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Runescape Admission Tests

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Well, I had an idea. I've noticed the increasing amount of underage players in the game. Most of them are just addicted nerds who don't know how to play the game so they just beg other players for money and things like that. This is ruining the game. So, I thought about admission tests. Like, when someone creates an account, Jagex should ask a series of questions that only a teenager could answer. Questions about science, politics, maths, well things a child couldn't answer. I know it sounds crazy, lol, but it could be away of keeping underage players away from the game...

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Well, I had an idea. I've noticed the increasing amount of underage players in the game. Most of them are just addicted nerds who don't know how to play the game so they just beg other players for money and things like that. This is ruining the game. So, I thought about admission tests. Like, when someone creates an account, Jagex should ask a series of questions that only a teenager could answer. Questions about science, politics, maths, well things a child couldn't answer. I know it sounds crazy, lol, but it could be away of keeping underage players away from the game...




Thus, the children run home to Google. Plan foiled.




And to be honest, I know this is a good idea in essence, but it would easily be foiled by search engines, such as Google. Sorry, but no support.

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I know it sounds crazy




Yeah it does sound crazy.


Young kids are allowed to play runescape though


A J-mod even confirmed that as long as they are supervised its ok and the 13+ things was just what they intended the game to be.




I'm not 100% sure though mind you


I attempted to launch a fart, only to have it get stuck between my cheeks.
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What about the teenagers who go around and cause problems? This may surprise you but teenagers aren't innocent as aren't adults. With the information on the internet i can't see this stopping any problems from arising.




Sorry, but i have to disagree.


Proud Tip.It Moderator December 07 - October 2009
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i bet some of the teenagers couldnt answer some of the qestions, and some "underaged kids" would, but jagex dont care about age of people playing its just a law that they must do that. and not all "underaged kids" don't no anything about runescape look at me im 12 nad i know more then you about runescape. i bet some teens beg as well. so this is like the worst idea suggested yet ( i realy cant think of anything worse right off the bat)









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i realy cant think of anything worse right off the bat



I can...Won't name names, but there was this one guy who posted 7 suggestions in one day, each with one line. Not to mention they all weren't so great.




Anyways, about the suggestion here. What about that ultra-smart 12 year old genius that programmed an autoing program when he was 10? And like mentioned, there's Google, not to mention older friends.


(Just to let you know, a 12 year old doesn't have that much less knowledge than a 13 year old. How are you going to make sure that only 13 year olds can answer them? Not every school has the same curriculum.)


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Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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The questions would have to be numerous and randomized; also they would have to be updated weekly. Also, if you fail the test once, you can't have to wait a week to try again (ip block).


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Jagex should ask a series of questions that only a teenager could answer. Questions about science, politics, maths, well things a child couldn't answer.




Please give me 3 examples of questions which can be answered by a teenager but not a child and answering them wouldn't require too great skills in English. We got a huge population of people who don't speak fluent English and questions like that would easily turn against them.




Edit: I'd rather see some strikes against people who judge others by their lingual skills or physical age. Just because someone is 10 in real life it doesn't mean he couldn't have anything to give for the community. Just because someone is 29 in real life it doesn't mean she couldn't beg in Rs.



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Theres gonna be websites which provide answers, so the beggars and people you stated can easily proceed through the test.


danke Schon Sam!^^

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-Carl Barât

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i bet some of the teenagers couldnt answer some of the qestions, and some "underaged kids" would, but jagex dont care about age of people playing its just a law that they must do that. and not all "underaged kids" don't no anything about runescape look at me im 12 nad i know more then you about runescape. i bet some teens beg as well. so this is like the worst idea suggested yet ( i realy cant think of anything worse right off the bat)








Have you ever read The_Platypus'(something like that) two suggestions? One was to delete Hi Alchemy and the other was to delete the "obstacles" in the duel arena because he says they are cheating.




It's not a bad idea but as many others have said, there's always the search engines.

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uhh...there are children who know this kind of stuff and there are teenagers and adults who, for example, does not care about politics and thus does not know much about it...except from that a guy in italy may not know much about the politics in england and some (even though most not) does not go to school or science does nto interests them (sorry for the bad grammer im kinda tired... :oops: )


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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What about the adults who want to sign up but don't know the current things teenagers know right now?



I'm a married mother that plays RuneScape. Got a problem with that?

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i bet some of the teenagers couldnt answer some of the qestions, and some "underaged kids" would, but jagex dont care about age of people playing its just a law that they must do that. and not all "underaged kids" don't no anything about runescape look at me im 12 nad i know more then you about runescape. i bet some teens beg as well. so this is like the worst idea suggested yet ( i realy cant think of anything worse right off the bat)










Nice grammar and spelling. Truly amazing.


And you admit to lieing to Jagex, saying you were 13 when you weren't? Nice. And if you know more about RS then him, that would imply that you've been playing for a while, would it not? Then you played when you were even younger.




I don't see how hard it is to follow a simple age rule. And don't say you have to play because you're addicted or something like that - while you were making your account you weren't addicted.




Sorry if that was a little harsh...

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Maybe create a Stronghold of Security style dundeon with basic rules and courtesy tips as questions. Then stick it on tutorial island after the combat area, and before the magic area.

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Maybe create a Stronghold of Security style dundeon with basic rules and courtesy tips as questions. Then stick it on tutorial island after the combat area, and before the magic area.
now THATS stupid!


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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When I saw the title of this thread I thought that it was a good idea, like at the end of tutorial island you would have to fish, but no one would tell you what to do, but this idea idea is just stupid. questions with one answer, like "what is 45+56" even if you got the right answer, you might not word the way the computer understands it, so you would fail that question, besides, who says that the begging noobs are all under 13? I'm 12, I started a year or to ago, and I never begged. I your saying the average 14 year old scaper is more mature, ingame, than me, please escuse me so that I can scream into a pillow and become chronically depressed about the state of society.


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Did you really "laugh out loud" at that joke, or did you "chuckle quietly"? say cq next time, not lol.

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When I saw the title of this thread I thought that it was a good idea, like at the end of tutorial island you would have to fish, but no one would tell you what to do, but this idea idea is just stupid. questions with one answer, like "what is 45+56" even if you got the right answer, you might not word the way the computer understands it, so you would fail that question, besides, who says that the begging noobs are all under 13? I'm 12, I started a year or to ago, and I never begged. I your saying the average 14 year old scaper is more mature, ingame, than me, please escuse me so that I can scream into a pillow and become chronically depressed about the state of society.
over reacted?


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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