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Be careful. Athiesm is the belief there is no God. There's another term for people who won't believe he exists until there is proof. CAn't remember what it is though.




The main reason I'm an athiest is because I believe there's a scientific and logical explantion for everything that occurs in the world. Most "miracles" can be explained through simple science.

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Be careful. Athiesm is the belief there is no God. There's another term for people who won't believe he exists until there is proof. CAn't remember what it is though.




The main reason I'm an athiest is because I believe there's a scientific and logical explantion for everything that occurs in the world. Most "miracles" can be explained through simple science.




Agnostic :wink:


I attempted to launch a fart, only to have it get stuck between my cheeks.
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I'm an atheist of any number of specific gods. Judeo-Christian, Allah, Zeus, Mars, Thor, Quetzalcoatl and millions of others. Why? There's no proof. That's the simple version.




I was a skeptic and a scientist before I was an atheist. The former two led me to the latter.

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No solid proof of God?




Wow I didn't realise there was solid proof that he didn't exist either. Have I missed something? :roll:




Perhaps then you believe in Thor, Zeus or Quetzalcoatl? Or the invisible pink elephant, flying spaghetti monster or the flying teapot? Or ghosts, pixies, faries, gremlins, trolls, witches and warlocks?




I think I've made my point clear enough.

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No solid proof of God?




Wow I didn't realise there was solid proof that he didn't exist either. Have I missed something? :roll:




Perhaps then you believe in Thor, Zeus or Quetzalcoatl? Or the invisible pink elephant, flying spaghetti monster or the flying teapot? Or ghosts, pixies, faries, gremlins, trolls, witches and warlocks?




I think I've made my point clear enough.




Yes well a billion people believe in Christianity, I doubt a billion people believe in pink elephants though.

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No solid proof of God?




Wow I didn't realise there was solid proof that he didn't exist either. Have I missed something? :roll:




Perhaps then you believe in Thor, Zeus or Quetzalcoatl? Or the invisible pink elephant, flying spaghetti monster or the flying teapot? Or ghosts, pixies, faries, gremlins, trolls, witches and warlocks?




I think I've made my point clear enough.




Yes well a billion people believe in Christianity, I doubt a billion people believe in pink elephants though.




And that makes it true? Perhaps Christians are the best as evangelising and missionary work.




Anyway the point I was making is that believing in something because it can't be disproven is 'backside'-about. The onus of proof is on the one making the claim, not the one denying it.

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Where is the all loving God?








God is right into his propoganda...




If something good happens... "Isn't God's work wonderful?"




If something bad happens... "Ah, God works in mysterious ways"




LOL, win win. Must be the same PR guy that works for Bush & Blair ;)

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Where is the all loving God?








God is right into his propoganda...




If something good happens... "Isn't God's work wonderful?"




If something bad happens... "Ah, God works in mysterious ways"




LOL, win win. Must be the same PR guy that works for Bush & Blair ;)




Since when do Christians say that he works in mysterious ways when something bad happens? I hear so much of that crap from athiest who just make up rubbish to justify their unbelief and try pass it off as something a Christian with strong beliefs would say.




I'll be the first to say that God has nothing to do with what happens to that poor little kid, but is caused by the evil sin of man before that, particular cruel dictators (who have God GIVEN free will) to cause some horror and pain. All pain is caused inevitably by someone who has sinned somewhere and somehow in the past to cause something like that to happen. God isn't going to step in, and stop something like that from happening, especially considering the child and his relatives wouldn't be Christians themselves, and haven't asked for help.




God is full of love, and he showed us that by sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. He didn't cause that to happen and neither did he let it happen, he gave man free will and man's sin is the cause of that. Don't blame God for man's mistakes.

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Sheer infinite improbability and scientific evidence for the contrary.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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LOL, a rational person like myself and many others, need actual proof before we'll believe in something and shape our whole life and intellect into following it...




What sickens me is the cop-out arguement, "Oh, but I believe. It's all about belief without proof". That's the lamest thing I've ever heard.




Ok, let's suppose the following...




I believe that God is in fact an evil, brown with pink pocka-dots, four eyed monster from the fifth dimension called Larry. Larry created the universe in a great big explosion and preaches destruction, violence, chaos and absolute loneliness.




Now you're thinking... "Don't be ridiculous. There's no such being and you're just being stupid".


But I BELIEVE in him, and that's all that's needed.




In fact, there's more proof that Larry exists than your God. The universe was created with a Big Bang. We look around and see unimaginable violence in the heart of supernovae, pulsars, neutron stars, black holes and gammaray bursters. The universe is absolute chaos which can barely be described even with our most advance mathematics and physics. And we are very alone, with no other known species out there.




So why don't you believe in Larry??? Eh, are you saying my God is fake? I'll put a Jihad on your [wagon]! ;) ;) ;)




Now I agree this is stupid... of course Larry isn't real, but if I was an influential person, say someone like L Ron Hubbard (scientology), or someone like Jesus (christianity), I could maybe spin a whole religion out of this concept. Then centuries from now, who would dare question the Sacred Word of Larry's Gospel?




