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Let your yellow mellow.

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*Wonders what Neesh-neeshing involves*


*Gets completely wrong idea about neesh-neeshing*


*realizes neesh-neeshing most likely involves scissors, white-hot wire, and gilmore girls*


*Cries in corner while making very scary post*

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Sorry for double post, but..NO ANSWERS!!!! ME WANT ANSWERS!!! GAHHH...Oh wait, I know your name :D

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I nearly have 500k for babies






never saw ur old blog but it must have been good :)


good luck mining btw

This doesn't come close to the time someone caught a friend tossing off to a night elf dancing in World of Warcraft...


Please give my blog some luv 0.0

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Haha I'm in a fantastic mood at the moment!!




Before I get all hyper and crap here are some runescape screenshots whey!:






Woop woop!:




That's my hun Elf in there with Pandaaaar.




Yeeeeeeeeah maaaaan, [bleep]ing 93 cooking level! Haha two 90+ skills I feel well proud nyaaa!




So me and Pandaownage are like omfgwtfI'MBORED so we started to hit on people. A guy came back to me for more harhar:




I AM CHAT UP LINE MASTER just admit it




EHhhhhhhh wolfy came back <3: He's hawttt, I'm liek his GF now w000t hahaha :






Oh here's a bloody random level:








So lyk, when I get bored I ask Pandaownage to hit on Botan lmao, but I decided to use some lines instead bwuaua:




I am quite the Lady's .. er .. Lady? Muahaha




Oh here are my current levels you son of a [bleep], YEAH! Only pay attention to the right side u_u the levels on the left make me ashamed to call myself a woman:






Sweetsweetsweetsweet now we got the runescape picture shiz outta da way, heheheheh.




I have a tale to tell youssss , it's called tale of the spider. So basically yeah, I was here late at night watching porn--I mean anime. So I glance slighty to my left and I see this black spider thing and it's not one of those freaky-[wagon] pieces of [cabbage] ones with the small body and the massive [wagon] legs, it's this fat thing with ugly legs. So i'm like, OMG I'm not sleeping there tonight! So I decided to let it live this once, and I spend the next couple of days sleeping on the floor on a VERY uncomfortable sleeping bag. Okay when I move back to my bed, It's night again. I'm like ARGHTHIRSTYNEEDDRINK. I paused the hentai I was watching and very subtly head downstairs at like 3am. As I go down the stairs I'm like hmm, a black dot on the wall ehh [bleep] it. And I'm coming back up with a glass of 7up (OMFGLOVE) and see that it's a spider. I'm about to let out a high pitched girly scream (Yes it's possible!) but I realize the time. So I grab about 5 shoes and throw them uber hard! I was like so sure the spider was dead hehe, I mean I let it live, why did it come back for revenge? The piece of [cabbage]! So the next day, the first scenario happened again. But this time I was like "OIYOUFRIKKING[bleep]YOUAINTGONNALIVE!!" and then threw my sister's sliper at it. It fell on my pillow dead so I brushed it off and now it's little gay body is under that mattress YAYYYYYYY! BUT there's a downside. I need to change the cover of the mattress but I do not want to face the dead body so I took the cover off, big mistake. I remember accidently making a Ketchup stain there so it looks like blood so obviously blood in crotch area means PMS!!! PMS is the root of every frikken problem.




If you read all that, I love you very muchh and will give you a present ingame .. *cough*




OMGWALKERSBACK Duuuuuude, log on now! Well I haven't been on much but c'mon we neeeed to talk! I feel sorry for you having the step asian, if my mother queefed I'd tell her to get the [bleep] away from me .. Anyway HAPPYBDAY!!!!!! I have the perfect present .. MY BABEHZ! But don't eat them pl0x! Buahaha p0kem0n wooo.




Ahh Stilev, you came from Forum Games didn't you???? Buahaha, Banned for looking at my blog. Pssht yeah, I banned you from OUTSIDE the thread, go me.




Ehh Lendel I forgot to put you in for the party man haha, let me redo the list in 5 second glory:


  • Two Panda's
    1 rl friends (DAMN IT POLLY! WHY ARE YOU ON HOLIDAY!!)
    Walker (photographypl0x)
    Another friend
    1 Cousin
    My sister (we're bumchums!)
    Afroman - (FORGET your holiday, you, me, right here, right now. No silly! I'm talking about the party, you people are so dirty-minded)




I forgetting some names .. It's 4 bloody AM what do you expect?






I am NOT quitting!!!! Just giving my stuff to you noobs, ehhhh what's wrong with that? Hehe.






