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"God hates fags"


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uh, lol ok...wtf? he said People attack your religion...not Christians as a whole...




and he is right..making a thread like this was pointless...all it did was flame stupid [cabbage]...and assasin you must like attacking us and coming in here to raie more hell? because you would have seen my request to lock this damn thread...




so i ask you why in the hell are you an athiest?




Debate....wow...couldnt have said it better...why dont you move this [bleep] topic there? im sure there will be alot more post..


Carlos Mencia- De De De..


No shiz?




First off, the debate forum is for debates related to Runescape. This ain't.




Secondly, seriously, stop with the whining about 'attacking' your religion. I'm not attacking it, i'm questioning it (which i'm perfectly entitled to do so). No, i'm not going to lock it because some Christians are offended, but nor would I lock a thread where some atheists, or liberals were offended. Like I said, freedom to criticise, freedom of speech and freedom to hold an opinion are fundamental.




I don't 'like' attacking you, because I don't attack you in the first place. What I do like doing is debating with reasonable open-minded Christians about their faith. If you don't want to do it then that's fine, i'm not saying you have to do, just stop making such a fuss when I try and have a debate with some that do.




Yeah, the threads got a little off track now (okay, a lot), but it's still fine by my book. If you want to let it die then just let it die.






There is no such thing as freedom of speech on the internet. If athiests were loosing this debate, it would have been locked long ago.








Atheists don't lose religious debates. They're on offense, and debates - just like sports - are lost on defense, not offense.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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uh, lol ok...wtf? he said People attack your religion...not Christians as a whole...




and he is right..making a thread like this was pointless...all it did was flame stupid [cabbage]...and assasin you must like attacking us and coming in here to raie more hell? because you would have seen my request to lock this damn thread...




so i ask you why in the hell are you an athiest?




Debate....wow...couldnt have said it better...why dont you move this [bleep] topic there? im sure there will be alot more post..


Carlos Mencia- De De De..


No shiz?




First off, the debate forum is for debates related to Runescape. This ain't.




Secondly, seriously, stop with the whining about 'attacking' your religion. I'm not attacking it, i'm questioning it (which i'm perfectly entitled to do so). No, i'm not going to lock it because some Christians are offended, but nor would I lock a thread where some atheists, or liberals were offended. Like I said, freedom to criticise, freedom of speech and freedom to hold an opinion are fundamental.




I don't 'like' attacking you, because I don't attack you in the first place. What I do like doing is debating with reasonable open-minded Christians about their faith. If you don't want to do it then that's fine, i'm not saying you have to do, just stop making such a fuss when I try and have a debate with some that do.




Yeah, the threads got a little off track now (okay, a lot), but it's still fine by my book. If you want to let it die then just let it die.






There is no such thing as freedom of speech on the internet. If athiests were loosing this debate, it would have been locked long ago.








Atheists don't lose religious debates. They're on offense, and debates - just like sports - are lost on defense, not offense.




True, christians can turn it around though. Rather than defending their points, only to be questioned again and again, they should question athiest and agnostic views and be on the offense themselfs.





If you love me, send me a PM.


8 - Love me

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Questioning an Atheists' views, for a Christian, is usually useless. Christian's usually end up reverting to "Well the Bible says [this], so what now?!" and that...Just doesn't work.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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The number of signs and theories they had about how god s all homosexuals, all gays that were brave enough to fight the war in iraq are shameful and should be burnt, that 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina were "blessings" from god and that god hates every "rulebreaker" according to the ridiculous Bible.




First of all, the Bible teaches that God s no one, and that you shouldn't anyone.




Second of all, the Bible does teach against homosexuality, and it is shamed by it, but it nowhere says God s anyone who is, he just is shamed by it, but God loves everyone, from Mother Teresa to Osama Bin Laden, even George Bush.








=D> , but anyway, anyone who actually knows anything about the Bible knows God s no one. And yes, I do believe in the bible. :mrgreen:






And another thing to you athiest kids -.- , evolution makes no freaking sense at all, okay if humans did come from monkeys (lol?) why were some monkey's left behind? Not very fair you ask me. Just makes no sense at all to me, so that alone just proves God is real.




