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Who's To Blame?


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The scam wouldn't have taken place if the scammer weren't a greedy pixel hugger.




It wouldn't have taken place either if the person being scammed had a triple digit IQ.




But I don't think anyone would disagree the scammer is more responsible than the victim.

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A 5 year old is walking in a local park. Some stranger comes up and offers him ice cream if he comes along. The 5 year old follows, is taken into a dark alley, is tied up and gagged, thrown in the back on a vehicle, taken to a lake in the middle of the night, is raped, murdered, and thrown in the lake.




Who is to blame, the 5 year old or the stranger?


Add parents telling the kid not to go with strangers, and various school-activities about not going with strangers to the scene. Now whos to blame?




For me, its the idiotic person who fell for it. Sure if it's the first time you got scammed its ok. I've gotten scammed once and learned my lesson. I never got scammed again. If you get scamed 2, 3, or even 14 times then you are the one to blame.




"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." -Unknown



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Neither. They are both to blame. The scammer shouldn't be scamming people, and the other person should learn to think.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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A 5 year old is walking in a local park. Some stranger comes up and offers him ice cream if he comes along. The 5 year old follows, is taken into a dark alley, is tied up and gagged, thrown in the back on a vehicle, taken to a lake in the middle of the night, is raped, murdered, and thrown in the lake.




Who is to blame, the 5 year old or the stranger?




If you made it so the 5 year old was 13+ and it was against the law to accept ice cream from strangers, which is basically how it is with JAGeX and passwords, then who would be to blame?


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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A 5 year old is walking in a local park. Some stranger comes up and offers him ice cream if he comes along. The 5 year old follows, is taken into a dark alley, is tied up and gagged, thrown in the back on a vehicle, taken to a lake in the middle of the night, is raped, murdered, and thrown in the lake.




Who is to blame, the 5 year old or the stranger?




I hope that isnt happening in runescape :shock:

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The scammer is at fault. :shame: A lot of players are kids who don't have much sense or they are new so they are not familiar with everything yet.




But is the age minimum not 13 years ?




Where i'm from 13 yr olds aren't dumb .. but maybe thats just where I'm from ehhehehe :D

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the scammer, because the kid is not the one who caused the scam. If the scammer had not been there, the scam would have not taken place.




The kids are supposed to be 13, but since there is nothing preventing them from lying, it isn't always that way.

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the scammer, because the kid is not the one who caused the scam. If the scammer had not been there, the scam would have not taken place.




again i disagree.




when a scam takes place the socalled "victim" is given two choices.. "yes" or "no". its up to him to decide.




I've yet to hear of a scam where the victim was forced into it.

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the scammer, because the kid is not the one who caused the scam. If the scammer had not been there, the scam would have not taken place.




again i disagree.




when a scam takes place the socalled "victim" is given two choices.. "yes" or "no". its up to him to decide.




I've yet to hear of a scam where the victim was forced into it.


Not all runescape scams have that option. Like changing the amount of cash in the trade screen, replacing items, etc. It's how most ppl lose their santas and stuff.


But you do have a point.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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the scammer, because the kid is not the one who caused the scam. If the scammer had not been there, the scam would have not taken place.




again i disagree.




when a scam takes place the socalled "victim" is given two choices.. "yes" or "no". its up to him to decide.




I've yet to hear of a scam where the victim was forced into it.


Not all runescape scams have that option. Like changing the amount of cash in the trade screen, replacing items, etc. It's how most ppl lose their santas and stuff.


But you do have a point.




I will further prove my point by saying, that if you play the game the way its meant to be played, you will notice there is a box where u can see exactly what u are trading, failure to look at that box is ur own fault, and the consequences thereof.




Changing the amount of cash in trade screen and replacing items can barely be called a scam. More like a check-up to see if "victim" is brain-dead or not.

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