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I used to skate myself. It does get pretty cruddy around parks. I'd only wash my hands if I got something sticky on them or something. Lots of morons spilled pop and stuff all over the top of the ramps...Bleh.








Dam little buggers. Who brings soft drink to a skate park :x

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Randomly throughout the day, sometimes weeks apart, I suddenly get a feeling of deja vu, but it's more that i feel i've dreamed it at one time or another, not actually experienced it twice :?




very annoying. one time when I was young though, I lost my jump rope ( :roll: ), and that night I had a dream where I was the onlooker during the time that I lost it, and the next day I found it exactly where I had dreamt it was :uhh:

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You know, one thing happened to me a long time ago back when I was just a kid, I was acting like an idiot and my friend tripped me(he had his leg set right below my knee so me whole body went up in the air), then I just sorta stopped in mid air, felt almost like one of those slow motion matrix scenes in a way, then after a minute I fell face first into a bean bag chair, I would have thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but my friend claimed he saw it too, and that was before I said anything.




It was wierd, but nothing like it has happened again, so I don't really think much of it.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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I try not to be superstitious, and generally don't believe in all the "x years bad luck" for doing something. I do have incredible feelings of deja vu though all the time, and i'd love to know why.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I try not to be superstitious, and generally don't believe in all the "x years bad luck" for doing something. I do have incredible feelings of deja vu though all the time, and i'd love to know why.




Like I said, it's a glitch in the matrix...





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I try not to be superstitious, and generally don't believe in all the "x years bad luck" for doing something. I do have incredible feelings of deja vu though all the time, and i'd love to know why.




Like I said, it's a glitch in the matrix...








Haha, yeah then I open my curtains and there's a brick wall. :P

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I don't step on sidewalk cracks.


same, although i hate doing it. i just seem to stare at the sidewalk and try not hit the cracks automatically sometimes when i walk places.


i believe i picked it up from a story when i was a little kid where some boy couldn't step on the cracks otherwise a ghost or something comes out, dunno i just have that in my head.






Randomly throughout the day, sometimes weeks apart, I suddenly get a feeling of deja vu, but it's more that i feel i've dreamed it at one time or another, not actually experienced it twice :?


same as me, maybe every few weeks! it fells like your experiencing it for the second time and you know what happens, although you dont really know what is going to happen next.




# Sexual obsessions or unwanted sexual thoughts. Two classic examples are fear of being homosexual or fear of being a pedophile. In both cases, sufferers will obsess over whether or not they are genuinely aroused by the thoughts.


i looked up OCD on google cos i didnt know what it was, and found that in wiki. dunno if its the same as taht quote, but on occasions maybe every 3 weeks or something i get a bad thought about someone (usually a friend)(like disgusting thoughts i dont want to think, you dont really want to know). i usually stop thinking of it and think of something else and that fixes it untill another 3 weeks.








i swear i have a trace of OCD or something, its not bad though, doesent seem to effect me anyway.


Formal diagnosis is performed by a mental health professional. Furthermore, possessing the symptoms above is not an absolute diagnosis of OCD.


thanks god for that!

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I am superstitious, although I hate it, my brain just freaks out and crap. It seems when I wake up every morning on a weekend it is 8:56.....hmmm? Also when I get out of the shower it is always 10:00.




Didn't happen to me, but a friend:




She was driving to work early in the morning, not many people on the road. All the sudden a car speeds in front of her an swerves, she read the license plate it says: 666 ( For those who don't know the numbers '666' are devil's numbers.) :ohnoes:

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I am superstitious, although I hate it, my brain just freaks out and crap. It seems when I wake up every morning on a weekend it is 8:56.....hmmm? Also when I get out of the shower it is always 10:00.




Didn't happen to me, but a friend:




She was driving to work early in the morning, not many people on the road. All the sudden a car speeds in front of her an swerves, she read the license plate it says: 666 ( For those who don't know the numbers '666' are devil's numbers.) :ohnoes:




I'd place money on that fact that, that driver got that specific number plate for suckers like your friend to scare them crazy! :lol:

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Oh yes...OCD...


I step on cracks, like that other guy. It keeps me entertained while walking home.


I despise odd numbers. Especially prime numbers, not counting 2.


And I have this thing where everything has to be parallel...


I suppose they're more habits than OCD, but whatever they are...They're somewhat superstitious.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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i am not very supersticious, just in one think, and i really hate it:




you know those weird e-mails about people who died and will kill you if you dont send the e-mail to X amount of persons? well i always ignore them but for that day i am more nervous than usual and avoid the darkness at all costs. then the next day everything is ok.




i know its stupid but i simply cant control it and i hate it!