Why do Atheists care what other religions think they should just shut up and mind there own buisness and do not tell me that Christians attack other religions because it's not, it's the people attacking your beliefs so making threads like these is just pointless. :|




You don't believe in evolution? Clear hard evidence? You choose to believe in a bunch of 2000 year old badly translated scriptures? If i were to write a book now claiming that a man unknown and unseen called Rod had created mankind, 2000 years later you would believe me over blatent facts?




Other monkeys didn't evolve because evolution is just mutation over long periods of time. For example, if a family had 3 perfectly normal children, but 1 child with webbed toes and this child gave birth to 3 children all with webbed toes, but his 3 siblings gave birth to children with normal toes, then 1 species survives while another is created. Etc...




Your acting like Evolution is all fact.




You seem to forget that its called "Theory of Evolution"




and there is "clear hard evidence" against the theory of Evolution.




And about the monkey thing.




If Evolution takes a very long time to take affect, don't you think that some where millions of years ago there would be a change with a monkey, or an fish, bird, whatever, and we would be able to see it?




If you think your right, then tell me how thats possible, if all animals "evolve" like you say, we should be seeing it now, since there would have been a lot of changes, millions of years ago.

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The number of signs and theories they had about how god s all homosexuals, all gays that were brave enough to fight the war in iraq are shameful and should be burnt, that 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina were "blessings" from god and that god hates every "rulebreaker" according to the ridiculous Bible.




First of all, the Bible teaches that God s no one, and that you shouldn't anyone.




Second of all, the Bible does teach against homosexuality, and it is shamed by it, but it nowhere says God s anyone who is, he just is shamed by it, but God loves everyone, from Mother Teresa to Osama Bin Laden, even George Bush.








=D> , but anyway, anyone who actually knows anything about the Bible knows God s no one. And yes, I do believe in the bible. :mrgreen:






And another thing to you athiest kids -.- , evolution makes no freaking sense at all, okay if humans did come from monkeys (lol?) why were some monkey's left behind? Not very fair you ask me. Just makes no sense at all to me, so that alone just proves God is real.




Why do Atheists care what other religions think they should just shut up and mind there own buisness and do not tell me that Christians attack other religions because it's not, it's the people attacking your beliefs so making threads like these is just pointless. :|




You don't believe in evolution? Clear hard evidence? You choose to believe in a bunch of 2000 year old badly translated scriptures? If i were to write a book now claiming that a man unknown and unseen called Rod had created mankind, 2000 years later you would believe me over blatent facts?




Other monkeys didn't evolve because evolution is just mutation over long periods of time. For example, if a family had 3 perfectly normal children, but 1 child with webbed toes and this child gave birth to 3 children all with webbed toes, but his 3 siblings gave birth to children with normal toes, then 1 species survives while another is created. Etc...




Your acting like Evolution is all fact.




You seem to forget that its called "Theory of Evolution"




and there is "clear hard evidence" against the theory of Evolution.




And about the monkey thing.




If Evolution takes a very long time to take affect, don't you think that some where millions of years ago there would be a change with a monkey, or an fish, bird, whatever, and we would be able to see it?




If you think your right, then tell me how thats possible, if all animals "evolve" like you say, we should be seeing it now, since there would have been a lot of changes, millions of years ago.




Evolution is a fact and a theory. The idea that evolution happens is a demonstrable fact evidenced by a 5 minute study of genetics. Ask any scientists whether evolution happens. The theory of evolution is a unifying explanation incorporating facts, explanations, observations, hypotheses and tests in order to best define and explain the processes of evolution and to help draw conclusions, one of which is that the theory of universal common descent is an accurate account of life on earth as evidenced by overwhelmingly favourable empirical evidence.




I'll give you an analogy I like to use. Gravity is a fact. The theory of gravitation merely attempts to explain how the phenomenon works.




Just to add, we can see evolution in action now, have seen it many times and have tested it many times. We also see the effects of millions of years of past evolution as documented in the fossil record and other lines of evidence.

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Here's my view on religion.




If you're are let's say Atheist.


And Christianity turns out to be true?


What are you going to do?




