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Life Before Runescape


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I do year 10 maths in year 7 with extreme ease, Year 9 work is so easy I don't need to work.


:roll: Thank you, we all care.


Before I started playing Runescape, I actually had to work.


This has... what to do with Runescape again? If you're really as advanced in math as you say you are, there's no way you could actually be helped by Runescape in matters mathematical... at least I hope not :lol: .


I haven't gained any weight(I'm still slightly underweight) and my social life hasn't decreased a bit. I don't think RS has had a negative effect on me


Read Adam's post above. It's not that it has a negative effect on your life, it's that it takes away from the positive effect you could be having on your own life.




Don't be all defensive and self-proclaiming on an internet forum, especially when no one knows who you are. It's a little unnecessary, to say the least :| .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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RuneScape is only as addicting and destructive as you allow it to be. It's possible to be high leveled and still maintain a healthy social life. Don't use this game as a scapegoat with with you attribute your failure to control yourself.




Yes, it is not the games fault, it is kind of your own. You must be a little bit insecure and have an addictive personality and a drive to be liked and understood.




But, I am not addicted to this game. I have honestly made some really nice decent people here. I do have a perfectly active social life though. I have a bunch of friends, and they are really just decent people.

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Before runescape... before time had even begun, there was just God, and the heavens. God decided to make a mighty land and to call it "RuneScape". On the first day, he day. Not night, just day. On the second day, he created the land, and the sea. On the third day, he created the animals, monsters, and other worldly beings. On the fourth day, he created humans. On the fifth day he created animations, and brought all to life. On the sixth day, he created Andrew Gower, to rule the kingdom. On the seventh day, he rested.






Well thats what it was like before I started playing runescape.




uhhh i don't understand, could you clarify? oh and also, that's the only part of the bible i really know, so don't add in any more bible stuff. i have to read it one of these days, but i don't have one at my house....




I reeealy hope you just forgot to put your sarcasm tags on that response...

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I found that the best way to quit RS is to force you'reself to get a job with lots of hours. As soon as you do this you'll ween yourself off the game and after about a week without playing you will no longer have a desire to play, its simply that week that is very difficult to get through. This game may be addicting but hte addiction is not as hard to break as other drugs are.




This is simply advice to those that want to break the addiction, some are just fine where they are :)




Before runescape... before time had even begun, there was just God, and the heavens. God decided to make a mighty land and to call it "RuneScape". On the first day, he day. Not night, just day. On the second day, he created the land, and the sea. On the third day, he created the animals, monsters, and other worldly beings. On the fourth day, he created humans. On the fifth day he created animations, and brought all to life. On the sixth day, he created Andrew Gower, to rule the kingdom. On the seventh day, he rested.






Well thats what it was like before I started playing runescape.




uhhh i don't understand, could you clarify? oh and also, that's the only part of the bible i really know, so don't add in any more bible stuff. i have to read it one of these days, but i don't have one at my house....




I reeealy hope you just forgot to put your sarcasm tags on that response...

sacrasm tags for what? that he hasnt read the bible or the other comment? I havent read the bible either.




I do think the bible bit was a bit unnecessary though, we don't want a religious flame war in general p2p :ohnoes:

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I'm sick of hearing people say that RuneScape is a drug or talking about it as if it were the spawn of satan.




It's a computer game.




I have played for 6 and a half years. Through High School, College, two jobs and my 4 year relationship RuneScape has had no negative effects. It is simply a toy to be picked up and put down at will like any other computer game. I have quit for months at a time when my life was too busy to play without a second thought and then started again when I had the time.




If you think that RuneScape is addictive, you have serious psychological and social problems. It's just a computer game, you can't blame your failures in life upon it.

Capone Sabre since April 2001.

99 Attack, Defence, Strength and Hitpoints Achieved January 2005. When it still meant something.



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I'm sick of hearing people say that RuneScape is a drug or talking about it as if it were the spawn of satan.




It's a computer game.




I have played for 6 and a half years. Through High School, College, two jobs and my 4 year relationship RuneScape has had no negative effects. It is simply a toy to be picked up and put down at will like any other computer game. I have quit for months at a time when my life was too busy to play without a second thought and then started again when I had the time.




