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Microchip Implants


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Verichip is a corporation that has developed microchip implants for humans. These microchips are inserted under the skin on the arm or hand. Identification chips are already quite commonplace for pets, but it's relatively new for humans and these go well beyond simply indentification. The intended usage is for monitoring of individual's medical records, medical status, child protection, financial tracking, wander prevention (alzheimers patients), access control (building security, etc.), plus many more. Additional potential usage could be tracking of criminals (especially sex offenders), military applications (tracking soldiers), and identity fraud protection.




It's almost like something out of a sci-fi movie, but in fact is very real. As you might imagine there is a large amount of resistance to this type of technology and it's use in humans. Many people are scared that the government will one day require that all citizens be "chipped". In fact, they believe that some officials in the US are already "desensitizing" the populace to its use. One article I read said a senator is on the board of directors for the Verichip corporation. Apparently, Verichip has a bus that they currently use to visit elementary schools to dicuss microchip implants (the opposition sees this as unfair propaganda). It's really not to hard to imagine a scenario where following another devastating terrorist attack, the US government implements a "chipping" law, requiring all citizens to get one. It would be very easy to make it so all electronic devices require a "chip" for a person to use them (for example, need a chip to use the ATM or debt machines, to accress the internet, or drive a car). Of course, the biggest fear is the possibility of being implanted with knowing it. Currently, these chips are large enough that they would be recognized by the person, but I'm sure they'll only get smaller.




There is also much discussion about whether or not these microchips are the "Mark of the Beast", as described in the Book of Revelations:


Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 6 6 6.




I generally, consider myself somewhat of a conspiracy theorist, though not fanatical. I just kind of find it fun to consider the possibilities of a conspiracy and do tend to believe that the US government has in the past and currently does some disturbing things behind closed doors that the general population would be horrified about. That being said, I'm not sure that there is currently an agenda to "chip" the US citizens, but I do fear that if "chipping" becomes more commonplace, it could eventually. I would have to say I would be against ever getting one implanted in me...I simply don't like the idea of that much potential control over my life. The biggest thing that bothers me about the "chipping" is that it goes into the body and cannot be removed by the individual (well, I guess it could with some pain). I'd be less opposed to a tracking device that was carried (like a credit card or keychain). Implants in the body are way too invasive for me.




Here are some links:








So, how do you feel about microchip implants?


Do you think there is any link with the implants and the "Mark of the Beast"?


Can you think off additional uses for the chips? (good or bad)


Would you ever allow one to be implanted in you? If not, why?


Would you allow one to be implanted in your child?


Do you think convicted criminals should be implanted?


Do you think the opposition to "chipping" are being paranoid?

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I don't really like the idea, and I don't think too many people nowadays would go for it. However, I think eventually it will get to the point where they will be required, and by that time there will be little or no resistance to it. Hopefully I am dead by then.



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It's all a conspiracy charade where all the fat cats that run America and sold it out after the Revolution all want to gain more control over the uneducated masses so they can push thier own convoluted agendas.




Here are some cold hard facts for you.




- The CEO of Verichip lives on 666 prescott drive.




- Pearl harbour was not instigated by the Japanese or the Americans, it was instigated by a socialist race of alien organisms that did it for thier own unknown agendas.


- The flat earth society is actually correct. The fictional kangaroo and koala land of Australia does not exist and the earth has a planar geometry. THERES NO SUCH THING AS A SPHERE, IT'S A SENSORY ILLUSION ALL THANKS TO CHEMICALS PUT IN PROCESSED FOODS.


- All this talk of streamlining the economy, helping people and other steaming BS is all a cover-up charade because the 12 in the smokey room have the power to turn off anyones chip whenever they want.


- Beer does not contain alcohol. It contains a sensory deprevaton chemical which SHRINKS YOUR THIRD EYE.


- Animals of the KANINE variety are not of this earth. They are yet another preoccupation to keep us credulous and docile sent here by ALIENS who have a CONTRACT with the U.S. GOVERNMENT.


- All this 'entertainment' we have today is a facade to make us all stupid and the education system is crumbling like the Greek Parthenon. Don't be fooled, it's supposed to be that way.




- Roswell was real, but not as the conspiracy wackos say it happened. The UFO was a government charade put in place to give the conspiracy nuts something to scare people with so that the real UFO, which actually crashed in MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, could be transported into a mock up 'UFO MUSEUM' in RURAL PENNSYLVANIA. But why didn't the millions of New Yorkers see the UFO? Because it can turn invisible.


- The whole 'war on drugs' is a cover up too, same as the war on terror.


