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Thanks to everyone that has posted....i know it's common but it's a great 99 to have.




Thanks for the support guys!


99/99 Strength - 4th July 2007, 20722nd


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I'm not the person that will say "You used PC, 1/10!"




You may not be, but I am. I'd say thats about as pathetic as posting 99 cooking/fletching on here




You want to see something pathetic? Look in the mirror idiot..


It's like the same, if I said you're pathetic because you play more than I do. Instead of wasting all my time clicking monsters, I can get faster exp by PC and get on other things after it.. I've been saying this before, and I'll say it again.. THIS IS A GAME, NOT A JOB! Everyone has a permission to play this game the way the like staying in the rules set by JaGex. If you flame someone by the way the play, then you're the most pathetic kind of people there is.




Btw, nice achievement, I wish I had that.. Will be on my worklist. ;)


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I'm not the person that will say "You used PC, 1/10!"




You may not be, but I am. I'd say thats about as pathetic as posting 99 cooking/fletching on here




You want to see something pathetic? Look in the mirror idiot..


It's like the same, if I said you're pathetic because you play more than I do. Instead of wasting all my time clicking monsters, I can get faster exp by PC and get on other things after it.. I've been saying this before, and I'll say it again.. THIS IS A GAME, NOT A JOB! Everyone has a permission to play this game the way the like staying in the rules set by JaGex. If you flame someone by the way the play, then you're the most pathetic kind of people there is.




Btw, nice achievement, I wish I had that.. Will be on my worklist. ;)






i agree with this guy.






also, gratz on 99 str




now get 99 hp for max hits with dhraoks ::'

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Thank you to the guys that are owning the people who dont have a 99 so they are jelous (im some cases thats not true they just want to look "cool")






Thanks people! =D>


99/99 Strength - 4th July 2007, 20722nd


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I don't understand the thing about pc.


''omg u pced u lyke not gud omfg noob''


Seriously, what's the deal.


Amazing achievement, enjoy the 40's you can now hit. :XD:


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Grats on 99 - its sweet!




I have 99 str too, but i slayed my way there - 89 slayer now. I dont look down on pcÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôers, but i think that taking "the hard way" is much more rewarding. Besides seeing most of runescape, training other skills while i slay, theres the drops. Ive had 20 whips, 184 rune large (still banked), 4 dark bows (wild pies), 7 d drops and literally 100ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôs of clues.




My point is, dont just look at the skill cape and the glorious 99. Yes its a game, and i bet ive had more fun on my way to 99 str than you

485 rune full helms banked since 65 slayer

99/99 slayer

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Gratz on the 99 str




PC is introduced for a reason...if no one used the game why bother having it?




zman you are pathetic for caring so much about how other people got their stats

Proud member of the Crimson Raiders

1000 total lvl achieved on 4-17-07 -F2P

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Grats on 99 - its sweet!




I have 99 str too, but i slayed my way there - 89 slayer now. I dont look down on pcÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôers, but i think that taking "the hard way" is much more rewarding. Besides seeing most of runescape, training other skills while i slay, theres the drops. Ive had 20 whips, 184 rune large (still banked), 4 dark bows (wild pies), 7 d drops and literally 100ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôs of clues.




My point is, dont just look at the skill cape and the glorious 99. Yes its a game, and i bet ive had more fun on my way to 99 str than you




I doubt it, thanks for the gratz anyway, but i trained from 95 to 99 at pc so i've had just as much money making fun as you...




::'<3:Check out the blog =] ::'<3:


99/99 Strength - 4th July 2007, 20722nd


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Zman, your comment is just as pathetic as me telling you that you are a noob because you are gaining slayer levels while training combat instead of doing pest control. People play the game how they like to play the game, not by your standards of what the best way to play it is. It is immature of you to say that his way of training it is wrong.






That's not my point, I see you've slayed, so you understand what it is like. I look down upon PC because it basically, doesn't 'train' players, it levels players.




Example: My friend has done PC her whole time on RS, she's now level 122, hasn't gained more than like 50 combat away from PC. She does't understand potting, eating, praying, and prayer bonus.




Ever wondered why people are melee praying with rune armor on? Not using proselyte armor or monk robes for the prayer bonus. Never seen monsters in the game, never been anywhere but the basic cities?




These are all effects on the game from Pc, not to mentioned 99 Magic, without casting a spell, or 99 ranging without using bows, chins, or knives. Or maybe a skill that used to be expensive, and many couldn't ahcieve 124, 125, and 126 due to it, making those last levels exclusive to the best.




That's why I disagree with the Mini-Game




See, Zman, you dont speak for the whole entire RS population you know, i pk'd from level 95 to 99, i know perfectly what potting, praying eat and pray bonuses are, maybe you should explain more about your personal experiences about the Mini-Game before you make judgements.


99/99 Strength - 4th July 2007, 20722nd


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Same, i'm sick to death of it right now!, i don't think ill be pcing 99 attack, may just slay get it, my slay level was effected by constant pc so ill do it that way.


99/99 Strength - 4th July 2007, 20722nd


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