that they get their engergy from the bacteria that thrives at the openings in the ocean that release chemicals from the Earth. There isn't any sunlight down there.




yeah i thought about it again and said that... :) (sorta) lol

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And PS to all of you, umm if there was no sunlight, all water (even oceans) would freeze!, so hence no umm energy to keep those little cutsi wootsi little ocean bugs alive...so they instantly freeze and all is lost eh? hehe they need the sun as much as we in that way..




You forgot one main factor.

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what about all of the organisms at the bottom of the ocean who don't rely on sunlight :-k




Essentially every organism requires food for energy, thus, the food they eat contains energy. This can basically *most of the time* be traced back to the energy plants get from the sun.


I've always thought that chemotrophs don't get engergy from the sun at all considering that they get their engergy from the bacteria that thrives at the openings in the ocean that release chemicals from the Earth. There isn't any sunlight down there.




yeah i thought about it again and said that... :) (sorta) lol




Fixed. :P




I was going more generally with my original posts. There are other origins of biological energy, I'm sure.








Chemotrophs are organisms that obtain energy by the oxidation of electron donating molecules in their environments. These molecules can be organic (organotrophs) or inorganic (lithotrophs). The chemotroph designation is in contrast to phototrophs which utilize solar energy. Chemotrophs can be either autotrophic or heterotrophic.





Way cool. Thanks for the links, Militaris, I've learnt something usefull about oxidation other than electrochemical cells. :P

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Undoubtedly, the most powerful force is the strong nuclear force...






The most powerful force of nature is probably sunlight (even though it's not a force of nature), or if that doesn't count (and it shouldn't if strong nuclear force doesn't), wind (that shouldn't count either if strong nuclear force doesn't count).


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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I was watching a program about the top 10 apocalyptic situations and I 8 of them were natural(9 if you want to be techinal). Anyways, out of the 10 I thought the most powerful was a near earth star exploding and the gamma radiation effects and such, or the giant meteor striking earth causing hot hot hot then ice age for a long time or lastly a supervolcano errupting causing a very very very large section of the earth to recieve tons of ashes making even breathing in deadly because it would mix with the moisture in your lungs and create a concrete like substance(another side effect of a supervolcano would be... drum roll please... another ice age).




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To the people saying fission




Fission isn't a natural force, neither are sunlight,wind, water etc if you really want to get into it




they have direction and magnitude...they are forces

No, they really aren't. There are 4 forces- gravity, electromagnetic, weak and strong.




You could be inaccurate and call them "forces of nature" if you wanted to.




so what do you call when someone pushes on a block? you say they exert a certain force on it...




dunno why every1 here has to be 100% accurate about anything anyway...nonetheless...what do you call that ^^?




there are more than 4 forces...those other forces are BASED AROUND those 4 you listed...




Actually no. There are only 4 forces in science, end of story. We might say you exert force on something when you push it but technicly thats not correct. When you push on something I actually dont know what you should call it, but it involves things like kinetic energy.




Heres how you can tell them apart. Gravity (the weakest of the 4 forces) always happens. On earth gravity never stops and you dont need to do anything to m,ake it happen. If you drop a pen on earth it will ALWAYS fall to the floor because of gravity.




Now take an eleastic (someone I knew tried to teach that elasticity was a force =D> its actualy a propertie of a material). If you set it on the table it wont do anything. You have to put potential energy into it (via stretching) to make it do anything.




When your pushing on something, its like the elastic, you only pushing, while, when your pushing. When you stop there is no longer any energy exerted on whatever you were pushing.




A force is something that always is working, it never stops, and it needs no help to work. And we know that the stong and weak forces work because we dont fall appart when we move and atoms dont just fall apart.




And whoever said nuclear fission wasent natural was correct, but nuclear fusion is quite natural (stars anyone).




And all neutron stars are magnetic, magnatars just have much stronger magnetic feilds which can rip you apart because water molecule are bi-polar(i think. There not balanced magneticly anyway). Ther average magnatar would rip you apart at the same time its gravatational feild got you.




Yes, they're polar and have an electric dipole (see the 'molecular dipole' section).

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A Magnetar is sweet. It a neutron star that's magnetic. They can kill humans from thousands of kilometers away as all of the water would get ripped out of you. It can erase the magnetic strip on your credit card from a distance of about 200,000km...