You know what the 12 actually call both? THE WAR ON YOU. All because they make the people docile and submissive because of the psychology that we now have an enemy and we need the governments help, how could they possibly be an enemy to us?


- 9/11 was taken out by a SPECIES OF MULTI-DIMENTIONAL ALIEN ENTITIES which yet again had a CONTRACT with the U.S. GOVERMENT all so that they could push an agenda. The U.S. government had to develop a highly sophisticated machine that looks like an astronouts suit but is actually a device so that we could transport the contract signer into the FIFTH-DIMENSION so the contract could be signed.


- Watermellons are vegetables, not fruits.






This is all truth. The fact, the proof, the factorum, the undeniable and definate truth.




































































(Sorry for getting a little carried away :P)

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[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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[hide=large quote]

It's all a conspiracy charade where all the fat cats that run America and sold it out after the Revolution all want to gain more control over the uneducated masses so they can push thier own convoluted agendas.




Here are some cold hard facts for you.




- The CEO of Verichip lives on 666 prescott drive.




- Pearl harbour was not instigated by the Japanese or the Americans, it was instigated by a socialist race of alien organisms that did it for thier own unknown agendas.


- The flat earth society is actually correct. The fictional kangaroo and koala land of Australia does not exist and the earth has a planar geometry. THERES NO SUCH THING AS A SPHERE, IT'S A SENSORY ILLUSION ALL THANKS TO CHEMICALS PUT IN PROCESSED FOODS.


- All this talk of streamlining the economy, helping people and other steaming BS is all a cover-up charade because the 12 in the smokey room have the power to turn off anyones chip whenever they want.


- Beer does not contain alcohol. It contains a sensory deprevaton chemical which SHRINKS YOUR THIRD EYE.


- Animals of the KANINE variety are not of this earth. They are yet another preoccupation to keep us credulous and docile sent here by ALIENS who have a CONTRACT with the U.S. GOVERNMENT.


- All this 'entertainment' we have today is a facade to make us all stupid and the education system is crumbling like the Greek Parthenon. Don't be fooled, it's supposed to be that way.




- Roswell was real, but not as the conspiracy wackos say it happened. The UFO was a government charade put in place to give the conspiracy nuts something to scare people with so that the real UFO, which actually crashed in MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, could be transported into a mock up 'UFO MUSEUM' in RURAL PENNSYLVANIA. But why didn't the millions of New Yorkers see the UFO? Because it can turn invisible.


- The whole 'war on drugs' is a cover up too, same as the war on terror.


You know what the 12 actually call both? THE WAR ON YOU. All because they make the people docile and submissive because of the psychology that we now have an enemy and we need the governments help, how could they possibly be an enemy to us?


- 9/11 was taken out by a SPECIES OF MULTI-DIMENTIONAL ALIEN ENTITIES which yet again had a CONTRACT with the U.S. GOVERMENT all so that they could push an agenda. The U.S. government had to develop a highly sophisticated machine that looks like an astronouts suit but is actually a device so that we could transport the contract signer into the FIFTH-DIMENSION so the contract could be signed.


- Watermellons are vegetables, not fruits.






This is all truth. The fact, the proof, the factorum, the undeniable and definate truth.




































































(Sorry for getting a little carried away :P)





I hope you're kidding.

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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I think it's a good idea to consider that this could be a real thing and a real issue. Look at both sides of the issue though. I'd rather be informed on all aspects rather then just conform with what people want me to believe. I like to know thses things (fact or false) so I can be prepared for the future, however it might turn out.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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It doesn't matter if they were made with bad intentions or good intentions, such technology however has the full potention to rob us of our liberties and that's why we should be extremly careful about it. The government makes our chip not work anymore because we are interferring with them, what would we do? No more ID, money, possessions, we just disappear.




Think at it, why would we need this anyway? Is saving some space in our pockets worth taking the risk? I say no. If they ever make that chip mandatory, they'll have to fight me, and I will be armed with knives and ready to cut their throat. They would put me in jail, but I don't care, I'd rather fight for liberty.

2480+ total

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It doesn't matter if they were made with bad intentions or good intentions, such technology however has the full potention to rob us of our liberties and that's why we should be extremly careful about it. The government makes our chip not work anymore because we are interferring with them, what would we do? No more ID, money, possessions, we just disappear.




Think at it, why would we need this anyway? Is saving some space in our pockets worth taking the risk? I say no. If they ever make that chip mandatory, they'll have to fight me, and I will be armed with knives and ready to cut their throat. They would put me in jail, but I don't care, I'd rather fight for liberty.