Now a Christian scenario.


You die it's not true you've lived a life of hope.


And you tend not to think when you aren't living in an Atheist's view correct so you never have to think about you being wrong.




Either way it goes the Christian is the happier.

Retired from Runescape as of June 1, 2007.

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Here's my view on religion.




If you're are let's say Atheist.


And Christianity turns out to be true?


What are you going to do?




Now a Christian scenario.


You die it's not true you've lived a life of hope.


And you tend not to think when you aren't living in an Atheist's view correct so you never have to think about you being wrong.




Either way it goes the Christian is the happier.




Your missing the point; an athiest believes he is correct as much as a christian. We, [or atleast I] are not afraid of the alternate scenario because I do not believe in god at all. I live an as happy life as a christian does because my belief is as firm as yours is. I do not believe in god, therefore I do not go through life fearing 'just incase'.

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Here's my view on religion.




If you're are let's say Atheist.


And Christianity turns out to be true?


What are you going to do?




Now a Christian scenario.


You die it's not true you've lived a life of hope.


And you tend not to think when you aren't living in an Atheist's view correct so you never have to think about you being wrong.




Either way it goes the Christian is the happier.




Your missing the point; an athiest believes he is correct as much as a christian. We, [or atleast I] are not afraid of the alternate scenario because I do not believe in god at all. I live an as happy life as a christian does because my belief is as firm as yours is. I do not believe in god, therefore I do not go through life fearing 'just incase'.




Not to sound rude or anything but if the Christian view were correct, yes you've lived a happy life but have to face an eternity of Hell just because you had to take the risk. So living your life is the same is an Atheist and Christian tend to be the same but better safe than sorry. :)

Retired from Runescape as of June 1, 2007.

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Not to sound rude or anything but if the Christian view were correct, yes you've lived a happy life but have to face an eternity of Hell just because you had to take the risk. So living your life is the same is an Atheist and Christian tend to be the same but better safe than sorry. :)




But I believe so firmly I'm not afraid of the 'were', so I'm not even willing to consider the 'were'. It's like terrorists; they believe so firmly that they are going to heaven that they don't even consider the 'were', they don't even let the thought pass through their minds. I'm kinda like that, just the opposite.




Don't get me wrong, I hear what your saying about 'what if' I die and go to hell, well then I'm screwed :P. But I'm not afraid of that, because I dont actually believe that will happen. So on earth, im as happy as a devout christian. Proably happier even, since Christians question their faith alot more than athiests do.

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Here's my view on religion.




If you're are let's say Atheist.


And Christianity turns out to be true?


What are you going to do?




Now a Christian scenario.


You die it's not true you've lived a life of hope.


And you tend not to think when you aren't living in an Atheist's view correct so you never have to think about you being wrong.




Either way it goes the Christian is the happier.




Your missing the point; an athiest believes he is correct as much as a christian. We, [or atleast I] are not afraid of the alternate scenario because I do not believe in god at all. I live an as happy life as a christian does because my belief is as firm as yours is. I do not believe in god, therefore I do not go through life fearing 'just incase'.




Not to sound rude or anything but if the Christian view were correct, yes you've lived a happy life but have to face an eternity of Hell just because you had to take the risk. So living your life is the same is an Atheist and Christian tend to be the same but better safe than sorry. :)




Your chances of being correct are still incredibly small. What makes you think the most popular religion is the right one? What makes you think any are right? Do you realise how slim the chances of any one of the thousands of religions around the world being correct is? An atheist is liberated from such questioning by lacking the belief that any are real or true accounts of reality. If you want more of a rebuttal to your position I suggest you google "criticisms of Pascal's Wager."

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Your chances of being correct are still incredibly small. What makes you think the most popular religion is the right one? What makes you think any are right? Do you realise how slim the chances of any one of the thousands of religions around the world being correct is? An atheist is liberated from such questioning by lacking the belief that any are real or true accounts of reality. If you want more of a rebuttal to your position I suggest you google "criticisms of Pascal's Wager."




That argument doesn't work on fundementalists [it's still perfectly logical though.]

