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adult scenes ahoy!








(Am I the only one who would rather read the comic as a comic, rather than as hentai/yuri/whatever you call it?)


No, considering the fact that they're all just joking around, not being serious when they say that stuff.




If we wanted Yuri and Hentai, we'd watch/read Bleach. Right now we just want a good storyline and plot ::' .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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adult scenes ahoy!








(Am I the only one who would rather read the comic as a comic, rather than as hentai/yuri/whatever you call it?)


No, considering the fact that they're all just joking around, not being serious when they say that stuff.




If we wanted Yuri and Hentai, we'd watch/read Bleach. Right now we just want a good storyline and plot ::' .




If i wanted yuri I'd read yuri Doujins. Its not like they'r hard to find.

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adult scenes ahoy!








(Am I the only one who would rather read the comic as a comic, rather than as hentai/yuri/whatever you call it?)


No, considering the fact that they're all just joking around, not being serious when they say that stuff.




If we wanted Yuri and Hentai, we'd watch/read Bleach. Right now we just want a good storyline and plot ::' .


I'm watching bleach. :uhh:


Haven't encountered too much yuri(if the definition is female homosexuality?). I'm only on episode 12...should I stop?

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I was just making a joke :P [and a point, if we wanted that stuff it's not like it's hard to find]. Tite Kubo is known for making his female characters a little... fuller, as well as hinting at a few lil' yuri relationships, without blatantly saying anything.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Jaziek, you are a pervert. Normal people don't sit at home and... uh...




Well, what I'm trying to say is that there has never been anything that made the comic deserve an adult rating. It's not G rated, but it doesn't go beyond suggestive themes. I'd really doubt Chris would publish something like that, at least in Misfile. Though I'd love the comical hinting.




Anyway, we should ask Thirdchild, shouldn't we? She should be able to tell us...

This signature is intentionally left blank.

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Man I hope not.. Cause there was once I told him he had to change a panel cause it was a bit much.




I just don't like where this is going, cause it ruins the ending that I want him to use..




I like my ending of Misfile.. but this might just mess it up to where I can't have my version of an ending!

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Man I hope not.. Cause there was once I told him he had to change a panel cause it was a bit much.




I just don't like where this is going, cause it ruins the ending that I want him to use..




I like my ending of Misfile.. but this might just mess it up to where I can't have my version of an ending!




Wait a secound.... Misfile... end? :ohnoes:




Now I'm curious as to what the ending could be. :-k

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Man I hope not.. Cause there was once I told him he had to change a panel cause it was a bit much.




I just don't like where this is going, cause it ruins the ending that I want him to use..




I like my ending of Misfile.. but this might just mess it up to where I can't have my version of an ending!


Whoa, no matter what kind of wording or technique the OTer's use, do not post the ending, nor discuss it at all. :uhh:

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Man I hope not.. Cause there was once I told him he had to change a panel cause it was a bit much.




I just don't like where this is going, cause it ruins the ending that I want him to use..




I like my ending of Misfile.. but this might just mess it up to where I can't have my version of an ending!


Tell us your ending version :P . And do it in such a way that the other members cringe so much that they fall out of their chairs ^_^.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Very funny Third Child..




I still can't believe that I had to prove myself on some other forums out there. You all know who I am talking about.






look what you guys did, you stressed her out.




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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Ahmahgawd... This is wonderful. I just read all 809 pages of it in around four hours =D. I'm gonna check this once a week at least.. (I hate reading a page at a time). I love it!


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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I won't spill my ending.. cause I hope that if I don't Chris might actually listen to me when the time comes.. But we have a long way to go yet.




As for the new rant comment. Took you awhile to see that!




In other news, I have to go to my in-laws family reunion... this should be intresting.

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