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how many mods are there?


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I have no clue but in any one f2p world I see about one moderator every week and I get on for a long time sometimes (of course only on to complain about runescape dating to the fatty members visiting varrok). I was once a friend with a jagex employee in 2002 but I never heard anything about how many mods or emp's there were.

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For in days of reckoning and when the twilight torn is ticking

Elysium is halfway and as an answer to the plea

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I have no clue but in any one f2p world I see about one moderator every week and I get on for a long time sometimes (of course only on to complain about runescape dating to the fatty members visiting varrok). I was once a friend with a jagex employee in 2002 but I never heard anything about how many mods or emp's there were.


2002, there weren't any P-Mods then?

RIP Michaelangelopolous

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

This is by FAR my favorite song:


I love N_odie and would never edit his posts! I love Rainy_Day too <3 And also Cowman_133. <33 Oh, and Laikrob is a going to hunt me down and kill me like a pest kangaroo if I reveal how awesome she is. I owe tripsis skittles. DarkDude feels like he's missing out. This is my siggy! - n_odie Rainy_Day MINE! - n_odie Rainy_Day And meol shouldn't feel left out. Oh, and Y_Guy is a noob awesome


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are there f2p-mods or do you have to be a member to be a player mods?




cause I don't see a lot of mods in the f2p worlds, but who can blaim the members, once you're a member it's probably boring over there ...



the lone wolf is howling at the moon, fear his strenght, or meet his teeth

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are there f2p-mods or do you have to be a member to be a player mods?




cause I don't see a lot of mods in the f2p worlds, but who can blaim the members, once you're a member it's probably boring over there ...




Levels or status doesn't mean anything. A lvl 3 f2p can be a pmods and so can lvl 126 p2p.



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Surprises me this thread is still open. Discussing about private pmod stuff is against the rules and that includes posting public the amount of pmods...




well yes, i apologize but since this threads constituing a discussion, it wouldnt hurt if we can still post.

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While there can be guesses about the number of player mods, no one can be entirely sure about the exact amount.




Thus, I don't see the point of this discussion anymore. Besides, it only encourages player mods to leak confidential information, which is something I would not like to see as a fellow player mod.

RS Player Since 2006



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I became a mod at level 34 in f2p... But now I'm p2p :thumbsup:




and I'm sure you have read the rules and understand that it is illegal to say you are a mod on forums..... right? If not, try reading them for a change.

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Guest Lue_Dogs
Surprises me this thread is still open. Discussing about private pmod stuff is against the rules and that includes posting public the amount of pmods...




well yes, i apologize but since this threads constituing a discussion, it wouldnt hurt if we can still post.






i do not see discussion. i see numbered guesses. most discussion seems to be about how this topic might be locked.

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around 5000 is my best guess although it seems several of these mods are annoying people who act like the people they are supposed to set an example for.
I had a picture of probley the two wost player mods, one was a person who said that auto typing was ok because people who can't type would have to use them...which makes no sense because then would they type what the marco would say...Must be a voice typer which why wouldn't they use in runescape. Also how would they click the mouse...Mental pl0x? Idiot A to idiot b, idiot b come in!




Another was at the yannile portal in a world that zezima was logged into. (friend put a bounty for 10M of a picture of zezim's house, trying ever sence :lol: ) There were like two people who were acting like they were five. There were saying, zezima's not here please leave every one....which makes no sense, if he was then why would they be there telling people to leave. Again idiot A to idiot b, idiot b come in! Anways, there was a player mod who was saying 'Tell the mod whos house zezima is in!' >.< mod begging is setting a great example, in fact using his mod status to help him, some times I wonder how jagex picks the mods...

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I became a mod at level 34 in f2p... But now I'm p2p :thumbsup:




and I'm sure you have read the rules and understand that it is illegal to say you are a mod on forums..... right? If not, try reading them for a change.




I believe that is only the case for Runescape official forums, not a fansite forum. Don't confuse yourself here.

RS Player Since 2006



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I used to be a mod(ppl might not believe me but you dont have to) from aobut october 2006- til newyears eve 2006 ad that time they just hit 5k mods if my memory serves, they were trying to expand the mod team at that time so by now its probably aobut 6-7k




how do you stop being a mod??? and why????




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With at least one million members, i'd say around 9,000-12,000 mods active. Inactive mods, maybe around 2-3 thousand. and frankiani, if you get an offense, you get your mod-shipness taken away. i don't know if you can get rid of your mod powers voluntarily


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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2,258 ,ods in F2P wow


1,422 in P2P thank you




my mod friend went to mod sentry and checked






seems reasonable since f2p breaks more rules daily then p2p.

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The ones I've talked to - Franzk, Syzygy and Negative12 are all mods. And Lordjake is one too.




I believe Jaacco is still a mod. Ali0001 was an F2P mod but recently became a member.

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*cough* i'm a mod *cough*


lol, jagex made it their goal to have 5000 mods by 2007. They got it. There are around ?5400? mods curently i beleive.


You can ask to be demodded or they will demod you because of inactivity or unmodly behavior. They normally demod 10-15 mods a week

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