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I found the nice people in Runescape?


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The last time I hear a lot of rants about the Runescape Community. I don't know if it's just me, but I rarely meet bad people. It could be because I'm P2P and usually at high level area's, though..




I'm Hunting, and suddenly a lower level comes to me and hands me a few Hunter Pots, without talking. Hunter is crowded last time, so I log in and see there's already someone. Because I already switched a few times I say: Sorry, but I'm going to hunt here too. He's like, allright, no problem. Another time I go hunt, the guy who's there says: Stay this world, I like to chat a few words. These are just a few examples.




When I'm doing Slayer or something, I almost always have a nice conversation with the people there.




So I'm kind of confused because of all the community rants. Yes, I know it's dangerous to fish in Catherby if you don't have public chat on friends, but that's the only example I know.




Post your thoughts and experiences please :D.




~If I posted it wrong, please move to the appopriate section.


Here's my blog: restoring it soon | Achieved 99 Crafting

Quoting yourself is laaaaame
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I think the community has a bad name because a small few have "let the side down". Most lower levelled players can be quite pleasant to talk to at times, and their inquisitive naivety is quite pleasant. Most of the time I fish at Catherby, because of the large crowds there and almost 99% of the time, they are a pleasant, talkative bunch.




Edit: I hate making a link with level and maturity, so I am saying, in general, lower levelled players are less mature. It doesn't mean there aren't higher levelled players who act like three year olds.

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I have a totally different experience, but there is a good reason for that. I'm not one to engage a conversation with someone out of the blue. Because of this, I don't chat much on Runescape. Because of this, the nice people usually ignore me and the bad people are the only ones who talk to me, which is why I usually just notice bad people.

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I have no problem with the general community.




Catherby does say all that "Press 123 if u like linken parck" stuff but it's not hard to avoid and sometimes it's humorous. I don't go there any more though, Piscatoris ftw!!!1 ?

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Most of the time I fish at Catherby, because of the large crowds there and almost 99% of the time, they are a pleasant, talkative bunch.




You mean with such gems as: "wae:blue:Fishy ><><><><><><>"?

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The last time I hear a lot of rants about the Runescape Community. I don't know if it's just me, but I rarely meet bad people. It could be because I'm P2P and usually at high level area's, though..




I'm Hunting, and suddenly a lower level comes to me and hands me a few Hunter Pots, without talking. Hunter is crowded last time, so I log in and see there's already someone. Because I already switched a few times I say: Sorry, but I'm going to hunt here too. He's like, allright, no problem. Another time I go hunt, the guy who's there says: Stay this world, I like to chat a few words. These are just a few examples.




When I'm doing Slayer or something, I almost always have a nice conversation with the people there.




So I'm kind of confused because of all the community rants. Yes, I know it's dangerous to fish in Catherby if you don't have public chat on friends, but that's the only example I know.




Post your thoughts and experiences please :D.




~If I posted it wrong, please move to the appopriate section.




I hear fishing guild can be dangerous too.




Most people are conceeded and think that they own the spot if they get there and no one is. They fail to realise that maybe someone WAS there before and went for a bank trip.




I like to share my hunting spot. I heard it's better xp too. Why? Becuase you're catching ALL the chinchompas and there are no straglers running around.




If you want a nice community, don't complain about it, change it. Set the example



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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I would agree to some extent. The players of Runescape are generally well behaved. There are places and people who I generally steer clear of, but usually it's not a problem.




I will concur that there is a definite link between level and maturity. Higher level players are usually a little older and experienced. They are more well mannered and tempered.




I think the most important thing is to think about your own actions. Keep yourself in check and you'll be one of the nice players that people remember.





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Many times, where the higher level people hang out (Higher level slayer monsters, higher level hunting grounds, etc...) You find people much more mature and much more willing to accommodate you. I remember powerfishing to 76 fishing at monkfish, and almost every time I would log onto there on any world, people would be very nice, and easy to carry on a conversation with.




I know that higher levels doesn't always = higher age, but sometimes it seems so, or at least higher maturity.


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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Edit: I hate making a link with level and maturity, so I am saying, in general, lower levelled players are less mature. It doesn't mean there aren't higher levelled players who act like three year olds.




Theres plenty of high levled jerks......there probably the low levls who bought a new account :XD: (just joking...don't hammer me for that)








But there are plenty of awesome low levls...skillers for example. Or levl 3 mods :P


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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Excerpt from Robert Fulgham's "All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten":




"You will continue to read stories of crookedness and corruption - of policemen who lie and steal, doctors who reap where they do not sow, politicians on the take. Don't be misled. They are news because they are the exceptions..... Who says people are no damn good? What kind of talk is that?"




Doesn't fit perfectly, but it does pretty well.




Offtopic: I totally suggest this book to everyone who can read.



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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I think it's mostly because, as you said, you train in higher level areas, and in some skills that take some work to do. Because of this, you are with much more mature people than the ones giving the community a bad name. Most of my best friends in game I have met deep in the slayer cave and slayer tower.