Okay, let's remember that magnetic forces get exponentially stronger as your bring them closer together...




Most powerful force? I want to see someone stop two Magnetars from colliding if they were 1mm apart from each other \'




I can't even fathom how powerful of a force that would be.




Haha, they're awesome.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Gravity is, without it we wouldn't be able to digest food, drink water and die that way.


We can live without gravity. The astronauts on the ISS prove that.






No, we can not. FIRST OF ALL




1) We don't all own space suits




2) The earth isn't a big spaceship




3) Gravity on the moon or mars or whatever is different than having no gravitational pull




4) Without GRAVITY, not space GRAVITY, wait a sec. Imagine that you're drinking your mountain dew and eating chips and old pizza in the fridge, and all of a sudden gravity halts. The whole world would be thrown into the atmosphere and freeze.




So Gravity and Sunshine are the things we need most in life.




And oxygen.

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A Magnetar is sweet. It a neutron star that's magnetic. They can kill humans from thousands of kilometers away as all of the water would get ripped out of you. It can erase the magnetic strip on your credit card from a distance of about 200,000km...




Okay, let's remember that magnetic forces get exponentially stronger as your bring them closer together...




Most powerful force? I want to see someone stop two Magnetars from colliding if they were 1mm apart from each other \'




I can't even fathom how powerful of a force that would be.




Haha, they're awesome.




Isnt magnetar a pokemon?

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Isnt magnetar a pokemon?


There is a pokemon called Magnemite and it's evolved form Magneton. However, there is no Magnetar.




Theres Magmar?... <3:




Erm, i'd say, maybe not the most powerful, but a power force would be an earthquake which reached level 10 on the Richter scale?




Something of about 7.6 can destory the whole of Los Angeles, so a 10...

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there are more than 4 forces...those other forces are BASED AROUND those 4 you listed...








read my second post please..and the one before/after that one...depending on which one you consider my second post




not to mention i am not incorrect unless you don't want to call them "forces" (so what do you call them?). everything like friction and magnetism is caused by one of the four...but that doesn't stop them from being referred to as "forces"...

No, you're wrong.




Like I said, you could be incorrect and call them "forces of nature"




Here's an idea. Stop being a [wagon]. Instead of saying "no" and "wrong," try answering his questions? If Gravity, Strong, Weak, and Electromagnetic are the four fundamental forces, where does friction stand? Where does a push or pull stand?




You can also stop looking at everything from the exact definitions and instead consider the connotations.




Also, to answer the question about the forces of nature, wind is pretty sick as tornadoes and hurricanes, but I'm going with earthquakes.


give it a week prices down to 10m easy... month down to 5... :-k

sum1 quote me on that and see in a month lol :ohnoes:

-December 6.


I never lost any spears to ppl i went with. My internet providers are backstabbing pixel huggers though.
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Quote pyramids are dumb, so i cut part of it.




Actually no. There are only 4 forces in science, end of story. We might say you exert force on something when you push it but technicly thats not correct. When you push on something I actually dont know what you should call it, but it involves things like kinetic energy.




Heres how you can tell them apart. Gravity (the weakest of the 4 forces) always happens. On earth gravity never stops and you dont need to do anything to m,ake it happen. If you drop a pen on earth it will ALWAYS fall to the floor because of gravity.




Now take an eleastic (someone I knew tried to teach that elasticity was a force Applause its actualy a propertie of a material). If you set it on the table it wont do anything. You have to put potential energy into it (via stretching) to make it do anything.




When your pushing on something, its like the elastic, you only pushing, while, when your pushing. When you stop there is no longer any energy exerted on whatever you were pushing.




A force is something that always is working, it never stops, and it needs no help to work. And we know that the stong and weak forces work because we dont fall appart when we move and atoms dont just fall apart.




And whoever said nuclear fission wasent natural was correct, but nuclear fusion is quite natural (stars anyone).




And all neutron stars are magnetic, magnatars just have much stronger magnetic feilds which can rip you apart because water molecule are bi-polar(i think. There not balanced magneticly anyway). Ther average magnatar would rip you apart at the same time its gravatational feild got you.

