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Why do people scam?


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Look we have a mod wannabe, seriously I can not believe you just wrote that.





I could only laugh... Yeah...




Anyway IMO..


Noob scammer, pro scammer, noob pker, pro pker


its like pking, if you are very good you can earn lots of cash, same goes to scamming..

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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Because they are low-lifes who are simply allergic to hard work.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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To the oringinal post, no, they do NOT care about other people's work. They care about themselves only and being able to spare time by scamming instead of working. No solution to this, just learn to adapt to new kinds of scams.




Like you're the righteous one caring about everyone and their supposed hard work. If you could make easy money without much work, you would do it too.

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First, if you get scammed (in a manner that you have control over; people getting slaughtered in people's houses and then getting booted, while a scam victims, are not at fault due to the fact it was bug abuse) it is your fault. Sorry, but your greed, lack of attention, greed, ignorance, greed, impatience, and/or greed (which one do you think I think is the most common reason?) caused the scam to be completed. You deserve to lose whatever you lost. I was scammed once in my early days of runescape (lost about 1/2 of my bank's value... for a grand total of 20k), through a combination of ignorance and impatience (the "sorry lag" scam), and I deserved it. I was guilty and was justly punished. Yes, of course I was miffed, but I took it in stride AND LEARNED FROM IT. If you are repeatedly scammed, you might want to... oh, I don't know... LEARN YOUR LESSON! Think of it this way, would you rather be duped out of runescape pixels, or out of real dollars/euros/yen/whatever? Take the hit to your pride, learn you lesson, and drive on.




With that being said, SCAMMERS DO NOT DESERVE WHAT THEY SCAM FROM YOU! Yes, paradoxical, I know. Scammers are low-lifed, immature, selfish losers, and deserve to be BANNED at the VERY FIRST offense. Period. No exceptions. Ever. If there were a way to completely withdraw the privilege of using the internet from these people, I would be the first in line to vote for it. I think that would be a nice lesson for them to learn. To have such a lack of compassion and empathy, to lack simple, common morals, and to thrive off the displeasure of others is just plain sick and pathetic. OH, to meet you in a dark alley... (but yeah, I'm nuts)




In summation...




Scammers scam because they (most, if not all, of the following):


are lazy


are selfish


lack empathy


lack compassion


are stupid (do not understand what they are doing *rare*)


are greedy


have a sick psyche (they enjoy causing pain)






You (all scammees, not just the OP) deserved to be scammed because you (at least one, and up to all of the following):


were greedy


weren't paying attention


were impatient


were ignorant




Please make sure that all of the "were"s above are actually "were"s and are not "are"s...


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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I mean now a days it's sad does anyone teach these kids that stealing is wrong. Now you can't even sell something without someone trying to scam you a couple times. People make these level 3 accounts just to scam and if you say something to them they go... You can't report my main as it wasn't the account that scammed you, and they just laugh like it's nothing. Don't they have a conscience or something inside of them that tells them that it is wrong?.

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Guest ShadowClawe

Scammers are not necessarily unintellegent people, like a lot of you posted. Some people are just so desparate for money, that they will do almost anything to get it, even if it includes breaking rules. They will try anything from hacking players' accounts to retrieve items, to switching 2000k to 200k in the trade screen. These players do not care if it will take their victims an extra week to save up for that rune platebody.




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but as i said before you contribute to the scam so dont blame the scammers when you allowed it to happen, your part of the blame


Wrong. The scammer is to blame! It's not your fault, though maybe you should check the screen a little more carefully next time. The victim is DEFINATELY not the one to blame, even if he was rushing a little bit.




they scam because they know that us, being human beings, are too stupid to realize that we are being scammed until it's too late.


Critical statement, but very wise. Yes, this is 100% true.




I think the people who are scammed are just as bad as the scammers. I was about to make a topic on this but I won't waste anybody's time with that. It seems every 5 seconds you hear someone complaining about "Oh I just got scammed out of 10m" or "sorry I can't pk with you I got scammed for 4634872 dollarz and a pony". Sure, it's horrible for people to attempt to cheat others out of their money, but THAT'S WHAT THE SECOND TRADE WINDOW IS FOR. How in god's name do you make a 10m trade and NOT CHECK THE DAMN WINDOW?