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


3 down, 7 to go

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i have a great time at catherby, usually the people are very nice, and we laugh at the occasional person alching on water obelisk island. i usually find some annoying people at the ardy master farmer, one guy put me on his ignore because i didn't agree with his opinion of putting the master farmer in the fence. i didn't do anything wrong, he was an immature kid who didn't like to be called wrong or dissagreed with. runescape is usually a enjoyable place, those little immature kids ruin it. O:)



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My theory is that people who enjoy training Slayer and Hunter are usually more mature, seeing as they take more patience and don't always have an immediate pay-off. This will usually weed out the players who are just trying to get an instant satisfaction and/or pay-off from the skills.






Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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My theory is that it truly matters what skill your training, what world you are training in, and who you are training with. If you are training a really complex skill and you slow the other person down, they tend to get mad. But, let's say that the person is almost 99 in that skill, they rarely get mad because they have gone so far as it is and put a lot of time into getting to where they are at. This also works Vice Versa, if the player is level 1 in the skill, they tend to be a little more annoying because they think they have to level up as fast as possible because they NEED that cape.




I also believe that they world in which you train in matters. I like to train in World 99 and sometimes 92 for certain skills. The people in 99 are very nice and kind, and usually more relaxed than in a random world.




Well, that's my two cents. :)

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I'm Hunting, and suddenly a lower level comes to me and hands me a few Hunter Pots, without talking. Hunter is crowded last time, so I log in and see there's already someone. Because I already switched a few times I say: Sorry, but I'm going to hunt here too. He's like, allright, no problem. Another time I go hunt, the guy who's there says: Stay this world, I like to chat a few words. These are just a few examples.




I've never been given any pots but I have shared spots with people and then I have a good chat with them, made quite a few friends who im racing against :P




But like someone said, there are some who let the side down. People were nice to me, so I was nice to everyone else. A low level player came along and was lost, so I was giving him directions etc.




But then, he started asking me to give him free chomps...then when I said no he just started killing chomps and continually harrassing me :cry:




And i've encountered this situation once every day for the past 4 days. It makes me feel very bitter :evil:

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Most of the time I fish at Catherby, because of the large crowds there and almost 99% of the time, they are a pleasant, talkative bunch.




You mean with such gems as: "wae:blue:Fishy ><><><><><><>"?




Yeah.... :XD: well how else do you pass the time?







Edit: I hate making a link with level and maturity, so I am saying, in general, lower levelled players are less mature. It doesn't mean there aren't higher levelled players who act like three year olds.




Theres plenty of high levled jerks......there probably the low levls who bought a new account :XD: (just joking...don't hammer me for that)








But there are plenty of awesome low levls...skillers for example. Or levl 3 mods :P




Yeah, for example, I go to school with someone who is on the second or third page of the hiscores - he is the biggest jerk, spends most of his time getting his school friends to make accounts to buy up money for him. It disgusts me that someone with that rank abuses it so much.


And tbh, i would prefer to hang out with skillers than a bunch of players around my level- all the time i'm training with people around my skill, all they ask are things like "total level" or "how much money you got in bank", and then proceed to brag about whatever... lower levelled players just seem to want to chat quietly about sport or something :)

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I have seen plenty of nice people on members, and most do not bother you and you can easily get in a good conversation here. It definitely is better in terms of maturity and how gernerous/trusting people are in members than F2P, I've been pestered every day of my f2p life by beggers...




However, this is for most of the members population, there is always that bad egg out of the dozen that still acts completely immature. For example, today I was mole hunting and after I had finished my kill, a lvl 22 wanders up to me and asks me to give him half the loot :roll: ...when i refused he called me a noob and just walked away. -.-



overall-1.png: 1437 combat.png: 173
Lowest Combat to 1,000 Total in F2P (23 Combat)
Check me out on YouTube!

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Most lower levelled players can be quite pleasant to talk to at times, and their inquisitive naivety is quite pleasant.


Do you mean naivet̮̩̉̉?




Anyways, combat level and maturity have no link or no link. I think total level would be more of a factor than combat level because a higher total level would usually indicate more playing time overall. I actually find some lower leveled players more interesting to talk to. I usually end up meeting a bunch of high leveled gits, so I usually like to talk to the lower levels. Oh, f2p and p2p isn't an indicator of maturity. How they act is the indicator.

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Most lower levelled players can be quite pleasant to talk to at times, and their inquisitive naivety is quite pleasant.


Do you mean naivet̮̩̉̉?




Anyways, combat level and maturity have no link or no link. I think total level would be more of a factor than combat level because a higher total level would usually indicate more playing time overall. I actually find some lower leveled players more interesting to talk to. I usually end up meeting a bunch of high leveled gits, so I usually like to talk to the lower levels. Oh, f2p and p2p isn't an indicator of maturity. How they act is the indicator.




aye, naivet̮̩̉̉. Stupid <3: firefox..




I think basically, there is no link between ANY level and maturity. Moving this into RL, it's like saying girls are more mature than boys- which isn't true- It's about the individual person, regardless of gender, age, race, or in runescape's case, Level.

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Most of the time I fish at Catherby, because of the large crowds there and almost 99% of the time, they are a pleasant, talkative bunch.




You mean with such gems as: "wae:blue:Fishy ><><><><><><>"?




That usually happens in F2P but it's still hilarious. Instead of scroll i've seen people typing: "left to right". Funny but pathetic.

My F2P Moneymaking Guide!

Always gargle before a takeoff. Wakka Wakka!

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