If you think that RuneScape is addictive, you have serious psychological and social problems. It's just a computer game, you can't blame your failures in life upon it.

the thing is that not everyone has the same kind of personality as you. Some people are just much more susceptible to addictions like this. Some people can smoke a cigarette every once in a while and never feel the urge to do it anymore than that while others have to smoke constantly. My point is that you can't really judge until you've been in there shoes, I was able to break the hold it had over me but some people need help to do it or at least some intervention.
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I'm sick of hearing people say that RuneScape is a drug or talking about it as if it were the spawn of satan.




It's a computer game.




I have played for 6 and a half years. Through High School, College, two jobs and my 4 year relationship RuneScape has had no negative effects. It is simply a toy to be picked up and put down at will like any other computer game. I have quit for months at a time when my life was too busy to play without a second thought and then started again when I had the time.




If you think that RuneScape is addictive, you have serious psychological and social problems. It's just a computer game, you can't blame your failures in life upon it.

the thing is that not everyone has the same kind of personality as you. Some people are just much more susceptible to addictions like this. Some people can smoke a cigarette every once in a while and never feel the urge to do it anymore than that while others have to smoke constantly. My point is that you can't really judge until you've been in there shoes, I was able to break the hold it had over me but some people need help to do it or at least some intervention.




First of all, I realise you have made this relevant to yourself but I am going to keep my statements in a general context as I don't want to offend anyone. This is just my personal view on the problem as a whole.




You just can't compare RuneScape to cigarettes. Yes, some people can smoke one or two from time to time but no-one can smoke constantly and then stop without getting physical and chemical withdrawal symptoms. There are no physical withdrawal symptoms with RuneScape, if you try and quit and come back you do not feel physically better. It's just a state of mind.




Being chemically addicted to something like cigarettes or drugs is very different from being emotionally addicted to something like RuneScape.




If you smoked heavily or took drugs and had to stop cold turkey you would have terrible withdrawal symptoms and that is the difference. Anyone should be able to quit RuneScape if it is having an adverse effect on their life. If they can't, they should get help from someone.




RuneScape can only be compared to other computer games or other enjoyable pass times like watching TV. If people choose to become addicted, it's because of a negative trait in their personality. Not everyone has this trait and I'm getting sick of being told I must naturally have it because I still play this game.

Capone Sabre since April 2001.

99 Attack, Defence, Strength and Hitpoints Achieved January 2005. When it still meant something.



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I do year 10 maths in year 7 with extreme ease, Year 9 work is so easy I don't need to work.


:roll: Thank you, we all care.


Before I started playing Runescape, I actually had to work.


This has... what to do with Runescape again? If you're really as advanced in math as you say you are, there's no way you could actually be helped by Runescape in matters mathematical... at least I hope not :lol: .


I haven't gained any weight(I'm still slightly underweight) and my social life hasn't decreased a bit. I don't think RS has had a negative effect on me


Read Adam's post above. It's not that it has a negative effect on your life, it's that it takes away from the positive effect you could be having on your own life.




Don't be all defensive and self-proclaiming on an internet forum, especially when no one knows who you are. It's a little unnecessary, to say the least :| .






My point is Runescape hasn't effected me negatively like the first poster seems to think. He makes it sound like everyone will have a problem in their lives just because they play Runescape.





I swear everytime i go to a F2p world (i'm a member) some noob randomly trades me full iron or somin then he keeps tradin me. Most of runescape's population is a combined IQ of 20 #-o.
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These "posts" will be posted every month but it won't make a change. You can play runescape, maintain a girlfriend and have lots of friends, play sports and do other things also. AND SLEEP!


RSN: Zammyftw ^^The girl that ruined music.

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Before runescape... before time had even begun, there was just God, and the heavens. God decided to make a mighty land and to call it "RuneScape". On the first day, he day. Not night, just day. On the second day, he created the land, and the sea. On the third day, he created the animals, monsters, and other worldly beings. On the fourth day, he created humans. On the fifth day he created animations, and brought all to life. On the sixth day, he created Andrew Gower, to rule the kingdom. On the seventh day, he rested.