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Your chances of being correct are still incredibly small. What makes you think the most popular religion is the right one? What makes you think any are right? Do you realise how slim the chances of any one of the thousands of religions around the world being correct is? An atheist is liberated from such questioning by lacking the belief that any are real or true accounts of reality. If you want more of a rebuttal to your position I suggest you google "criticisms of Pascal's Wager."




That argument doesn't work on fundementalists [it's still perfectly logical though.]




Yeah. Perhaps the argument that god could see straight through the Pascal's Wager charade would work better. Then again I'm not going to hold my breath.

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Here's my view on religion.




If you're are let's say Atheist.


And Christianity turns out to be true?


What are you going to do?




Now a Christian scenario.


You die it's not true you've lived a life of hope.


And you tend not to think when you aren't living in an Atheist's view correct so you never have to think about you being wrong.




Either way it goes the Christian is the happier.




Now factor in that Christians and Atheists could both be wrong. Say hello to Allah?




Ahh...Now what do you do?

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Here's my view on religion.




If you're are let's say Atheist.


And Christianity turns out to be true?


What are you going to do?




Now a Christian scenario.


You die it's not true you've lived a life of hope.


And you tend not to think when you aren't living in an Atheist's view correct so you never have to think about you being wrong.




Either way it goes the Christian is the happier.




Now factor in that Christians and Atheists could both be wrong. Say hello to Allah?




Ahh...Now what do you do?




In that religion is it true you are reincarnated until you get it right, no? From what I've read there is no hell within that religion. Still safe mate. By the way the only reason I'm religious is not because I'm afraid of hell it's because I feel strongly about my religion so before anyone says I'm cowardice just had to say that.

Retired from Runescape as of June 1, 2007.

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Here's my view on religion.




If you're are let's say Atheist.


And Christianity turns out to be true?


What are you going to do?




Now a Christian scenario.


You die it's not true you've lived a life of hope.


And you tend not to think when you aren't living in an Atheist's view correct so you never have to think about you being wrong.




Either way it goes the Christian is the happier.




Your missing the point; an athiest believes he is correct as much as a christian. We, [or atleast I] are not afraid of the alternate scenario because I do not believe in god at all. I live an as happy life as a christian does because my belief is as firm as yours is. I do not believe in god, therefore I do not go through life fearing 'just incase'.




Not to sound rude or anything but if the Christian view were correct, yes you've lived a happy life but have to face an eternity of Hell just because you had to take the risk. So living your life is the same is an Atheist and Christian tend to be the same but better safe than sorry. :)




Your chances of being correct are still incredibly small. What makes you think the most popular religion is the right one? What makes you think any are right? Do you realise how slim the chances of any one of the thousands of religions around the world being correct is? An atheist is liberated from such questioning by lacking the belief that any are real or true accounts of reality. If you want more of a rebuttal to your position I suggest you google "criticisms of Pascal's Wager."






So you're gambling with your life while looking at 2000 year old traditions how can 2000 years of belief just die. There has to be something (ALOT I believe) to it if it has survived this long. And I've been touched in many ways within my religion I shiver every time I hear a hymn I think about life and love that's how I know I'm in the right place.

Retired from Runescape as of June 1, 2007.

Visit my guide on internet conduct and abbreviations!

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I shiver when i hear the intro to shine on you crazy diamond. Syd Barrett is GOD!?!??!?!


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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No it wasn't.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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I shiver when i hear the intro to shine on you crazy diamond. Syd Barrett is GOD!?!??!?!




Sorry but that was absolutely uncalled for and rude.








The world does not revolve around you and your stupid religion. NO ONE CARES if they offend you or not, and they shouldn't have to walk on egg shells for you. I sure won't.




So, Jesus Christ on a freakin' bicycle, shut it.




"Oh boo hoo, I'm offended, he said God in the wrong context! MOMMY!"




Please, jump in a fire. Nothing fancy, just light a fire, and jump in. Please. It's for the best. The world will be a better place. Don't you want the world to be a better place? I do. You should too. You're so selfish, just jump in the damn fire already.




Or just be quiet, because you're the most ridiculous individual I know of.