Umm.....did you ever consider that some people might consider this a welcome change to carrying stuff around in their pockets? I personally hate wallets. That doesn't mean I'll jump in line for this, but if it turns out to be legitimate and widely used in a couple years, then yeah sign me up. Furthermore, just because you have this stuff stored on a chip in your arm doesn't mean you don't have it elsewhere. I could have my social security number tattooed onto my back, but that doesn't mean I cease to have that little card in with all my other important documents too.

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Well, go on and get chipped then, at the mercy of the government in order to carry less things in your pockets. It's your life, and your choices. If someday when your older you realise it wasn't such a good idea in the first place, you could take a knife and get it out, that will be fine aswell.

2480+ total

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The Bible-followers whom are paranoid about chips are dumb.




One could argue that the "mark of the beast" is being a Muslim. Muslims' refuse to trade or do business with anyone of other religions. Therefore, you cannot trade unless you have "the mark", aka, being a Muslim, because the Bible also says that the Anti-Christ (assume it's Islam) will take over the entire world, thus, most would be Muslims, and if you weren't, you couldn't trade/buy/sell.




Or you can just keep thinkin' it's a microchip that lets you find your kidnapped kid. Whatever. :?

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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- Beer does not contain alcohol. It contains a sensory deprevaton chemical which SHRINKS YOUR THIRD EYE.




Someone get me some DMT, quick!!!

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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I personally think this is a great idea, the Government should be able to track us and be able to call upon our chips via a computer network for any information they may ever need ever. You did not mention any cons in your post, either, but I do not believe there are any whatsoever, though others may disagree. As for your questions:




How do I feel about microchips? I have just answered that.


Do I feel there is a link wth the "Mark of the Beast"? If chipping is required to do certain things, then yes, but not in a bad way.


Will i allow myself to get one? Of course. In fact, I'm going to as soon as I can.


Would I allow my child to be chipped? Of course, for the same reason I would be chipped


Can I think of any other uses? Yes, and only good. If there is some way to read our minds through these chips and pick up on any anti-government thoughts, this should be implemented.


Should convicted criminals be chipped? I believe everyone should be, so yes


Are the opposition paranoid? yes. definetely.




All in all, the Government is what allows us to live in our country, they set laws that protect us, and if they want to control us, to chip us, they deserve to be able to, we owe everything to them. Those that think the government should not be able to do anything to them are ungrateful for what they have done for us, imo.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I personally think this is a great idea, the Government should be able to track us and be able to call upon our chips via a computer network for any information they may ever need ever. You did not mention any cons in your post, either, but I do not believe there are any whatsoever, though others may disagree. As for your questions:




How do I feel about microchips? I have just answered that.


Do I feel there is a link wth the "Mark of the Beast"? If chipping is required to do certain things, then yes, but not in a bad way.


Will i allow myself to get one? Of course. In fact, I'm going to as soon as I can.


Would I allow my child to be chipped? Of course, for the same reason I would be chipped


Can I think of any other uses? Yes, and only good. If there is some way to read our minds through these chips and pick up on any anti-government thoughts, this should be implemented.


Should convicted criminals be chipped? I believe everyone should be, so yes


Are the opposition paranoid? yes. definetely.




All in all, the Government is what allows us to live in our country, they set laws that protect us, and if they want to control us, to chip us, they deserve to be able to, we owe everything to them. Those that think the government should not be able to do anything to them are ungrateful for what they have done for us, imo.




I hope your joking. Do you really believe what the government does is always the right thing? Do you think their actions are good for the people all the time?




I think the chips should only be used to track lost children or for identity purposes such as to get into government buildings and such. To track people they should only be able to do it with a court order or by parental permission if their child is lost.

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I personally think this is a great idea, the Government should be able to track us and be able to call upon our chips via a computer network for any information they may ever need ever. You did not mention any cons in your post, either, but I do not believe there are any whatsoever, though others may disagree. As for your questions:




How do I feel about microchips? I have just answered that.


Do I feel there is a link wth the "Mark of the Beast"? If chipping is required to do certain things, then yes, but not in a bad way.


Will i allow myself to get one? Of course. In fact, I'm going to as soon as I can.


Would I allow my child to be chipped? Of course, for the same reason I would be chipped


Can I think of any other uses? Yes, and only good. If there is some way to read our minds through these chips and pick up on any anti-government thoughts, this should be implemented.


Should convicted criminals be chipped? I believe everyone should be, so yes


Are the opposition paranoid? yes. definetely.




All in all, the Government is what allows us to live in our country, they set laws that protect us, and if they want to control us, to chip us, they deserve to be able to, we owe everything to them. Those that think the government should not be able to do anything to them are ungrateful for what they have done for us, imo.




I hope your joking. Do you really believe what the government does is always the right thing? Do you think their actions are good for the people all the time?