Well thats what it was like before I started playing runescape.




uhhh i don't understand, could you clarify? oh and also, that's the only part of the bible i really know, so don't add in any more bible stuff. i have to read it one of these days, but i don't have one at my house....




I reeealy hope you just forgot to put your sarcasm tags on that response...

sacrasm tags for what? that he hasnt read the bible or the other comment? I havent read the bible either.




I do think the bible bit was a bit unnecessary though, we don't want a religious flame war in general p2p :ohnoes:




You dont need to have read the bible to have heard the "The earth in 7 days" thing. I've never read the bible. Well, I guess that's not entirely true. I did take a religous class when I was in 2-5th grade.

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I have played Runescape for the last 3 years, and when I started playing, almost everyone in my year were playing it too, and as I was the best at Runescape in my year, everyone liked me for the fact I was good at it. When people stopped playing, I was one of the few who carried on, but poeple still liked me, because they all accepted it was just a game, and we all have different likes for different games.




I have now moved to a new school, and found the same thing, noone cares about me playing runescape, and still, I have plenty of friends. I think that you just need a bit more self-control, if someone asks you to do something, instantly say yes, and then work from there, don't say no. If you say yes, then you will find that you will not be as home as much thinking ''what shall I do today? I know, Runescape!''




Just have self control, and when any oppotunity comes up that isn't Runescape, try to say yes to it. Also, if it a sunny day, do something with friends, invite them to do something with you, don't wait for them to invite you, or else they will give up on you. Go to the park or something, don't sit inside playing Runescape. That's when it takes a grip on you; when you allow it to.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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I see exactly what you mean.


I have been playing since i was 14, in 2 months I am going to be 19. :P




I have been playing actively for about 3 years.




So, Hello, my name is Margus and I am a runescape-holic. :P




My social life wasn't so good when I was 15-17 years old, but it has improved A LOT lately. I have lots of friends, I sometimes go out with girls (like tonight, hopefully :D), I go to parties, cinema, play soccer, go to the beach a lot, etc.


I do everything I should be doing...


2-3 times a week I log into runescape for 30-60 minutes. I check the updates, play a few games of CW etc. So your statement about that wasn't quite accurate how runescape will grab us, even if we only play a couple of hours per day...


I seriously believe that I am having a real withdrawal from runescape, it has been like that for months now.




Maybe it has something to do with me growing up finally? I can straighten my priorities now, and runescape is definitely NOT one of them.




Yeah, sure, maybe I will still be playing runescape in one years time, but I can say for sure that I am not missing out on anything in real life.








Some people play 10 hours straight for months. Some drop out from schools. Some just lose the ability to communicate the right way in real life...




It's all about maturity really, lets just hope that the younger population of runescape hits their mature stage before it's too late, before they realize they have no friends in real life, they are not getting along with parents, grades are bad, etc...




If you read this, and you are addicted to runescape, like really addicted, your social life is going downhill and you feel all you can do is play runescape, then do what I tell you:




Speak with your old friends, the ones you used to hang out with before runescape, go to the cinema, get a new haircut, buy new sunglasses, get a nice tan, etc. :D


Believe me, things CAN get better. :P

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Ghost Knigth - 105 combat




I've played for about 5 years I think. Had some breaks during that time of course.




I'm 17 years old (18 in October). I have my own apartment which I've had since I was 15 years old. I moved away from my parents that early because I then could focus much more on my football (soccer) career. For a year I've been on a contract with my club which of course means I get money for playing. I've played several games for the senior first team even though I'm not even a senior player yet. This summer I also train with them from monday to friday. 2 times each day.




I'm on my last year of my education (called gymnasium here in Denmark - I guess it's the same as high school). I will be done next summer and then I will focus only on football and give it a shot.




I'm quite popular at the school. I have many friends and I've been together with my girlfriend for 3ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâý years.




RuneScape can be addictive - no doubt about that. But in my opinion it's all about selfcontrol.

99 ranged | 99 magic | 99 defence | 99 hitpoints

Remember, it's just a game

Feel free to add me on RS. :) Always ready for a chat.