He answered the question for me




unless you thought i didn't know there were only the "true" four fundamental forces and just wanted to inform me...i guess that's ok.
You didn't know that until I told you that, unless you are pursuing a career in the field quantum mechanics(I doubt you even know what that is) there is no reason you would ever know that.




First, if that's the case, every physics professor and teacher is out to make me feel like an [wagon]. Or you're just misinterpreting terminology. Probably the second one. A force may exist without being a direct representation of the fundamental forces. Any push or pull is on an object (resulting in a vector) is a force exerted on that object. This is a force. It's not a fundamental force because it doesn't "just happen."




The main characteristics of the fundamental forces are their basic properties. The four fundamental forces require no outside bodies to exist. Between any two bodies of matter with mass, m, greater than 0, there is an attractive force directly proportional to the product of the masses divided by the distance between them squared. In the frame of reference, here, these just exist. The same goes for electromagnetic forces between any objects that react within the given fields. And for strong and weak nuclear forces between charged particles.




In short, no external work must be exerted in order for the process to occur.




I'm not sure what that second quote is even about. Or who said it.




Also, I'm majoring in physics right now.


give it a week prices down to 10m easy... month down to 5... :-k

sum1 quote me on that and see in a month lol :ohnoes:

-December 6.


I never lost any spears to ppl i went with. My internet providers are backstabbing pixel huggers though.
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To the people saying fission




Fission isn't a natural force, neither are sunlight,wind, water etc if you really want to get into it




they have direction and magnitude...they are forces




ah i see, all vector quantities are now forces... :roll:

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give it a week prices down to 10m easy... month down to 5... :-k

sum1 quote me on that and see in a month lol :ohnoes:

-December 6.


I never lost any spears to ppl i went with. My internet providers are backstabbing pixel huggers though.
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To the people saying fission




Fission isn't a natural force, neither are sunlight,wind, water etc if you really want to get into it




they have direction and magnitude...they are forces




ah i see, all vector quantities are now forces... :roll:




oh hush up you nooblet icon_love.gif..from now on i'm just gonna be oddly specific. ok...something with direction, magnitude, and affect the direction and momentum of an object that depends on the mass and acceleration in the equation F=ma...happy? <3 telenub




didn't know that until I told you that, unless you are pursuing a career in the field quantum mechanics(I doubt you even know what that is) there is no reason you would ever know that.




Magekillr...virginia tech student...major: aerospace engineering. close enough...




lol :P

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i have 3 natural forces that r the simplest, yet most vital for humans to live:


1.) food - whether it be a big mac and micky d's or a piece of bread, we all need food to survive.




2.) water - i really don't have to explain water, warrior kinda said everything u need to know about it in his post.




3.) shelter - everybody needs a place to sleep, whether it be the sidewalks of manhattan or in a 10 bedroom mansion.

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entum of an object that depends on the mass and acceleration in the equation F=ma...happy? <3 telenub




Uhh, that equation is purely scalar. Maybe you've mistaken it for:


F = ma


Looks like you got pwned, you are obviously just a 3rd grader who is trying to impress looking at your other brother's high school physics exam. :P





4. Be studying quantum mechanics, yet what his major is in has nothing to do with quantum mechanics




Engineering has nothing to do with physics? :lol: (hint: You engineer things out of matter. Matter has physical properties which are explained by QM.)




You are seriously arguing over a non-issue.

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If we're talking about the most essential natural force, it's obviously sunlight.




If we're talking about the most powerful natural source, I'd have to go with earthquakes. They cause tsunamis, can change the very status of a nation, and are freaking scary.

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Right, i've split off the debate about what are forces and what aren't. People are perfectly entitled to their own opinion, this topic is supposed to be a bit of fun, pedantry is never fun.




Catbert, get off this thread. Unless you've got something worthwhile to add instead of attacking magekillr with baseless accusations to inflate your self esteem with intellectual superiority, leave it. Alright?

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Strings 8-)




Lol, going off of the string theory-


but it could be true!


:P (Ya I know they aren't exactly a force but hey!)

Guide to Everything Fletching XBL: Karmastocracy





* Sits on a mossy rock with a notebook in hand, observing the behavior of the specimens dubbed "Fanboys"


"Even when the odds are against you, even when the chance of victory is bleak and your situation looks hopeless, take a look at the horizon, and think back to what you have learned. You'll be filled with the confidence to take on the world."

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