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The decline of Runescape, and how it effects Tip.It.


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I respect your opinion, but I don't agree that RS is declining. Jagex wants good RS community, thats why Report Abuse is there.




Sure there's a lot of immatures and idiots, ignore them is simple solution.




For example, if someone try to trick you into walking to wilderness, look at you going to wilderness. Tell them, "No, I'm not going to wilderness", walk away and go back to whatever you are doing before. If they try to threat you "nooby nooby, you're chicken" or whatever they say. Doesn't matter! It doesn't affect you or Jagex or anybody else so just don't listen to them.




This is starting to look like a rant.




I do ignore them, but ignoring a problem doesn't mean that the problem doesn't exist. If I were too deny that I didn't have say, cancer. I can deny all I want, but that doesn't change the fact that I still have cancer.




Your methods are by far the simplest method, but they do not help the community at all. In fact you are worsening the community by not telling them that they are immature.




Stop looking at the small picture, scamming and hacking is only a small part of this problem.




I am not ranting about the community, I am pointing out that it is going down hill.




And now, how is the report abuse button keeping immature players out? You can't report players for using bad grammar, or saying "pwnd nub".




What a terrible analogy. You can't compare idiots in Runescape to cancer. The point Ventuzz made is that you can simply ignore it and it doesnt effect you. You can't ignore cancer, it has a much greater effect on your life than some guy calling you a noob, and frankly you can ignore idiots, and it won't effect your gameplay whatsoever, I'm so sick of people ranting about "Runescape is going downhill" and all that rubbish, it's not hard to ignore people in the game, you even get a special feature for it.





Sure, ignorance is a good short term plan but for the long run its not effective at all. As I said above, ignoring the problem just lets the baton pass onto someone else. And that someone may not be as strong willed as you, and give into what they ask.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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RS declining? No.. still the same old RuneScape.




just ignore these brats.




No, its not the same Runescape that it was 2+ years ago. Compared to the tales of classic we are in heading for open water with only enough gas too get halfway there.


I bet it's not much diferent, and you just want to remember the good ol' days.




I mean, I still had my acc scammed out of 2 years ago.




Yea I was around rs 2+ years ago too, add about 200 autos to every world,everyone going for a 99 skill, and pc products and you've got the same enviroment. I think anyone who thinks 2+ years ago was better than now is in denial just a bit, when your newer to the rs community it always seemed better, but after getting used to it you can point out all its faults in seconds.


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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RS declining? No.. still the same old RuneScape.




just ignore these brats.




No, its not the same Runescape that it was 2+ years ago. Compared to the tales of classic we are in heading for open water with only enough gas too get halfway there.


I bet it's not much diferent, and you just want to remember the good ol' days.




I mean, I still had my acc scammed out of 2 years ago.




Yea I was around rs 2+ years ago too, add about 200 autos to every world,everyone going for a 99 skill, and pc products and you've got the same enviroment. I think anyone who thinks 2+ years ago was better than now is in denial just a bit, when your newer to the rs community it always seemed better, but after getting used to it you can point out all its faults in seconds.





Or you could be in denial that Runescape really is getting worse. :-k

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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I kinda agree with you. But to be honest, you can generally play thorugh life as a member comfortably. Sure you'll get the occasional 'i g0t haxd' But it is small enoguh that ignoring it would work.




F2p on the other hand is another story, while there are many many mature players, there are far more immature ones. For eg. my cousin has just recently started playing rs, i went to a f2p world to show him around and stuff. upon arriving at lumridge, the low lvls seeing a lvl 91 in zammy dhide, range boots and blk cav (im not here to get flamed about my outfit) Immediately follow me begging/being idiotic. Also, the many arrogant higher levels discourage the potentially 'good natured' players, as if a low lvl asks one of those higher lvls for help their reply would be 'no noob go away' (im not saying that many players dont help, but im sure all of you know what i mean).




Ps. Anyone who compares non memb from rs classic, to what it is now, cant deny the fact that its changed a lot.. negatively.




Doughnut, i would say that i agree that the quality of the community is declining, yet tbh, theres nothing we can do but keep playing, and posting about it certainly wont help, and might just end up with you getting flamed :?


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I almost completely agree with you about this. More and more I wish I could be back in the old RuneScape.




But I don't think the game is declining, I think it's getting better. A little less then half the players of RuneScape absolutely love the new updates. I'd like to see the community become better though, more mature and responsible, and if that happened, I'd probably never quit RuneScape.

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RS declining? No.. still the same old RuneScape.




just ignore these brats.




No, its not the same Runescape that it was 2+ years ago. Compared to the tales of classic we are in heading for open water with only enough gas too get halfway there.


I bet it's not much diferent, and you just want to remember the good ol' days.




I mean, I still had my acc scammed out of 2 years ago.





I was scammed two years ago as well, scamming was and always will be around.




It is different, you can deny all you want. But Runescape is on the decline, its golden age has passed and its falling down.