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Ghost Knigth - 105 combat




I've played for about 5 years I think. Had some breaks during that time of course.




I'm 17 years old (18 in October). I have my own apartment which I've had since I was 15 years old. I moved away from my parents that early because I then could focus much more on my football (soccer) career. For a year I've been on a contract with my club which of course means I get money for playing. I've played several games for the senior first team even though I'm not even a senior player yet. This summer I also train with them from monday to friday. 2 times each day.




I'm on my last year of my education (called gymnasium here in Denmark - I guess it's the same as high school). I will be done next summer and then I will focus only on football and give it a shot.




I'm quite popular at the school. I have many friends and I've been together with my girlfriend for 3ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâý years.




RuneScape can be addictive - no doubt about that. But in my opinion it's all about selfcontrol.






Mmmmmmm, SOCCER is good. I sure do wish I would have focused on soccer from early years of my life... Then again, my physique have developed into good shape only during past 1.5 years... Which allows me to play soccer successfully. I envy the part of your life which is connected to soccer. :P




Thats me in real life, in my soccer gear. :D

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Well, I was 11 - 12 when I first played it. My friend said; I got an awesome game, wanne play? Then that night with 10 friends somehwere around Draynor. That was the day my life didn't change at all but just a new game. :P




Life was pretty messed up when I was 12, like now.


Robert Rdam (Level - 108) Soon to be 109.


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Runescapew44-3 years- 87 Combat -.- I hate combat




Well about 1 year into runescape the summer started and then came my first f2p goal FULL ZAMMY whihc at the time was 3.2M kinda hard to get so i mined every coal and every iron to buy such expensive stuff! I was so low combat leveled at the time yet so rich. It took me almost all summer to get it. Then i wanted a santa and got tired of Runescape and quit. I finally logged on after a long while and santas where 20M :shock: compared to the 2m when i quit <.< .




Then i decided to get 60 attakc def and str and played 2 hours a day then i became a member and the addiction started. I started member around X-mas so there was free time i started to play 6 hrs a day which turned into 12 by the end of the break. -.- So then i started to go for my santa again after months of Castle wars and stuff got 1,600 tickets and max Barbarian assualt with over 40 high lvl gambles. So i made c balls started a business and in 2 months i made enough for my santa and full D. I currently decided for 99 smithing*points at siggy* doing c balls because i lose no money. So i'm almost done with that goal. But yet my addiction is 10 hours a day because real life is there. I have a girl friend but the relationship isn't too close. But once i'm done with my goal i might take a little break(probably not) :wink:

Click for My Blog



670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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I'm sick of hearing people say that RuneScape is a drug or talking about it as if it were the spawn of satan.




It's a computer game.




I have played for 6 and a half years. Through High School, College, two jobs and my 4 year relationship RuneScape has had no negative effects. It is simply a toy to be picked up and put down at will like any other computer game. I have quit for months at a time when my life was too busy to play without a second thought and then started again when I had the time.




If you think that RuneScape is addictive, you have serious psychological and social problems. It's just a computer game, you can't blame your failures in life upon it.

the thing is that not everyone has the same kind of personality as you. Some people are just much more susceptible to addictions like this. Some people can smoke a cigarette every once in a while and never feel the urge to do it anymore than that while others have to smoke constantly. My point is that you can't really judge until you've been in there shoes, I was able to break the hold it had over me but some people need help to do it or at least some intervention.




First of all, I realise you have made this relevant to yourself but I am going to keep my statements in a general context as I don't want to offend anyone. This is just my personal view on the problem as a whole.




You just can't compare RuneScape to cigarettes. Yes, some people can smoke one or two from time to time but no-one can smoke constantly and then stop without getting physical and chemical withdrawal symptoms. There are no physical withdrawal symptoms with RuneScape, if you try and quit and come back you do not feel physically better. It's just a state of mind.




Being chemically addicted to something like cigarettes or drugs is very different from being emotionally addicted to something like RuneScape.




If you smoked heavily or took drugs and had to stop cold turkey you would have terrible withdrawal symptoms and that is the difference. Anyone should be able to quit RuneScape if it is having an adverse effect on their life. If they can't, they should get help from someone.




