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W2 Falador Map


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On this map you will find where exactly items in world 2 Falador are being sold. Going to the areas marked will always guarantee you multiple people selling the item specified.




So the next time you need something on w2, take this map with you :)





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Some comment:




- I don't know how you ended up with ranger set where you put it, but in all my experience of W2 Fally ranger set is traded in middle of park, right between where you put Karil and Dragon


- Abyssal whips are traded right by dragon chain, even a little more west (until you are blocked from going any more west by the wall).


- Rune boots are traded where you put dragon


- Where you put "masks" really means "all rares" (real rares, not TT items and such)


- Dragon squares tend to be traded closer to your "karil" than to your "dragon"

Live free or die. First option is exhausted, so guess what remains?

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That's an "Impact" font that's been stretched hasn't it? Ouch... it looks wrong lol.




I never knew there were zones... now I see why my mates could sell so much more faster than me there! If the info in this is good, I say a good guide.




Another concern I have is how many people actually know about this system? Certainly from my experience in Falador, it's just one massive mess, not an organised system.

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Some comment:




- I don't know how you ended up with ranger set where you put it, but in all my experience of W2 Fally ranger set is traded in middle of park, right between where you put Karil and Dragon


- Abyssal whips are traded right by dragon chain, even a little more west (until you are blocked from going any more west by the wall).


- Rune boots are traded where you put dragon


- Where you put "masks" really means "all rares" (real rares, not TT items and such)


- Dragon squares tend to be traded closer to your "karil" than to your "dragon"




he also forgot verac :ohnoes:




its sold just west of guthan...

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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That's an "Impact" font that's been stretched hasn't it? Ouch... it looks wrong lol.




I never knew there were zones... now I see why my mates could sell so much more faster than me there! If the info in this is good, I say a good guide.




Another concern I have is how many people actually know about this system? Certainly from my experience in Falador, it's just one massive mess, not an organised system.




most people know about some of the system.






i found an other think he is missing, the party hat section... it is located outside the walls north of dragon chains

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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Fremmy rings, they are traded just a bit east of the southern entrance of the garden.

Don't ask me for what I do for fun.

Anyways, what I do for fun (besides RS) is to tear up assignments I get and then try to re-create them. It's so much fun =D.

(I also like differrent things.(and purple ))



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It looks good, but now this is the 3rd guide [im not starting anything] Some things in wrong spots and missing somethings. Kinda Fuzzy And hard to read in some spots.

Click here for my Falador World 2 Bank/Park and Price Guide

Clicky click for Recipe for Disaster Weapons and Gloves Guide!

Proud owner of a Woodcutting Cape - Sunday, Febuary 11th, 2007

Proud owner of a Flecthing Cape - Sunday December 16th, 2007

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That's an "Impact" font that's been stretched hasn't it? Ouch... it looks wrong lol.




I never knew there were zones... now I see why my mates could sell so much more faster than me there! If the info in this is good, I say a good guide.




Another concern I have is how many people actually know about this system? Certainly from my experience in Falador, it's just one massive mess, not an organised system.




In W2, it's organized. Other than that, it's just a bunch of people standing outside the bank.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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this is a fairly new thread, and I've used it several times, for whips, ammo, cannons, and now, god pages. Very useful, but could look a little neater. Keep it up-to-date if anything changes, this could be a well-known thread in the future.





Errr, *needs a sig*

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No one likes a Verac :(




Nice map though. I'm been looking for one of these. Thanks so much.

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Suggestions for making the map better:


  • [*:6g98eth0]Don't use just boxes, make pentagons, hexagons, sexagons, octogons, nonagons, you name it.
    [*:6g98eth0]The fuzzy boxes are annoying to the eye. A simple double-pixel outline would do alot better.
    [*:6g98eth0]Make the colors brighter, that includes the text. Having dark/medium colors on a background like that makes them hard to read.
    [*:6g98eth0]Try a more appealing font. The font right now is a hard-to-read stretched fuzzy bold font. Try something like Arial or Tahoma(not times new roman though, that's way overused).
    [*:6g98eth0]Zoom out on the map to include the phat section just north of the whips outside the actual city


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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