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What is your networth?


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Ehh pic proof lol








These are the only things of worth, everything else is a lil random, or i just can't be bothered calculating their worth. (i sold my green a few days ago, if any friends are wondering)




Nice, but i find the castle wars tickets the ONLY part hard to believe. Why? because anybody with 5k+ tickets is common knowledge to anybody involved with castlewars clans and anybody who spends a decent ammount of time @ cw.




Sorry to offend but you seem a bit too 'unknown' to have that many, mainly because it would make you the 4th highest ticket holder in rs, which i find INCREDIBLY hard to believe.




It's ok if you believe that, the only people who may think i'm 'famous' are people who play with me on w6. I've never joined a cw clan and never will. And many of those tickets were gained from me training my magic from 95-99 basically through blood barrage.

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i think i have around 4000M worth bank these days but my bank been about same since 2002...most amount i had hold pure cash is 10M gp


I dont think much of their value anymore since most rares there i have either gotten as gift or picked up from ground so they are there to remind me about good days of RS...in other words they will never be sold so basically they dont have monetary value for me.

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Hmm, this is tough...




140K~Rune with out shield


140K~Rune h1 kite


150K~500 nats


360K~Some 16K assorted basic runes, a guess if each rune is 20gp? :shock:


090K~300 chaos, 100 laws, 100 cosmics


060K~About 60 assorted gems


165K~4K irons, 2K bronze, 400 steel, 100 addy arrows


015K~Green dragonhide set






So my networth is about 1355K estimate. Of course, I'm F2P

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Lets see,




I have just under 800k coins


Abby Whip


Dragon Skirt


Dragon Scimmy




Add those to my seeds, pots, 4 halk keys, rune stuff and other stuff I would say I'm just over 6 million.

Elvarg the Magic Dragon, Lives by the sea...

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about 2.1M, but only about 55k cash rt now. i keep spending on stuff. money making hasnt been a big concern of mine until a couple of months ago.

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
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Funny you should ask this.. i went through my bank last week working out the price of every single item that might be worth selling, put it in a spreadsheet and totalled. (yes i was bored)




The result:77,149,600




Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:




If you quit, can I have a small chunk? lets say..... half??? :mrgreen:

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Since I haven't been on in a while..... I have 2 mil cash, 27k rune ess, around 14k airs, and about 200k worth of rune, 100k worth of runes (other than airs), and 750k worth of TT stuff- so that comes to 4,163,000 gp, plus around 130k worth of "junk," bringing it all the way up to a pathetic 4.3 million GP. And of course, I'm F2P, without a clue of how to make money


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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I'm probably the WORST. About... 40k? lol. My best item is like, an addy ore (no joke) and i have NO money. I dropped everything when i left. Now I've come back. Most my stuff is useless member only stuff, that i can't use due to I'm F2P now. Quite suprising due to some of my levels are good money makers..


80 Mining, 70 Fletch, 76 Wc.......



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