RuneScape can only be compared to other computer games or other enjoyable pass times like watching TV. If people choose to become addicted, it's because of a negative trait in their personality. Not everyone has this trait and I'm getting sick of being told I must naturally have it because I still play this game.






Runescape CANT really be compared to other games.. FFX always has an ending.. Mario ALWAYS has an ending, and you can get these within a week or two.. Or 38hrs (or something like that).


Runescape doesnt have an end, unless you're zezima, but thats something different...


Runescape is MUCH better compared to cigarettes.. Do you know the adrenaline that people get from pking? Chemicals......






YOU are addicted to runescape.

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Runescape is possibly the most addicting game i have ever played. The reason MMORPGS like Runescape and World of Warcraft are so popular is because it is like a fantasy, you get to adventure and do things you couldn't possibly dream of doing in real life. Your character in the game does whatever you tell them, and they interact with NPC's and other players however you want them to, making them exactly like you. The pixels in the game begin to form a personality, an attitude. It becomes your other self. They are so addicting because everybody would love to be able to play themselves in a video game. Everyone would love to be in a video game, and with games like Runescape, you can. Sooner or later, it won't just be your other self. The real life you will be your other, secondary self, and your Runescape self will become your real life.




As said many times before, it's like a drug. And you may say it doesn't affect you, but it really does. Maybe if you don't notice it, it's because it affects you at a subconcious level. If you posted and said Runescape doesn't affect you at all. Maybe it doesn't. But it probably does, and you are so into the game that you are defending it just as you would defend your real self if somebody insulted you. Since your Runescape character is now your real self, you are going to defend it because Runescape has just been insulted, attacked.




Since now it is your real self, it will be incredibly, INCREDIBLY hard to quit. Those of you who say Runescape doesn't affect you, I want you to just try and quit, and see if you can. You cannot go to any runescape fansites, not post on the forums. It may be the hardest thing you ever do, especially if you have been playing for more than 2 or 3 years. Ever heard the saying "old habits die hard"? The longer you play, the more it becomes your regular self, and the harder it will be to quit.




To the people that are linking quitting Runescape to quitting smoking, they have nothing in common, except for quitting a bad habit. Smoking is an incredibly bad habit. Some people don't even know half of the terrible things smoking does to your body. There are reasons people smoke. To relieve stress (which is proved false, smoking makes you more tense), because people (especially teenagers) think it's cool, because people pressure them into it, etc. The list goes on and on. But even less people know what Runescape actually does to you(which is explained in the above paragraphs). In my opinion, Runescape is much harder to quit. However, i have been playing runescape for 2 years, and I have never smoked, so my opinion is very biased. Some people will say smoking is harder to quit. It all depends on the person.




Quitting smoking can be just quitting a bad habit for some people, and may be easy. However, for other people, it has become a daily thing to do, like eating(as they smoke 2 packs a day). It has become a part of their lives, and they are so addicted to it not just because of the nicotine, but because they absolutely need it. As i said before, it has become as regular as eating. Nobody in their right minds would quit eating(unless they are anorexic, but I won't go into that) because they would die. I believe that is the smokers' logic. They don't think they will die, but usually people are never able to quit eating even if they want to. So even if they try to quit, they will never be able to, so whats the point of trying?




Runescape is not like smoking. For some people, quitting runescape can just be like turning off the tv. Whenever they want to, they can just quit. However, for the majority of us, Runescape has become our life (as explained above). So quitting runescape is not just quitting a game. It's quitting our character. It's like giving up on life. Stopping Runescape can be like killing your character. Unless you are going to play again in a few months, or even a few years. Then, it's not quitting, so it's not killing your pixelated (is that a word?) self.




Sometimes you need even more than just another life. You may play several MMORPGS at once, or you have another Runescape account. This means you are in even deeper. You have 2 pixelated(once again, is that a word?) versions of yourself. You now have 3 lives, 2 regular ones (the Runescape ones) and your actual, secondary life. This makes it twice as addicting, twice as hard to quit. Some people have more, maybe even 3 or 4 Runescape accounts. This means you are so addicted to Runescape that you have to play the whole game 3 or 4 times.