...Anyways, I believe there is a Hell in Islam, since Islam and Christianity worship the same God...The God of Abraham. They just have different names and are a bit different because they had two different writers. Muslims even reguard Jesus as a prophet, but not as God himself (actually, that's how it should be...even if Jesus was the son of God, he isn't God himself)...So that said, nice job dodging the question, moron.




You know what I meant. What if your religion is wrong, and another religion with the same punishments as yours is the right one? Then you're not so happy, are you? Forget about Islam, because now you'll say "Oh, they're the same God? STILL SAFE!" and dodge the question again.




Say any other religion with punishment of Hell and la-de-da is right. You're wrong, and you're no longer happy. SOOOOO now what?

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Ooo bit late but i rember that, it was completly random and if you dint watch it from the start it was confusing.




But it was fairly offencive and pretty unfair, dint watch much a there was a better film on.

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I shiver when i hear the intro to shine on you crazy diamond. Syd Barrett is GOD!?!??!?!




Sorry but that was absolutely uncalled for and rude.








The world does not revolve around you and your stupid religion. NO ONE CARES if they offend you or not, and they shouldn't have to walk on egg shells for you. I sure won't.




So, Jesus Christ on a freakin' bicycle, shut it.




"Oh boo hoo, I'm offended, he said God in the wrong context! MOMMY!"




Please, jump in a fire. Nothing fancy, just light a fire, and jump in. Please. It's for the best. The world will be a better place. Don't you want the world to be a better place? I do. You should too. You're so selfish, just jump in the damn fire already.




Or just be quiet, because you're the most ridiculous individual I know of.








...Anyways, I believe there is a Hell in Islam, since Islam and Christianity worship the same God...The God of Abraham. They just have different names and are a bit different because they had two different writers. Muslims even reguard Jesus as a prophet, but not as God himself (actually, that's how it should be...even if Jesus was the son of God, he isn't God himself)...So that said, nice job dodging the question, moron.




You know what I meant. What if your religion is wrong, and another religion with the same punishments as yours is the right one? Then you're not so happy, are you? Forget about Islam, because now you'll say "Oh, they're the same God? STILL SAFE!" and dodge the question again.




Say any other religion with punishment of Hell and la-de-da is right. You're wrong, and you're no longer happy. SOOOOO now what?




The world doesn't revolve around YOU either.




I'm positive if I started to make fun of you, your family what ever you would be offended.




Your making fun of my beliefs, most people treated you with respect. You should do the same if your a decent person.




And I don't care if your offended either, you need to act like a mature adult, not like some little kid who throws tantrums.




And your yelling at someone who found something offensive, how can you yell at the person for that?




You should be the one lighting the fire, and jumping in it, since you can't seem to control your anger to much.

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The world doesn't revolve around YOU either.




I'm positive if I started to make fun of you, your family what ever you would be offended.




Your making fun of my beliefs, most people treated you with respect. You should do the same if your a decent person.




And I don't care if your offended either, you need to act like a mature adult, not like some little kid who throws tantrums.




And your yelling at someone who found something offensive, how can you yell at the person for that?




You should be the one lighting the fire, and jumping in it, since you can't seem to control your anger to much.




Problem is he got so worked up over what was such a simple, snide yes, but simple comment.




Also it wasn't an insult, it was a statement showing that puredoom was wrong. Just because you get this 'special feeling' from something doesn't mean it is divine.

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The world doesn't revolve around YOU either.




I'm positive if I started to make fun of you, your family what ever you would be offended.








Problem is he got so worked up over what was such a simple, snide yes, but simple comment.




Also it wasn't an insult, it was a statement showing that puredoom was wrong. Just because you get this 'special feeling' from something doesn't mean it is divine.




How was puredoom's statement wrong?




He got offended by it, just because you didn't get offended by it, doesn't mean puredoom's statement is wrong.

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Puredoom's "proof" for why god is real is because he gets a tingly sensation (or whatever you would want to call it) when he is in church listening to hymns.




Satanza proved him wrong because he gets the same feeling listening to Pink Floyd. Getting a feeling like that is not proof something is divine in nature.






By the way, if you offend easily I would not visit a topic that is essentially a religious debate. Your views will be questioned.

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