Ugh I haven't been onling because of the following reasons:


  • Too much hoursework - Mother went to India for two weeks (I wanted to go dammit!!!) So I'm incharge of the chores (YAY)
    Work - Yes after a month of negleting my uncle's restaurant, I decided to work A LOT to get some major coinage! I have such a good position.
    Family - I have to pick up my sister everyday after school .. I walk soooooo far and exercise .. I have a love-hate relationship with it ..
    LIFE - Bet you guys don't have it! Neither do I .. Haha I do I swear .. Yeah getting back together with someone 8-) The sex was great .. (I'm joking .. or not) I socialize sorrrrrreeeeeeee
    Anime! - I rather watch Anime than play rs .. But I ran out of things to watch .. I've seen all the good yuri's someone recommend me some more .. I'm waiting for Mai Otome episodes hehe.
    Reading - I read thankyouverymuch. But it's normally yuri fan fics .. hehe i love the explicitness in them .. *turned on*




CABBAGE BOI! I clicked all the way through that you evil fiend!! Haha .. dang my fault for falling for it ..






So here's another story:


I was watching Hentai again (Haha I was honestly looking for some shoujo-ai/yuri anime goodness but it somehow went very hentai-ish, I just carried on watching waiting for the good part .. Honest .. Not my fault I thought it was yuri) and my dad was like "I'm selling yo momma's car, so go clean it" so I head off. (BTW my mom is still in India so she didn't know). After I clean it (Wet soapy girls ftw) I decide to clean my dad's first car. But I used the wrong end of the sponge and scratched the car. My dad got VERY pissed off so I don't think I'm getting GHD's which pissed me off alot .. but I'll work around it .. muahaha. Yeah so if you go on msn, my rl pic is on there .. Hehe Elf saw it .. and Ecky too .. and everyone else :\






Ah yes. If you really want to talk to me reguraly, making a hotmail account and download msn! I'm on that mostly (MSN > Runescape). I have aim too .. but that's for Bond-age only .. haha I'm only saying that 'coz of the name ..




Eh thanks for random people posting, if you have a blog, I'll look for it sometime later .. It'll take time !




Oh do you want to hear about something funny? I'm not one to be embarassed about stuff like sex and [cabbage], but a few days ago I woke up one morning and was puking a lot (I don't normally puke). I thought OH GOD NO! I'm pregnaaaant (again) so I'm think crapcrapcrap. Hehe so anyway, I took a test and I'm not :mrgreen: Because I would be in hell then .. I figured out why I was puking Nyaaaaa. It's 'cuz my livers being weird on me again, so Ima go hospital and no alcohol beverages for me. Er, Panda you did not help me when I told you about this .. You are going down on the baby list.




My mom is coming back on Monday/Sunday!!!!!1 I AM FREE OF HOUSEWORK THEN!! Picking her up from Heathrow airport, staying in Southall for the night. Ahh Echo I'll be back there before Christmas time I hope, we'll meet up irl then 8-) (She lives close to there btw ONLINE STALKER) Hmm, I'm really hoping we run into each other then I can be like "DIE!!" because you mock me. A lot. Darn I said I would print-screen that conversation on msn but .. I forgot to .. Hehe. Anyway, I know what that text was about .. you mocking me of no credit-ness .. NOBAH. I've been creditless for a month now .. Can't text >_> but if I could, I'd be swearing at you!






Hmm so yeah, I think I'll go, make you think "WTFISTHISBLOGABOUT" .. SORRY ..I knew you wanting to be thinking sexy thoughts ..




Anyway, august be the party, 'cuz I'll be busy on july 30th being a drunk and july 31st having hangover.










If anyone read all of this, I love youuuuu. Permission to lurk. And talk to me about yuri-ness.



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pee arr gee ninnnnnnnnarrrr!!!!1




Hyperness ftw




You popped a cap in that spider's [wagon], and it phailed at liiifee




I arr a little hiper, but not much :x




but but but but but








holy crap baatttman


only ben shall get that




but but,


one time there was a spider on my floor in teh laundry r00m




So i toook mah skatey board deck and i was all like, die biatch!!!!!


and i was like pew pew pew


and he was like oh n03s he is a haxing mah server






he is still stuck to it lol










my mom is drunk!


she loves magaritassss


ask ben, it's true








i think i am calmed dowwnneh now. post on my nub. Or you shall perish. Btw what number am I on the babies list?

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*lurk, lurk*








naaaw, no lurkin in furry's blog! :mrgreen:








hey, heard u gnna throw a party soon... 99 cooking o' what? :P








anywayz, if its after the 30th id like to come...




















im ur friend... rite furry? :mrgreen:








PS. pl0x pm me with the answer... :?: :mrgreen:


| 19,385th to 99 smithing on the 11th of June 2011. |

| 144,261st to 99 magic on the 2nd of September 2011. |

| Thanks for sig to DementedHero |

| Blog |

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