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People will tell you anything to scare you about seniors.




Just go there, and dont act like an [wagon] or dont try to arrogant, and just go to classes. you should be left alone. My experiences with initiations was ok because non happened to me. the people asked if i wanted to be initiated, and then I said no, so they left me.




Dont Show fear, and be in groups. Absolutely nothing to be afraid of.


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lol no fights at your school?




last year at my school(get this) these 2 girls got in a huge fight about(here it comes) getting cut in the nacho line at lunch. one of the girls ended up hitting the freshman dean in the face and the dean put her in a headlock and dropped her to the floor




and this was a fight that happend at a free period in the caff(cause teachers were absent) you can hear me say "i know right" right before the fight starts


pio is my semi-friend but i never talked to tom before in my life









i had the greatest seat, the next table over <3:




Hahahaha cutting in a nacho line? That made me smile.


Thanks to all people who have and will post(ed).




I never really saw any fights because I've always gone to private schools and me and my friends were brought up properly in my view but this one time I was sitting eating lunch with some of my friends and this girl no one liked called one of my friends(she was philipino) a stupid chinese, and she kept fighting with the "leader" of that cliche until one of the girls beat the crap out of her, ripped out some of her hair and then hide behind a table when the patrolling lunch teacher came.




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oh yea? well we bang out all the white kids!




not really






but there is lots of fights at my school.




just make sure you dont get all up on someone elses girl




edit: just remember its an all boys school :XD:




Don't get up on somebody else's boy then.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Make sure you have tons of fun every year, and don't feel like senior year is the only fun one. If you do, you'll miss out on a lot. :wink: Join as many clubs as you want, but don't over extend yourself. Become friends with your teachers, and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS do your homework, HS is what starts mattering.

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I'm going into my freshmen year too, and I'm really nervous.




But, look on the bright side, I'm going to a high school, were only 1 or 2 of my friends are going to, so I won't know anybody, so in your a much better spot then I am, (that probably doesn't help :P)




But yea, I'll tell you what my brothers told me, Don't worry, be yourself and talk to as many girls as possible :P

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People will tell you anything to scare you about seniors.




Just go there, and dont act like an [wagon] or dont try to arrogant, and just go to classes. you should be left alone. My experiences with initiations was ok because non happened to me. the people asked if i wanted to be initiated, and then I said no, so they left me.




Dont Show fear, and be in groups. Absolutely nothing to be afraid of.




Yeah agreed. Only guys I knew when I went to high school were like junior/seniors.






Which btw don't sweat it as I said earlier. My first highschool year was in a new country (moved to germany from the states for 2 years). :)

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People will tell you anything to scare you about seniors.




Just go there, and dont act like an [wagon] or dont try to arrogant, and just go to classes. you should be left alone. My experiences with initiations was ok because non happened to me. the people asked if i wanted to be initiated, and then I said no, so they left me.




Dont Show fear, and be in groups. Absolutely nothing to be afraid of.




Yeah agreed. Only guys I knew when I went to high school were like junior/seniors.






Which btw don't sweat it as I said earlier. My first highschool year was in a new country (moved to germany from the states for 2 years). :)




Wow, that must have sucked.




Since I'm going to a new high school, (like I said before) thats some pretty good advice :P




Thanks Nadril and lionheart :D

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I have 3 older siblings(two being grads from college and in the process of getting their masters and the other going into junior year of high school), a brother-in-law and a soon-to-be-sister-in-law and they have nothing to tell me about high school.




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just be yourself:O and uhmm pay attention.. i didn't do that and i failed my sophmore history project @#% yeah.... but my teacher is like super serious and it's tough. oh and don't sleep in math class.. i did it every day and i got a 51% oh yeah baby.. now i regret staying up playing rs :uhh: :cry: -.-

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I have 3 older siblings(two being grads from college and in the process of getting their masters and the other going into junior year of high school), a brother-in-law and a soon-to-be-sister-in-law and they have nothing to tell me about high school.




Really? I would think that your brother or sister thats going to be a Junior would be able to tell you something.. :|

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Oldest: Sister a genius but not much of the logical sense, not nerdy either, she is also my closest sibling and we share most things in common, I haven't really asked her much but she said just to try my best.




Brother-in-law: I asked him about tracks thats pretty much it, I'm a trackie.




Oldest Brother: Eh, I don't really have the chance to ask him much he lives 4hours away from me but he said its good to challenge ones self and know ones limitations.




Soon-to-be-sister-in-law: Still getting to know her, she also lives 4hours away.




Youngest Brother(besides me): He tries to scare me...




