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I just can't quit Runescape.


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Over my history of playing Runescape - and I've played quite a bit: since it's debut, back when it had two servers - I've quit many, many times. It always goes the same way: I play like crazy for months and one day I just lose interest completely. It just happens.




Every time, I think it's the last I'll ever see of this game... Boy, am I wrong.


I just can't live without Runescape, it seems.




Months after quitting, I still feel like I'll never come back. But whenever I begin having too much free time, (when I'm on vacation usually) I just fork up the 5$ and subscribe again to members.




I feel like a drug addict. :XD:




For a while I thought I was maybe just needing something time consuming to do when I'm bored, I thought I was only addicted to MMOs. It doesn't seem to be the case though, as I've tried others such as Tales of Pirates and Maplestory... Hell, I even tried World of Warcraft and I didn't even get addicted. Got to about level 22 and stopped playing.




So what keeps me playing this game? I dunno. I know that the tip.it forums play a good part now, I just love browsing here while I fish or do other boring stuff. I guess I also like the "examine" option and the not-always-funny Jagex humor - or should I say humour - and the weird quests. Maybe it's beacause it's the first MMO I've played, ever. Back in the day when they were not as common.




I'd say Runescape has an indistinct charm to it and I can't get enough for some reason.




I'm writing this as I started playing again today. I had quit roughly a year ago and thought of never coming back again ever. I would log in out of boredom some days and I'd just log back out seconds later.




So... (sorry, long post, just felt like ranting a bit ^^) Anyone unable to quit or am I the only one? \'

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So I'm not the only one... ::'




I'm suprised that I find this addictive, though. I just can't understand what I like so much about it. I mean, there's lots of MMOs that are supposed to be better and yet I can't quit.




Must be like a classic. I still get those urges to play Super Mario Bros. :D

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Why do you need to quit? :? It's a game.. Play when you feel like playing, don't play when you don't feel like playing o_O Which is what you're already doing. You should live your life how you want to, however that may be, if playing runescape is what you enjoy doing why should there be a reason not to? :wink:


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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Why do you need to quit? :? It's a game.. Play when you feel like playing, don't play when you don't feel like playing o_O Which is what you're already doing. You should live your life how you want to, however that may be, if playing runescape is what you enjoy doing why should there be a reason not to? :wink:




Oh I don't quit because it takes up too much of my time if that's what you're thinking. Some day I'll wake up and feel sick of the game so I'll completely stop playing. This usually goes on for months until I feel the urge to play again. Then I'll play for months intensively, and then stop again. Endless cycle, it seems.

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I quit so many times i lost count. Now i just say i'm taking break :D




Which im kinda on atm, only cause I got lotro for awhile to play with, but always end up back at rs after a few weeks to play for a week o two then take another break. I guess its the community as well that helps make runescape.

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I've quit once for about a year then one day decided, 'I feel like playing Runescape'. Ever since that day ive been hooked. :lol:

P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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I have never tried to quit RS, but I understand that it can be hard to quit when you have played the game for a so long time as you have done. It seems like RS is a big part of you, and that's maybe one of the reasons to why you can't quit.


Try playing less and less over a few months time, for after a time stop playing.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I've never tried to quit Runescape, mainly because I don't play that often to begin with...Just when I have some downtime to kill.


At first I was addicted but I've learnt how to control it.




If you want to qut for good, I suggest you have a drop party with all your items, thus you have nothing but your stats to come back to, and you will gradually stop playing.


Another method would be to change your password to something that you won't remember. Easy enough.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Quitting RuneScape is really hard. I can't say I'm fully quitted, but atleast I don't feel the urge anymore to log in on the game.


My problem is more fora, I'm registered on a few forums and how much I try I keep browsing them. It's hard, because RS is a great game. I would still play it but honestly if you say in real life " I play RuneScape " people say, isn't that for 12 year olds?


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That's why I, in my infinite foresight, never officially quit or gave my items away. Though getting scammed out of my first account was close, all it did was to make me more careful and distrustful \'



You're being watched.

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You'll end up with heart disease working all these shifts... ::'

Don't follow me. You might not make it.

All your accounts are belong to us now.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator
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I've quit 6times...








Never ever quitted runescape for the past 6 years...


Well quitting its good.. you will miss out many things and it will feel more fun when you come back...

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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Ariadne - Understanding MMORPG Addiction


Read that, you might find out why you're addicted. You seem(by smilies anyway) happy to be addicted, but it's not a good thing, it's going to get in the way of your life at some point. If you can find why you're addicted, then you can solve the problem.


Runescape is like a wheel of desire. You want something, you obtain it, realise it doesn't make you feel better and disregard it, then you want something else, you obtain it, you want something else, and so on, it's never going to stop unless you decide for it to stop.

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Bah, I have also quit a few times, not as much as some people I know though. :P I played Classic from 02 to when the RS2 beta came out. I hated RS2, I mean..hated it. I thought the graphics were better on classic and they took the whole game away, abandoning RSC and the community. So I got interested in other things like graphics, photoshop and the likes, joined a community, became a mod and so on. Then my bro started to play RS again in March 06, so I started a new char and got addicted instantly. I have had a break from members about 2 times, and 'quit' about 3 months ago. I think with the new updates Jagex is bringing us, it enticed me to come back and give them a try.




The only reason I ever feel I'll need to quit is if I get bored of it, which will mostly result in me taking a break, or if I feel it is affecting my RL, and I'll take some action. Play as long as you enjoy it, that's what it's there for! :)


Quit RS to play real games. :P Bye TIF, miss you.

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