For me the 'Golden Age' was early RSC. RS as been falling since the introduction of RS2.

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There is more to a golden age then the community, though it still has a large effect. Personally I see that the golden age stopped once Runescape reached a stalemate, for every member that signs up one leaves. Right now I can see that going towards for every one member two leave.




Powman, you have to remember that this post isn't about the content of updates, but rather about the community and its leeching attitude towards Fansites. But yes, the community can receive a sharp kick in the bahooky.




lendel, I agree with you and won't comment on most of it. I do know I will get flamed, but thats part of bringing up a controversial subject. And until the moderators feel that this topic is getting out of hand and that it needs to be locked or I quit these forums I will defend my stances on this subject.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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I really hate the fact that a lot of these so called mature players believe its only the young players faults that the game is being ruined. Blame Miniclip, blame game reviews, blame whoever you want. the reality is its not the little people, its just the fact that there's more people. Pretty soon the amount of players of this game will increase ten fold. Naturally, all these new players aren't all mature. Some are morons. especially when more people join, there will be more morons. then the snowball effect can take place. Its not the little people, its the more people. get it through your heads that not every young player is an idiot, because that would reflect on you saying you were idiotic at your age.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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I guarantee theres not been a major ATTITUDE shift, people playing rsc may have been CIVIL to each other, but still they were motivated by greed and competition, maybe they were smart enough to hide it but it was still there underlying everything they did. Seriously i have no idea how these NOOBS get on peoples nerves so frequently, yes they are scamming, parasitic 8 year olds but so what? You can't let them effect you, if they give you [cabbage] blow a rasberry at them, if they try to scam you report them, and so on. There are very few situations where they can ruin your game time, and in almost all these situations you can simply ignore them.




People speak of 'the community' but i don't really think theres any such thing, some people are nice, some people are asshats just like real life, use your real life coping mechanisms in the game and you'll be ok and bottom line: don't let morons ruin your fun, rise above them, be secure in the knowledge that one day their heads will explode trying to work out how to run a macro script.








Edit: The VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST majority of NOOBS in this game are young, deal with it. Young children generally are annoying and stupid, thats a fact, maybe some aren't but MOST ARE.

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The point of 'fighting back' is useless. They are 'waves' of noobs coming in the game, and once we defeat one wave another one comes...and they never cease to come. So best we ignore them, if they don't get free stuff, if they don't get attention, they will leave the game or start acting mature.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Game Informer never reviewed runeScape, they put it under "top 10 games you neer heard of". I believe RS was #4.




But they did have a mini review.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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Because of this thread i decided to kind of help the newbs, i'm buyin about 15 of everything for every skill to start a newb off, then the nice ones will get rewarded and well that will improve everything, if alot of people would sign up with me and do this we could single handedly turn runescape aroung, WHOS WITH ME?!?!?!?!??!

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Because of this thread i decided to kind of help the newbs, i'm buyin about 15 of everything for every skill to start a newb off, then the nice ones will get rewarded and well that will improve everything, if alot of people would sign up with me and do this we could single handedly turn runescape aroung, WHOS WITH ME?!?!?!?!??!




That wouldn't work, for players to realize they need to change mature players will have to tell them that what they are doing is wrong. While it won't work probably, its better then just ignoring the problem and letting it fester and grow.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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It's time to create threads like these that immature people can't understand! Brilliant!! Then they'll leave because they feel stupid :P .




Anyway, I don't really think it's that immature to make "what if" threads, it just kind of shows what kind of person you are. You like to be thoughtful and insightful sometimes and make these kinds of threads.

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Lets skip to the solution:




13 year age limit no longer a guide line but is now a bannable offense if you play and are younger.


(I know it will be a pain and almost impossible to know if a person is over or under 13 at sign up, but with cooperating with parental control programs to block runescape.com and rate it as teen or something could help.)






Adult servers with no censoring. (Mind you offensive language is still not allowed).




I have been wanting adult servers for a long time. Were you can actually have a good conversation in public chat and act out some role playing without getting flamed for being a real life looser and getting comments like "lolz its only a game n00b" when you discuss Runescape gods/history in game.


21 lag piles, 4 Pjs, 2 Party hat kills, 67 newbs teached.

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Its just the kids who are 8-13 who are still immature. They havnt grown out of yet! I am 16 and realise this is a problem but they dont mean any harm.




I'll just wait till they grown out of their immaturity and into the real world.




I was immature still when i was 12 you know.

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Surrey CC and Liverpool FC fan for life!

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It's time to create threads like these that immature people can't understand! Brilliant!! Then they'll leave because they feel stupid :P .




Anyway, I don't really think it's that immature to make "what if" threads, it just kind of shows what kind of person you are. You like to be thoughtful and insightful sometimes and make these kinds of threads.




I've made some "what if's" before. But general discussion is getting too the point where every 3rd or 4th thread is a "what if" thread.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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