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Lol, my High School is laid out that rooms in the 100's are on the first floor and then rooms in the 200's are on the second, but I had ot leave that school and I am going to a High School/College, which I am a Junior now and when I graduate, I'll have my Associates Degree. 2 years of college done and all I did was go to High School and take some College classes :D


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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You want real tips:




1. Stand tall


2. Be mature. Don't act like a little kid.


3. School is #1


4, Don't get in to trouble


5. Choose your friends carefully


6. Have fun with it


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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I was a freshman this past year and one very important piece of advice is to always go to school social gatherings. You might get to meet a lot of people you wouldn't normally see during school and you could make some new friends. Also, keep VERY good notes in all your classes. If you get a supply list at the beginning of the year that tells you what school supplies to buy, you don't have to follow it exactly. Last year I started the year with four 2" binders among a lot of other things. You have no idea how much of a pain it is to carry around that much stuff.




The setup I'm going to use for this upcoming school year is to have one large notebook that I can use for every class (a 5-subject notebook is what you would look for) and one 2" or so binder to keep papers from all of my classes in. Binder dividers are your friend--use them! When you're completely finished with a unit in a class and you've moved on to a later unit, ask your teacher if it's ok if you empty out your binder of papers from past units. If the teacher says it's ok then take them out of the binder and keep them in a safe place at home. Keep all papers in your binders in chronological order to avoid getting mixed up.




If you have all of your papers from the entire year stored at home it will REALLY help when it's time to study for midterms and finals. I unfortunately didn't take studying for finals seriously and I struggled a lot more than I thought I would have to. You don't have to start studying months in advance, but a month before you have your finals is a good time to start. You don't have to study for a long period of time every day, just 10 minutes a day will help a LOT.




If you're worried about getting lost and having a hard time finding your way around the school, don't worry. After a week you'll know how to get around school perfectly. I only had trouble getting around for the first 2 or 3 days, and then after that I was fine. :D

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I starts freshman year aug 27, and im nervous, but im going to a public school with *jaws music* :ohnoes: public bathrooms :ohnoes: but anyway, some of my frends are goonna be there. Some advice: dont mess with seniors. Ive heard seniors will take ur lunch money and steal ur fibua :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111




EDIT: oh ya, ive heard bring ur lunch 1st week. Food isnt sposed to be as crappy as middle school. Somehow my middle school got 104.5 on sanitation score...makes u think


its the same for lunches at my school, and i have to pay for it too, so Thats why i've been buying my lunch somewhere else since i was a freshman

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The food in the high school I'm going to is ok because they have a chef and he makes exotic specials according to the season(shark soup, ostrich, etc.) but still home-cookin's better.




At my old school when my sister & oldest brother use to go there [11 years ago?] someone accidentally hit a bottle of windex and it leaked and it went into this thing that supplied the kitchen's water and they made some kind of soup that day and everyone who ate it got poisioned and where sent to the hospital...




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The best advice I can give you is "Don't be shy." If you enter highschool being shy then I can almost guarrentee you will have a miserable time. I am not saying you should try to be the most popular kid in school or anything, I am trying to say be very outgoing and be willing to hang out with new people. Even if you have heard bad things about them, try hanging out with them and find out more about them! You never know what they are really like until you get their 2 cents.




Another piece of advice is be active. You should do sports and join clubs. You make tons and tons of friends this way. In high-school people start to be more accepting of who comes into their groups and you can easily join a group where people have been friends for a long time. I personally found a group of friends that have been friends for about 5 years. After 3 months of hanging out with them they treated me the same way as they did everyone else.




Now this next advice is some things only students in high-school could tell you. No teachers or staff at your school will tell you this... Stand strong and be powerful. Don't let anyone push you around. I would highly suggest going out for a sport. If your school has a gym go and work out everyother day! You will certainly be happy you did. I am not saying you have to be a ripped jock, but stay fit. You will be very happy you decided to get some muscle later in life :wink: .




Lastly, have fun, don't be nervous. The only thing you really have to be nervous about is the size of the school. It may seem over-wheelming at first considering it's most likely bigger than your previous school(s). But that nervousness will go away in about a week, trust me. But what I am really trying to say is do things that are fun! I personally, go to football games, hang out with friends on the weekends, support my friends at their games (any sport), and, well, party! :XD:




Oh and if you are worried about girls at all, I wouldn't be, considering there are TONS of them. And I guarantee you will find a girl that you will like and she will like you back, so don't worry. :thumbsup:




Well I hope this helped you out. If you have any questions you can ask me.





Training my pure!



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Meh, I can't really give too much advice. I'm in year 11, and only came to school this year. I go to a small school (about 600 people all up, that includes primary students), and I was already friends with a quarter of my year, and was an acquaintance of another quarter, so fitting in wasn't really a problem..


I wish there were more fights at my school. Seriously, if there ever was a fight, the principle would talk to the entire year involved for about 2 weeks telling us how disappointed he was. That's what happened when some guys in my year brought vodka in coke to school anyway. They almost got expelled. :lol:


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