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I hate the strings of notes that are like O-B-O-B-O-B etc. Sorry, but my pinky just can't move that fast. And if I use other fingers I confuse myself even more.




Practice makes perfect I guess.


Yeah. It took me a while to get those. I always use my middle and ring or my my index and middle fingers to do them. My pinky cant move that fast either. Also, if they're slow, I usually try to do them with one strum at the beginning. If you're not getting them though, try strumming fast and alternating fingers as close as you can to match the song.

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really fast notes as in one long continuous strem or 8 million omg they're everywhere?




im guessing the second one and the only way to do it without getting numb is to practice to build durability


Nah, the first one. I must have really slow reflexes or something- I can't keep going with that. I can only get maybe 2/3 of them at best because I keep hitting in between 'em and missing a few, and even though I'm going slower than the music, I still feel numb after that.




Another Q: On Hard and Expert, do you guys move your hands for all oranges, pinky, or a certain combination of the two? If a combination (which I think is the proper way), how do you decide which method to do, and how often do you do either? Me, I never move my pinky; always shift my hand. It just feels unnatural moving just one finger for oranges and then having to shift it back, and it screws me up. But at the same time I still get messed with the handshifts at at least one point in each song [getting better -_-"].




So again, for Hard and Expert, pinky, whole hand, what?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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AJ, I move my whole hand from covering the first four buttons to the second four when I have to hit an orange, and then back when I have to hit a green. It works reasonably well for me. Except when I have to hit crazy combinations with my pinky, then I freak out and try to use other fingers, losing my positions entirely :lol: .


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Another Q: On Hard and Expert, do you guys move your hands for all oranges, pinky, or a certain combination of the two? If a combination (which I think is the proper way), how do you decide which method to do, and how often do you do either? Me, I never move my pinky; always shift my hand. It just feels unnatural moving just one finger for oranges and then having to shift it back, and it screws me up. But at the same time I still get messed with the handshifts at at least one point in each song [getting better -_-"].




So again, for Hard and Expert, pinky, whole hand, what?




Sometimes, you kind of come up with it on the spot. One tip for you is on hard and expert, start with your hand in the rybo position (last four buttons)


Only move your hand up to hit the greens. This works for some people and it doesn't work for others. Find out what works for you.


Also, get used to stretching your pinky to hit the orange. It's required for certain chords (like in my curse). To help with handshifts, try playing Prayer of the Refugee on expert, with the slower/slowest speeds.

Finally beat jordan on expert!

My Scorehero page : http://www.scorehero.com/scores.php?use ... e=5&diff=4


Impossible Test

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I'll join if it's a 360 group as well as Wii.




It's for every system. Just a general Guitar Hero tour group. :)


Just a way for us to compare scores and whatnot.




And Reb, I move my whole hand for some combinations, but for others I only move my pinky or my last two fingers so that my fingers cover green, red, blue, and orange. (no yellow)




In songs that are based with the orange button and rarely use the green, I do the same thing but reversed.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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I've confirmed everyone who's requested so far. ::'




@rush - This is pretty much a group for every system. It's an easier way to compare scores and do other stuff. We aren't leaning towards one system or another. :)




EDIT: Arggggghhh!!! I'm only 6 groupies behind you! :wink:




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Hey, I'll join the tour group as long as theres not a difficulty requirement because I'm quite poor at hard, but I'm working to get better. My name is kuNgfuZzlEd. Accept if you want.




EDIT: Just tried to log on to my account and it wont let me log in. Deny me, I'll try to figure it out first.

i r tink tht a11 ppl shud use g00d gr@m3r since g00d gr@m3r is ftw.

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Hey, I'll join the tour group as long as theres not a difficulty requirement because I'm quite poor at hard, but I'm working to get better. My name is kuNgfuZzlEd. Accept if you want.




EDIT: Just tried to log on to my account and it wont let me log in. Deny me, I'll try to figure it out first.




Denied on request. Hope to see ya back soon!




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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Just beat Cliffs of Dover on Expert! \'




Only Raining Blood left + Lou Battle. ::'




(Btw, I took over the overall groupie lead from ya runescapeloser22 :P )




wth?! tell me how to beat One and NoTB!!!




Cliffs of Dover is the easiest song out of that set!!!

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Just beat Cliffs of Dover on Expert! \'




Only Raining Blood left + Lou Battle. ::'




(Btw, I took over the overall groupie lead from ya runescapeloser22 :P )




wth?! tell me how to beat One and NoTB!!!




Cliffs of Dover is the easiest song out of that set!!!




Lol! Let's see.... On One, I never used my starpower until the fast solo, so I had full. I tried to last as long as I could without it and only used it when I was in red. That lasted me throughout most of it. After that, it's a matter of fighting the cramps in your hand till the end! :XD:




On NoTB...gosh...I REALLY had trouble with that song, so I think runescapeloser is probably better off to give advice for that song. :)








My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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I'll join it if I ever stop being really lazy :?




I had trouble with NoTB too, but not that much.


I found that to get past that beginning part I have to strum up and down (I know some people that always strum up and down, but most only do for really fast parts.) It's not fast enough that I would normally strum up and down, but idk, it works for me on that song.

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