If anyone reading this wants to quit Runescape, I'm not a psychologist or anything (although I want to be one when i grow up, could you tell?), but I can give a little advice. If you started not too long ago, I would advise to quit as soon as possible. It may seem great and fun now, but it will get incredibly addicting, and ironically, that's also when it starts to get dull. You need to quit before it gets addicting, or it will be 10 times harder to quit. For those of you who have been playing for several years, and have several accounts, I would advise you to quit the secondary accounts first, before they become addicting and you become too attached to them. Once you have done that you are halfway there. :thumbsup:




Start in small steps. If you play 6 hours a day (which is a lot), try playing less. Try playing only 4 or 5 hours a day. If you still find yourself playing too much, go somewhere. If you are too young, just ask your parents, I'm sure they would do anything to get you to stop playing. Go somewhere where A. You have no access to a computer, or B. Whatever you are doing will be a lot more fun than Runescape, which is probably true anyways.




You may think Runescape is the most fun thing in the world, but go to a friend's house or go outside and play sports. The reason Runescape is so "fun" is because it is instant gratification. Sports aren't instant gratification, but they are much, much more fun and rewarding in the long run. Many people use this reason to not play sports or other things, because they aren't as fun as Runescape in the beginning. Try making a commitment. Join a team or a club. That way you feel the need to go, just as you feel the need to play Runescape. You will definitely make new friends along the way. \'




Once you only play 2 or 3 hours a day (or something along those lines), and you actually have a social life and something to do other than Runescape, you're almost there! Go places with your friends, and set a time limit for yourself. Say you can only play 2 hours a day, and get somebody else to reinforce it (if you don't reinforce it, you will just break your own rules). Or you could take it a step further (which is what i recommend), and set actual times when you can play. Set up a schedule.




Example: 3:00-5:00=go see a movie with friends.


5:00-6:00=play Runescape.


6:00-7:00=go out to eat.


7:00-8:00=play Runescape.




Or something like that. Eventually you will be so caught up in other things that you won't have time to play Runescape, or you'll find other joys in life than clicking a mouse to make some pixels do something. There are some things you should not do, though. While you are totally addicted(playing 5-6 hours a day), DO NOT just try to quit all at once. That almost never works. Also, you can fill Runescape with something else. During the time you would play Runescape, play sports or go to a friends house. DO NOT fill Runescape with something bad, like smoking, or simply starting another MMORPG, because that completely defeats the purpose. <.<




Thanks for reading this incredibly long post!! :D




ps. I think i made some grammar/spelling mistakes, but don't flame me for it. Also, if you can't quit Runescape using my method, don't blame me for it.




pss. If anyone who is reading this smokes, you should quit RIGHT AWAY, or go to a professional.

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Well over the course of my runescape career I've had two account, Degeneratex and R0binhood Jr. Been playing for about 2 and a half years.




Before I started playing Runescape I was a loser through most of elementary school and Middle School. Started out as kids taunting me because of my German Accent and just kinda "stuck" with the kids as we all got older. I had a few friends back then because all I did was try to fit in with the others despite the ridiculing. I had pretty good grades up until high school. Now it's usualy half A's and half B's which I don't really consider being because of Runescape but moreso because of the level of difficulty that increased from elementary school through high school. I was never really good with talking to girls, and still am not. I'm pretty athletic, 6 foot 1, but skinny as a twig, weighing 130 pounds. Since High School has started, I've found a group of 3 close friends that I find a hang out with a lot more than I have with anyone so far, but still feel that RS is interfering with time that I could be hanging out with them.




I started playing runescape in 7th grade and to this day none of my friends know I play. I usualy played about 1 - 2 hours a day during the school week and can go from about 5-10 hours on the weekends (not something I'm particularly proud of :wall: ). Started out as me trying to subistute my self-esteem by being "better ie: higher leveled" than my friends on Runescape of which I had very little in my school life. So I played a lot more, got a lot higher leveled than my Rs friends, got a lot more money than my rs friends, bought stuff for my rs friends, got scammed by my rs friends ect.