"Oh look, I was going to buy a gold rune plate, but there is no (g) next to it, I wonder if there is anything wrong with this? Oh well I'll trade anyway, must be a glitch". DURRRRR \' =D> \' =D>




Complaining about scammers is cool, but complaining about being scammed is not. I lose all e-respect for any person who falls for a trade scam. It's such a cop-out excuse.


I know why you feel that way. Because you've never been scammed yourself. If you've ever lost 10m to a scammer, then you would know how these other victims feel. It's not that the victims are some dumb noobs who don't know their numbers. It's that a lot of scammers are intelligent and crafty.




To the oringinal post, no, they do NOT care about other people's work. They care about themselves only and being able to spare time by scamming instead of working. No solution to this, just learn to adapt to new kinds of scams.


Yes, very well thought out, exactly true. This is why most people scam.




Like you're the righteous one caring about everyone and their supposed hard work. If you could make easy money without much work, you would do it too.


Actually, no. Some people don't scam because they actually have minds to know that 1) They will get in trouble if they do. 2) It hurts other people; if they've been scammed before, they know how it makes people feel.


Of course everyone wants to make easy money. But not everyone will scam because they are so greedy. That is only what extreme lazy/greedy people do.




You (all scammees, not just the OP) deserved to be scammed because you (at least one, and up to all of the following):


were greedy


weren't paying attention


were impatient


were ignorant


Wrong, badly thought out. Just because people missed the changing of 2000k to 200k doesnt make them greedy! Like I said earlier, it's not the victim's fault, it's the scammer's! The victims just need to learn to pay a little more attention.





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Look we have a mod wannabe, seriously I can not believe you just wrote that.




*Points to the second line of Zoidnerd's signature*




Run, run for the hills Freshwacka! :uhh:




Anyway, my view on scammers. I have known and encountered a fair few scammers in the past. My brother and some of my friends from school all scammed for the same reason; 'fast' money by taking advantage of other people.


When I say 'take advantage', this can mean a few things:




-Taking advantage of the fact someone is in a hurry, like them not checking the second trade screen


-Taking advantage of new players, or those who don't have much experience. For example, selling them a 'powerful weapon' for 10x its market value




Of course, these reason don't define a scammer. I am sure the complexity (lol) of these people differs on an individual case. Heck, there might be some scammers who do what they do to keep Jagex on their toes. :uhh:

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For lots of people, Runescape = compitition. Everyone must get more gp and levels then others. So people think they can cheat their way through by scamming because they want to be better then everyone else.


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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A better and more important question with an even less obvious answer then the one you will recieve when answering the question: why do people scam?




Is why do people Murder, Rape, Rob, etc, etc, etc?




Both can have the same answer with the latter of the two having even more unimaginable motives then the first. Of which you get the first of many answers being because they can and they want to.

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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A better and more important question with an even less obvious answer then the one you will recieve when answering the question: why do people scam?




Is why do people Murder, Rape, Rob, etc, etc, etc?




Both can have the same answer with the latter of the two having even more unimaginable motives then the first. Of which you get the first of many answers being because they can and they want to.




+ freakin 1



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You (all scammees, not just the OP) deserved to be scammed because you (at least one, and up to all of the following):


were greedy


weren't paying attention


were impatient


were ignorant


Wrong, badly thought out. Just because people missed the changing of 2000k to 200k doesnt make them greedy! Like I said earlier, it's not the victim's fault, it's the scammer's! The victims just need to learn to pay a little more attention.




So, it is the scammer's fault that the scammee does not check the second window and protect themselves? Please tell me you are joking. When does responsibility start and blaming others for YOUR mistakes end? The final click that loses your items was made by YOU not them. How can you blame anybody else in the world for what amounts to your own stupidity, greed, or whatever?


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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