Click my main sig to see my fakes :D

Proud to be Mexican, yay!

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When I was like 7 I heard that radio masts give you cancer. When I was driven past them I used to hold my breath and put my hands over my ears because I thought cancer was a gas that drifted into your body through holes, lol. I did that for about a year before I was corrected. :oops:

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Often when I glance at a clock there's some coincidence in the time. For example: 3:45, 1:23, 5:43.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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I like doing things an even amount of time.


Dunno why....Seems quite a few people do, so i'm not insane (I hope)

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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You actually found an elephant guy a month ago?!?




Kidding :lol:




I avoid cracks whenever i can, and whenever i glance at the clock after school, it's 444, the devil's number and my address...eerie...




*cough* 666 *cough*




and its actually damiens number... devil's kid :anxious:

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I always avoid cracks on sidewalks. Even on tiled floors I refuse to step on the lines.
















I seem to get a lot of dejavu (sp?) too, or something like it. A normal event, then it hits me 'I remember this' blah blah

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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Avoiding cracks in the side-walk is a sign of OCD...Well, if you do it for no real reason. I used to do it aswell, and I used to like to do things in even numbers. Grew out of it on my own about 2 or 3 years after I started doing it. Never effected my life like major OCD does, but I'd wager I had it a bit. :P




Actually, OCD can be the exact opposite. Theres not a list of generic traits that OCDers fall into. Like me for instance, I HAVE to step on the cracks :XD: .




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I seem to get a lot of dejavu (sp?) too, or something like it. A normal event, then it hits me 'I remember this' blah blah




I have that a lot too, I get crazy sometimes because I'm so sure the event has happend before... Sometimes I even imagine roughly when it happened before :shock:

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im probabably the most insane person i know.


a few years back in my room i saw a furry green hand fly in my direction slowly (hid under covers, then came up and it disapeared!).


my bro bought back a book from the school library listing sighting of monsters people claim to have seen - i seached the contents - and one page had furry hands as a subtitle.(now i hardly ever watch horror movies)




i experiance dejavu alot,


and, when i walk i always look behind me (and wile im here at my computer too, im just scared of the unknown)


also dreams of mine also come true sometimes but there not really any good (eg. i dream about a show i have not watched in a long time or a specific episode of it and the next day that thing is on t.v)




i talk to myself.


i have an ability in my mind when normaly im weak and puny but when im in a fight or my cousins are hurt im strongest ( and the 1 most likly to commit murder) there.

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i have an ability in my mind when normaly im weak and puny but when im in a fight or my cousins are hurt im strongest ( and the 1 most likly to commit murder) there.




Isn't everyone a little stronger when they're mad/fighting for their life? I know I'm not the biggest buy around but I could kick some [wagon] when I'm not mad and when someone pisses me off there's hell to pay..

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i have an ability in my mind when normaly im weak and puny but when im in a fight or my cousins are hurt im strongest ( and the 1 most likly to commit murder) there.




Isn't everyone a little stronger when they're mad/fighting for their life? I know I'm not the biggest buy around but I could kick some [wagon] when I'm not mad and when someone pisses me off there's hell to pay..


I think it's adrenaline. I mean, if you're fighting for your life, you'd probably be stronger and madder than if they were sitting on a beach. Unless you're fighting on a beach.


And I'm not sure, but it might also be even more obvious if you have ADHD or something.




And a little more on topic...I guess I'm a little paranoid. If someone looks somewhat suspicious (My definition of suspicious would probably fit a lot of you ::' ) I start to worry and start planning out what to do if they really are who I think they are. I don't like abrupt movements either. I guess I'm a little too safe...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I am extremely superstitious, although I hate being so, but it's my mind that makes me do it!




Like repeating tasks until I've done them an even number of times, and avoiding mirrors.




wow i dont know why i do it but i also try to avoid mirrors when ever possible


i also dont like to get my picture taken... but love to take pictures???

New Sig Coming soon!

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.. I occassionally 'knock wood' .. Dunno where that comes from, probably one of my parents taught me that a long, long time ago as a kid..




I'm a realist but I also tend to think a curse of extreme unluckiness is over me most of the time. I can do fine when it comes to business, but whenever it gets personal (I bet on something or play poker) I sometimes experience so ridiculous 'outdraws' and 'impossibilities' I begin to doubt why I even take chances at anything.








1. losing full house and four of a kind to 2 straight flushes in a matter of 2 hours in poker <.< (For those of you that don't know the odds are nearly inexistent)




2. Betting on 3 extremely good football teams getting at least a draw or win against very inferior teams - every single team lost that time




3. Losing a coin flip nearly 100+ times in a row, it was always the opposite one no matter how much I tried changing 'strategies' :lol:

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