What really scarred me was when I got scammed of my Santa which was the accumulation of over a year of hardwork. Now don't laugh, but I honestly felt like there was a huge gaping goal in my heart. It was not the fact that I got scammed of my whip, but moreso of the though that I had just thrown away one year of work and effort and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that outside of runescape I had no life at all. Sure I played guitar and soccer decently, but nothing really in the social aspect.




I realized that in the last year I had not improved my life in anyway, I hadn't accomplished anything I saw as "honor-worthy" on runescape, nor improved my grades, nor improved myself in the social aspect of my life.


And that was what scared me.




Needless to say I quit runescape for 2 months, but came back to it later b/c of how bored I was. Because I had not done anything in my freetime besides Runescape there was a big gap in my schedule to fill which imminently brought me back.




In this past year, I've become a lot more profficient in playing runescape. I've become an advanced merchanter and made 35 million, got scammed countless times but made my way back up each time more than I had before but always getting scammed again down to almost nothing.




Then a Game came out called Pokemon Diamond. Now I'm not really into the whole pokemon series but was always a fan of the video games. I never bought any of the ones past the Silver/Gold generation, but the promise of online battling made me want to get this game bad. And just like that I was able to quit runescape for 3 months w/o a second thought. No cutting down on time gradualy, but just quitting all at once.




However, the game got boring, and I came back to Runescape. Now it's the summer and I'm in vacation in Barcelona, Spain yet I still feel the need to come online 1 hour a day to play runescape, even though I'm in SPAIN and could be doing countless other things.




Now I'm taking one AP class next year and 2 Honors classes. The way I see it there are two things that can happen.




A. In order to cope with the massive amount of work in my AP and honors classed I will gradualy have less and less time to play runescape until I eventualy will be able to quit. :pray:




B. I will just continue to be hooked on runescape more and more and more until my grades will fall as well as destory the fragment of a social life I've been able to create for myself.




Been looking through the responses on this thread, but it doesn't seem like anyone has been affected as much as me by Runescape, which scares me a lot. Or they're just too afraid to let it all out.




Either way, I've been wanting to say this in one way or another for a while now and when I saw this thread just had to post this.

Looking for someone to teach me how to Armadyl farm - pm me

10,200th Person to Achieve 99 Magic on 1/10/08

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No, Runescape was actually good for me. I never had "social" problems, but I expanded my friends group to outside of just the "preppy/jock" group(i hate stereotypes), I pretty much talk to everyone. I'm now going into my senior year with a full scholarship to Virginia in baseball. Runescape has improved my grammar and typing skills. I'm dating someone now, and have been for 1 year and RuneScape has not gotten in the way once.




You just have to control the game, not let it control you.

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I still think Runescape uses subliminal messages to keep us coming back.




It just becomes the most likely theory more every day.


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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My life before RuneScape was surprisingly very similar to the way it is now. I am an avid gamer of many different types of game consoles. It would be fairly easy for me to start treating any of those earlier games I played as a drug and allow it to consume my life. This has never been the case. RuneScape has become more like an amazingly enjoyable hobby that is similar to my liking of playing soccer, reading my favorite book series, editing graphics in Photoshop, etc. To compare to what I still do/not do, here is the list:




I still:


I still eat every single meal during the day with my family (which a portion of RuneScape players may not do anymore), I still email and meet up with my friends throughout the year, I still achieve at least a 3.7+ gpa average on my report cards (preparing to start freshman year of college in the fall), and the most ironic of course being I still enjoy playing video games.




I do not still:


I do not still bite my nails like I use to for many years, I do not still burn things on the stovetop (watching Food Network has paid off :P), and I do not still let thick layers of dust collect in my room and on electronics (allergies finally got the best of me and I wipe the surfaces like crazy now).




^ Interestingly enough the do not list is a bit shorter than the still do list. Also, the whole do not list consists of things that are desirable to discontinue doing...quite interesting indeed. At the end of the day, each individual is affected differently. So we can not easily assume that life before such a game may have been more desirable/worse for some people. By the way, good topic! Made me think alot...


~Retired 13-July-2010~

Thanks for the great memories folks :).

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