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Is this fair?


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Earlier today my account had .8 blackmarks, no where close to 15 black marks to get banned right?




Well 1 second i get kicked off my account, nextt hing i know it says my account is disabled? I go to the appeal/offence and found out I have 15/10 blackmarks. All of which started at .8 to 15 in just a fwe secs. Is it fair that they add all of these offences at the same time when some are few months maybe a year old? I had no warning that i was close to even getting banned.








Combat- 110


Str- 91


Atk- 90


Def- 80


Range- 87




Mage- 99


RC- 62


Cons- 53


Hits- 92


Agil- 67


Herb- 58


Thieve- 70


Craft- 68


Fletch- 86


Slayer- 71


Hunt- 53


Mining- 84


Smith- 79


Fish- 76


Cook- 99


Firemaking- 75


Woodcutting- 78


Farm- 51




All quests completed






Here is a pic of my offenses





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Unless you truly had a desire to tick Jagex off, there's no way you could've gotten that many blackmarks in one day.




I've seen this before, and it's crap that they just throw all the offences on at one point before you know you're close to being banned :roll:



There's cake through here, apparently.
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Most of my offences r just for swearing at some ppl who get me mad, and yes I deserve to be muted, i'll admit that but not lose my account. I got black marks for joking around like "selling a rare black shark". I even said jking and lol after i said that... Guess u shouldn't joke around

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Well if you admit that you did have many offences, even if some were probably reported by Mod-Wannabes, then I don't exactly see where you have any room to complain.




You said most of your offences were just swearing or "joking around", indicating that there may be others that could get you a lot of black marks.






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Well if you admit that you did have many offences, even if some were probably reported by Mod-Wannabes, then I don't exactly see where you have any room to complain.




You said most of your offences were just swearing or "joking around", indicating that there may be others that could get you a lot of black marks.










MOST was for the swearing, there were 2 where I was joking around, I said selling rare black shark and then said "lol jking" and i still get smacked for black marks, the other was for something else. I also got a black mark for something I totally dont understand how I broke the rule.

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Jagex is totally asinine when it comes to bannings. Okay, some noob player mod muted me for saying "I'll bite you <3" to a friend after she told another friend to bite her. Then, when I got my evidence, they added another black mark, apparently for "spamming" that I did over six months ago... I was lagging at PC, so I typed "laaaag asdkjglkasdjglaksdjg" and some wanna be mod apparently reported me. I honestly think they need to make a skill total requirement in order to report people; it'd cut down on a lot of the [cabbage] reports that noobs send in.

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Jagex's ban system is a little messed up. It is unfair that you were banned suddenly. Hopefully you can appeal, but even then your chances are slim, as Jagex never seem to pay much attention to Ban Appeals. :?




Although I suppose if you did break another rule and you were reported, that would have obviously of been the cause. :|

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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I'm sorry for your loss, but I think it's totally fair, you admitted to breaking the rules and Jagex owns your account, therefore they have the right to ban anyone they please for any reason. Before they let you play you clicked the box that said that you agreed to the terms of use. That being said you really have no reason to say that it's unfair for you being banned for breaking the rules.

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I'm sorry for your loss, but I think it's totally fair, you admitted to breaking the rules and Jagex owns your account, therefore they have the right to ban anyone they please for any reason. Before they let you play you clicked the box that said that you agreed to the terms of use. That being said you really have no reason to say that it's unfair for you being banned for breaking the rules.




Your pretty stupid.




He got 15 black marks from within a year all slammed on him on one day? maybe he would of made himself stop if he knew he was soon gonna get permed and plus he was joking he shouldve gotten muted at the max a temp ban.


Quit. PM me if you play The Conduit to exchange friend codes.

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I'm sorry for your loss, but I think it's totally fair, you admitted to breaking the rules and Jagex owns your account, therefore they have the right to ban anyone they please for any reason. Before they let you play you clicked the box that said that you agreed to the terms of use. That being said you really have no reason to say that it's unfair for you being banned for breaking the rules.




Your pretty stupid.




He got 15 black marks from within a year all slammed on him on one day? maybe he would of made himself stop if he knew he was soon gonna get permed and plus he was joking he shouldve gotten muted at the max a temp ban.




Thank you :)

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I'm sorry for your loss, but I think it's totally fair, you admitted to breaking the rules and Jagex owns your account, therefore they have the right to ban anyone they please for any reason. Before they let you play you clicked the box that said that you agreed to the terms of use. That being said you really have no reason to say that it's unfair for you being banned for breaking the rules.




Your pretty stupid.




He got 15 black marks from within a year all slammed on him on one day? maybe he would of made himself stop if he knew he was soon gonna get permed and plus he was joking he shouldve gotten muted at the max a temp ban.


My thoughts exactly... I know emp in person, and he's really not bad, he would have stopped i'm sure. Nonetheless... i'll miss ya on RS.

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ROFL I had the exact same thing, I had 2, then got reported months away from eachother in 1 day and got to 9.6 black marks and got perm muted.


I appealed them though and now I got like 7 and not perm muted, but it's really strange :S




Lucky for u :( I got 15 and they denied all my appeals

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Jagex's ban system is a little messed up. It is unfair that you were banned suddenly. Hopefully you can appeal, but even then your chances are slim, as Jagex never seem to pay much attention to Ban Appeals. :?




Although I suppose if you did break another rule and you were reported, that would have obviously of been the cause. :|




How is it not fair that they can ban you without giving you warning? So you have time to transfer all your stuff onto another account? That'd just be stupid. Like telling a murderer he's going to jail but they're going to pick him up tomorrow :-s .




Either way, there is no excuse for having a black mark. You break the rules, you pay.