I think the chips should only be used to track lost children or for identity purposes such as to get into government buildings and such. To track people they should only be able to do it with a court order or by parental permission if their child is lost.




Im not joking. there is a reason the government is the government, and usually they make the right choices. Now I admit, there have been some mistakes made, the biggest and most flamboyant one of today being the Iraqi occupation, which is neither a good decision for the people or the government itself, butmost of the decisions made are good ones, which is why they are still around.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Well, go on and get chipped then, at the mercy of the government in order to carry less things in your pockets. It's your life, and your choices. If someday when your older you realise it wasn't such a good idea in the first place, you could take a knife and get it out, that will be fine aswell.




Why do you make the government seem like "the man",without government we'd be living in a structureless world and don't say we'd all get along because people would do what they want without any resistance otehr then the victims and there would be no money so we would have to robe people who makes stuff of supplies.




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Well, go on and get chipped then, at the mercy of the government in order to carry less things in your pockets. It's your life, and your choices. If someday when your older you realise it wasn't such a good idea in the first place, you could take a knife and get it out, that will be fine aswell.




Why do you make the government seem like "the man",without government we'd be living in a structureless world and don't say we'd all get along because people would do what they want without any resistance otehr then the victims and there would be no money so we would have to robe people who makes stuff of supplies.




exactly my point. So for the guy who hoped I was joking, heres a differently worded version of what i said, does this make more sense?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Well, go on and get chipped then, at the mercy of the government in order to carry less things in your pockets. It's your life, and your choices. If someday when your older you realise it wasn't such a good idea in the first place, you could take a knife and get it out, that will be fine aswell.




Why do you make the government seem like "the man",without government we'd be living in a structureless world and don't say we'd all get along because people would do what they want without any resistance otehr then the victims and there would be no money so we would have to robe people who makes stuff of supplies.




exactly my point. So for the guy who hoped I was joking, heres a differently worded version of what i said, does this make more sense?




I agree but the great thing about a democracy is that we're able to criticise them despite all the good they do. It's to be expected and neccesary so they don't start feeling like dictators and let the power get to thier heads.




The way I think about this is that I first take it as a presupposition that I'd always rather have a government than not and then I'll abuse the crap out of them (so to speak) because it's my right as a voter.

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and thats my problem with democracy. they allow us to abuse the hell out of them.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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and thats my problem with democracy. they allow us to abuse the hell out of them.




I hope you grow out of your communist submissive fad. You are better than a government that rules you. You are a human being. You are worth something. A government is a system. If you bow down to a system you've tarnished your worth.

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It's worth taking a look at what can be done with current technology. You have a cellphone? You carry it on you? Congratulations, the government can now track your whereabouts, and the only effort in their way is legal issues.




Unless you opt for a chip with global tracking, you can still use several variants with a shorter range; ID information, medical information and monitoring, credit information etc. Yeah, you get a pet-style GPS chip in your child, the child'll be easy enough to track. But if you don't get one for yourself, you're not going to notice a particularly big difference compared to what can be done with current technology.




All in all, the Government is what allows us to live in our country, they set laws that protect us, and if they want to control us, to chip us, they deserve to be able to, we owe everything to them. Those that think the government should not be able to do anything to them are ungrateful for what they have done for us, imo.


I can't help but to point out that communism, ultimately, was about the abolishment of government in favour of rule of the People. I'd look it up if I were you.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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and thats my problem with democracy. they allow us to abuse the hell out of them.




I hope you grow out of your communist submissive fad. You are better than a government that rules you. You are a human being. You are worth something. A government is a system. If you bow down to a system you've tarnished your worth.




Wow, this conversation is getting deep, lol.






Anyway, I'm againist chipping somewhat. If the chips can only track you, or measure your vital signs, then I wouldn't be too opposed to it. But if it does anything else, I dont think I would be ok with it. Then again it would be cool to have an iPod imbedded in your arm as a nanochip :P .

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and thats my problem with democracy. they allow us to abuse the hell out of them.




I find it funny that Captain Commie here is talking about another form of government making mistakes and abusing powers.




Why are there still people who believe in communism, and why do they only exist outside of communist states? Everyone in commie states thinks communism is stupid (because, uhh...IT SUCKS FOR THEM) and it's failed over and over and over and will never work, anywhere, ever.




I'll just wait for you to cite China as an example of working communism so I can laugh and dismiss you as simply "not intelligent".

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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i reckon the chips should be in place but they should only tell your info like name, age, criminal record and basic stuff like that.




there will be chips. Futurama has never lied before :lol:


Thanks SkyFleet for the awsome siggy!

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