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Anyone remember this guy?


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I thought I would post this. I've been meaning to do this for a long time but haven't been bothered to.




I remember the good old days of RS when I started. It was so much fun. A friend of mine had introuduced me to the game, helped me through tout island and showed me where I should start off training. Of course, from my experiences on tout island and getting my first 2 LEVEL 3 skills (mining and smithing) I wanted to do that, but he insisted I trained combat.




So I did, he lead me out on a long path until a big screen came up saying "the wilderness is dangerous, do not enter if you are not prepared to die". I wasn't prepared to die, but with my friend with me (level 15 at the time) leading me out there, I was sure to be safe. Soon enough I had gotten to level 10 wilderness, my friend (he was a really good RL friend by the way) attacked me, and when trying to eat a shrimp I was struck down with a 3 (3 being like a really high hit to me)




I didn't care that I died, I just saw it as an oppurtunity to hop worlds and explore the game for myself.




The world that I was exploring was lumbridge back in around September 05'. So many great faces, lots of new but nice people actually OFFERING to help me, instead of for money.




I needed to make money to buy a shinny pickaxe for myself, when I met this guy:








I had a good chat to him, also asking where I could get my money:








He told me things, and I was excited to here that my favourite skill at that time was a good choice to make money, he told me where to do it and stuff:








And he FINALLY left me with these parting words which stuck in my head and I never EVER bothered to do it:








So I ask you, who is this guy?




Did you ever run into him when you were a noob? EVERY single thing I did in this game was thanks to him and his guidence, I asked him every single thing I could about 100 times before I set off by myself around the RS world.




What happened? Why aren't people using his advice to actually play this game for what it is?




It's sad to think that I will never enjoy RS as much as I did when I started playing the game because it was so new and exciting to explore the world (not saying I don't enjoy it now and all, but I just don't understand why these younger players aren't heeding his advice.




So I ask you, if a noob comes up to you and asks you for free stuff, do not lash out at him or her (although I am guilty of late night flaming), direct him or her to the knowledgable..





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When I was new to the game, JAGeX hadn't introduce the Lumbridge guide yet. So I never met him when I was a noob (But I had a pretty good start anyway).




I have talked to him many times now, and he seems to give alot of helpfull advices to new players. I like that JAGeX has put him into the game, becuase I'm pretty sure alot of people has or have had alot of use of his tips.




I have many times directed new players to this guide, and many times they have thanked me for doing so. I think every new player to this wonderfull game should atleast once talk to this guy, and remember his advices and tips. They will surerly help all new players to get a better start on their RuneScape carrier.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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well like u said ur like coming back, so u know abit about the game, all new players see is a bunch of ppl, they cant distinguish the guide out of every1 else, they should make him glow, and have fireworks shooting off around him, and have him sitting on like a throne, then maybe more ppl will notice him




but ya that guide is a somewhat new update, came sometime in 06 alongg with some other skill guides found at their corresponding shops



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Yeah, that was the start of when it became aimed at younger players. I still hold that RS is easily learnable by yourself.




I was just mentioning how much those words made an impact on me about not to beg. I did learn the game pretty much myself, but had a bit of help from a few nice people ;P

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i first saw that dude wen i was lv 50....i never talked to him, but i saw him




oftopic, i also go killed in wildy wen i was a low lvl XD, i kept the killer on my friends list, and wen i hit 85 combat i looked him up, i was higher in all stats :twisted: pay back time. i asked him if he wanted to go pking, i owned him ::' u kill walka, u pay for it later hehe

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Heh, I actually paid attention in Tutorial Island and sought that guy out. He wasn't too helpful for me, seeing as I had read the whole manual before even playing.




That is almost exactly like me. Although, I ended up seeing him first than reading the whole manual like three times over. I still took his no begging advice to heart. I never begged for anything. Although, I didn't know how to offer items for trade, so when someone would offer me an item, I would just click accept. That isn't really begging though.

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well i guess considering the first time i played runescape the characters were 2 dimensional flat and even more pixelated than the characters of today, no i dont remember that guy because i started before he existed.

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Yeah this topic was more poking fun at the fact that newbies these days are not taking advantage of the help but instead asking me and other players.. but thats ok :)

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they cant distinguish the guide out of every1 else, they should make him glow, and have fireworks shooting off around him, and have him sitting on like a throne, then maybe more ppl will notice him


That made me lol.




I've never really talked to the Lumby Guide, but I'd been around for about two years before he appeared. Maybe I should talk to him. :-k


Resident Tip.it Cow. :^_^:

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I started playing years before the Lumbridge guide appeared. I started off completely on my own and leveled up pretty nicely. I met someone when my combat level was in the mid 30s. He helped me alot and we're still great friends years later.


Quest Cape - 10/18/2006

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had to fend for yourself in RSC unfortunately, so that wise sage wasn't there :? make me feel bad about following some noobs' example when i had just died (i thought begging was what you were supposed to do since so many others were doing it... meh :P )

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