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if runescape 3 came out, would u still play rs2?


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depending on how rs3 looks and ran on my comp i would prolly stick with the better running one, just because its old doesnt mean its good, like super smash bros...its still fun to dish out the whoop @$$ even tho the graphics could be better on gamecube (and soon Wii)



click link to go to ganon95 productions

runescape requires a lot of skills, napoleon dynamyte would love this game

i am the proud owner of the quest point cape; all quests done 12/04/06

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I don't even see why these posts are created, tbh. It's just a waste of bandwith. -.- JaGeX is enhancing the graphics to RS2 because THERE WILL NOT BE A RS3! JaGeX will eventually enhance EVERY little detail with their growing income, and also with the new players becoming members.


Mmm... Mudkipz...

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I don't even see why these posts are created, tbh. It's just a waste of bandwith. -.- JaGeX is enhancing the graphics to RS2 because THERE WILL NOT BE A RS3!


"*IF* Runescape 3 came out."


It's definitly not impossible that RS3 will be released, we certainly can't rule it out. :wink:

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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would u play as much?


wut would u do?




i would play this account and rs3 account like a crack addict




If RS3 came out I'd play RS3, simple.




Unless RS3 sucked I'd probably stick to RS2 but their would be no point, it would only die after a few months. (Look at RSC.)

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I would definitely play. I still play Madden '05 even though my friends will be moving on to '08 soon. I like the way RS2 is set out, and besides, with RS3 out, all the noobs will be gone. :lol:


Great point. Then Jagex might shut down 2, with all the rule 7ers out there.

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what i think is




any account that hasnt been around for 3years or more(since rs3 is far away..3years aint much), will be AUTO moved to rs3..




and it shld be called N00by or AutoScape



Click My Signature For Training Guide/LSK respectively.

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I would play it yes!




However on a differnt note: I am not too happy witht he discussion of RS3, on the offical forums we dont allow it for safty reasons.




It raises the profile of it as a possibility and some people go looking fo RS3, we all know it;s not there, but they end up on a hack site losing their account. I would appreciate it very much if you could update your first post to highlight the fact that it is not real, and Jagex have no intention of making it.

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then they can make it so u cant make a rs2 account like rs classic,


so no more macroers :thumbsup:




Classic is so easy to auto. (Not that I do :roll: )




OT: I'd still play, I like rs2 and like stated before although many macroers will be on rs2, more low levels will be gone. (No offense skillers).


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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