I hope you can draw the parallels from Larry and God. They are surprisingly very similar.

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Yes well a billion people believe in Christianity, I doubt a billion people believe in pink elephants though.


500 years ago everyone believed the world is flat..




It's the lack of knowledge that makes people believe..


The existance of a god gives them easy "answers"

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Yes well a billion people believe in Christianity, I doubt a billion people believe in pink elephants though.




Millions upon millions of flies can't be wrong; Eating [cabbage] is good for you.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Oh boy...




Because there isn't any evidence whatsoever for God, and just because you cannot absolutely disprove something doesn't make it true.




And, in the words of Christopher Hitchens, religion is "violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive towards children."




Actually, the second bit would just make me an anti-theist, but whatever.




Oh, and you spelt atheist wrong.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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in the words of Christopher Hitchens, religion is "violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive towards children."



Maybe his definition of religion is different than mine. A religion is a belief of hope; that's the way I interpret religion.


hellbellz is currently gone due to a glitch.

// CTET member //

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I'm probably more agnostic than atheist, oh well.




Put simply, I just refuse to act like I understand something I don't. I'm going to focus my attention here on Earth, not towards some random man-made God who holds no proof for or against it's existence.




It is very possible there is a God. It's also very possible that there isn't. I just find it pointless to make a decision about something of which I know absolutely nothing. To be honest, none of you are qualified or justified in making a decision one way or the other either.




Yes well a billion people believe in Christianity, I doubt a billion people believe in pink elephants though.


500 years ago everyone believed the world is flat..




It's the lack of knowledge that makes people believe..


The existance of a god gives them easy "answers"






Try 2500 years ago.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I'm agnostic myself, I dont like to believe there is a god because I can't logically see there being one, but at the same time, i'm never quite sure.




"I don't believe in god, but i'm afraid of him."




I personally have much deeper theories on life.I reakon right in front of your eyes at this very moment, there are a countless amount of planets starting and ending their lives, planets so small and living out their lifespans so quickly you can't even see it happening. I believe this cos I reakon the earth, among with all of the other stars and planets, is an atom, and we all live on the atom, and we make up something that, to us, is immenseley huge. At the same time, we're immensley huge to other atoms - worlds, kinda thing - and the power of 10 thing continues and continues. How far? Iunno, but it would certainly prove life is pointless.


Just a theory. :-k

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in the words of Christopher Hitchens, religion is "violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive towards children."



Maybe his definition of religion is different than mine. A religion is a belief of hope; that's the way I interpret religion.




Sorry, that was misleading. That wasn't a definition, more of an opinion of what religion tends towards.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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in the words of Christopher Hitchens, religion is "violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive towards children."



Maybe his definition of religion is different than mine. A religion is a belief of hope; that's the way I interpret religion.




Sorry, that was misleading. That wasn't a definition, more of an opinion of what religion tends towards.




Oh gee, he's done it now.



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I don't mind atheists, but they bother the hell out of me when they challenge you and try to demean you because you believe in God. And quite a bit of them do, at least the one's I've met. Just leave me and my religion alone and I'll leave you and your scientific explanations to everything alone.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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Since when do Christians say that he works in mysterious ways when something bad happens? I hear so much of that crap from athiest who just make up rubbish to justify their unbelief and try pass it off as something a Christian with strong beliefs would say.




I'll be the first to say that God has nothing to do with what happens to that poor little kid, but is caused by the evil sin of man before that, particular cruel dictators (who have God GIVEN free will) to cause some horror and pain. All pain is caused inevitably by someone who has sinned somewhere and somehow in the past to cause something like that to happen. God isn't going to step in, and stop something like that from happening, especially considering the child and his relatives wouldn't be Christians themselves, and haven't asked for help.




God is full of love, and he showed us that by sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. He didn't cause that to happen and neither did he let it happen, he gave man free will and man's sin is the cause of that. Don't blame God for man's mistakes.




Right so God chooses who he gives free will to? Yeah ok so he gives the dictator free will to do what he likes but he doesn't give the child born to die free will?




It wasn't my neighbor's free will to get breast cancer so don't give me the free will speech as it's not equal for all.




Yeah God is full of love when he knows beforehand that the people he made will go to hell even before they are born.. wait i hear you say ' God gives them free will !!!11!1' Thats called limiting God's knowledge of coarse if his omnipotent and omnipresent he will know what will happen to the person before he/she is even born since he did make them and knew his/her plans before he/she was born.




Yeah thanks my loving God, I didn't ask you to make me ... now you just throw me into hell for eternal torture... what kind of love is that...






On the other point about God not helping them because they haven't asked..




Why would they ask God for help if they were born into poverty and disease? Why doesn't the all loving God help them himself since that may prove himself to them and save them as so to speak.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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