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Jagex's ban system is a little messed up. It is unfair that you were banned suddenly. Hopefully you can appeal, but even then your chances are slim, as Jagex never seem to pay much attention to Ban Appeals. :?




Although I suppose if you did break another rule and you were reported, that would have obviously of been the cause. :|




How is it not fair that they can ban you without giving you warning? So you have time to transfer all your stuff onto another account? That'd just be stupid. Like telling a murderer he's going to jail but they're going to pick him up tomorrow :-s .




Either way, there is no excuse for having a black mark. You break the rules, you pay.




Criminals can get bailed and then escape, Y can't i get bailed? and ur telling me its not unfair that they slap on about a years old offenses all on 1 day?

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Jagex's ban system is a little messed up. It is unfair that you were banned suddenly. Hopefully you can appeal, but even then your chances are slim, as Jagex never seem to pay much attention to Ban Appeals. :?




Although I suppose if you did break another rule and you were reported, that would have obviously of been the cause. :|




How is it not fair that they can ban you without giving you warning? So you have time to transfer all your stuff onto another account? That'd just be stupid. Like telling a murderer he's going to jail but they're going to pick him up tomorrow :-s .




Either way, there is no excuse for having a black mark. You break the rules, you pay.




Criminals can get bailed and then escape, Y can't i get bailed? and ur telling me its not unfair that they slap on about a years old offenses all on 1 day?




Well first of you don't have a case to defend. You know your guilty and jagex isn't the court system. They don't need any small evidence to convict you; everything is set in stone already. And yes, it is fair.




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Jagex's ban system is a little messed up. It is unfair that you were banned suddenly. Hopefully you can appeal, but even then your chances are slim, as Jagex never seem to pay much attention to Ban Appeals. :?




Although I suppose if you did break another rule and you were reported, that would have obviously of been the cause. :|




How is it not fair that they can ban you without giving you warning? So you have time to transfer all your stuff onto another account? That'd just be stupid. Like telling a murderer he's going to jail but they're going to pick him up tomorrow :-s .




Either way, there is no excuse for having a black mark. You break the rules, you pay.




Criminals can get bailed and then escape, Y can't i get bailed? and ur telling me its not unfair that they slap on about a years old offenses all on 1 day?




Well first of you don't have a case to defend. You know your guilty and jagex isn't the court system. They don't need any small evidence to convict you; everything is set in stone already. And yes, it is fair.




Are you tip it's lawyer or something? I've seen you on a lot of threads.


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I'm sorry for your loss, but I think it's totally fair, you admitted to breaking the rules and Jagex owns your account, therefore they have the right to ban anyone they please for any reason. Before they let you play you clicked the box that said that you agreed to the terms of use. That being said you really have no reason to say that it's unfair for you being banned for breaking the rules.




Your pretty stupid.




He got 15 black marks from within a year all slammed on him on one day? maybe he would of made himself stop if he knew he was soon gonna get permed and plus he was joking he shouldve gotten muted at the max a temp ban.




How does that make me stupid when I was simply expressing my opinion?




Like Rcty said, Emp said that he got most of his black marks from swearing and "joking around". This implys that we're not getting the full story, and is plausible that he didn't just get 15 black marks slammed on him for a years worth of previous offences. Maybe just maybe they have recent reports of him breaking rules and reviewed all of his previous offences and detirmed that a muting wasn't suffcient enough, or maybe all of the black marks aren't related to the previous year.




"Selling rare black shark." I even said jking and lol after I said that...




It doesn't matter if you were just kidding or not, you could still have been deceiving someone. You may have been just kidding, but it doesn't matter how you intended it, but how the other person perceives it.




Nonetheless, 15 black marks in one day may seem a bit over the top, but I don't think that Jagex does it without reason or evidence. Once again my apologies for your banning and I wish you the best of luck with your appeals.

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Are you tip it's lawyer or something? I've seen you on a lot of threads.




I've never been to law school, know next to nothing about law, and have no interest to learn more about it. But it doesn't take a village idiot to put 2 and 2 together.








Maybe he shouldn't have started to break the rules in the first place.




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I'm sorry for your loss, but I think it's totally fair, you admitted to breaking the rules and Jagex owns your account, therefore they have the right to ban anyone they please for any reason. Before they let you play you clicked the box that said that you agreed to the terms of use. That being said you really have no reason to say that it's unfair for you being banned for breaking the rules.




Your pretty stupid.




He got 15 black marks from within a year all slammed on him on one day? maybe he would of made himself stop if he knew he was soon gonna get permed and plus he was joking he shouldve gotten muted at the max a temp ban.


you should really read the terms and conditions once they finish maintenance on the "create a free account". they do have the right to do that, and you agree to it if you made an account at one point. i'll gladly post the part that says that when it's back up as well. that little part pretty much makes "unfair ban" rants useless.

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I'm sorry for your loss, but I think it's totally fair, you admitted to breaking the rules and Jagex owns your account, therefore they have the right to ban anyone they please for any reason. Before they let you play you clicked the box that said that you agreed to the terms of use. That being said you really have no reason to say that it's unfair for you being banned for breaking the rules.




you're pretty smart.




He got 15 black marks from within a year all slammed on him on one day? Maybe he deserved these and instead of insta banning anybody jagex decided to review the hundreds of thousands of reports and just caught up on these offenses. He knew he was breaking the rules and he should have been smarter about it.

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SKuff, it doesnt make you stupid because you were expressing your opinions but think of it, people who use offensive language get a temporary mute or ban as a warning right? and what does he get? A perm ban? oh yeah thats fair.




and at local, ive read it so dont waste your time, sure they have the right to that, they have the right to ban anyone in the game for no reason at all but does that make it fair? No and yes i said he should have gotten a mute or temporary ban, but once again he had no warning which is stupid.


Quit. PM me if you play The Conduit to exchange friend codes.

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