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Sibling and Parent Troubles


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My dad annoys the crap out of me because he gets mad for all kinds of small stuff. And then 2 minutes later he has forgotten all about it.


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Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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My little brother and sister argue over who gets to push the elevator button. Very annoying -.-


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Well, let's see, my brother has severe ADD/ADHD/anything else that makes him so freaking hard to live with, my dad is leaning towards alcoholic (he drinks a 12 pack a day, I'm not kidding, but he's always drank a lot so he has high tolerance, but still) and therefore goes off on my mom a lot, which is turning her into a depressed "I'm a failure" person in addition to everything she has to go through with my brother (HOMEWORK, my god, you have no idea), and everyone gets mad at me for staying well away from it all because I feel like the odd one out.




That enough for you?




And don't get the idea that I have a horrible home life, either. My folks try to keep it from me, but I know what it's really like. It could be better, but it could be a whole lot worse.


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My dad has SEVERE back and neck problems therefore takes muscle relaxers so he's well shaky and can't really talk much (sometimes). My mom is an alcoholic BUT she's in rehab right now and doing quite well. My parents divorced in January and had been married for 15 years.




Glad i got that out. :)




Don't get me wrong, i have a good life but my dad's addicted to those pills and that's kinda bad. I'm afraid to drive with him sometimes and that's why i'm not really to sure to drive with him to my baseball games and middle school. :|




EDIT: Jesus christ my 9 year old sister is the biggest brat :x. She's selfish, mean, etc. Pain in the [wagon] sometimes.

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I get along with my older brother quite well. None of my friends can get along with there brother(s)/sister(s). Maby my brother being 5 years older than me has always helped.




Me and my Mom don't always get along, though I have to admit alot of it is my fault. I just don't like cleaning my room, among other bad habits.




I get along fine with my Dad. And neither of my parents have any substance abuse problems or anything.




I think I might get along better with my parents than most teens, seeing as I sorta skiped the whole rebelious thing. I just don't see how intentionaly upseting/stresing my parents could be a good thing. It would just make me feel bad because I seem to be overly empathetic sometimes, so I can't stand making other people I know feel bad.

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My mom is pretty nice. Yeah, I argue with her from time to time, but what teenager doesn't? Anyways, she lets me do most things and is pretty lenient. If I listen to her and do what she says, then everything is better than fine between us.




[hide=My Dad]My dad is an "old-fashioned geek". That's where I get my geekiness from. I also got my temper from him. So we both get mad easily. Once one of us is mad, the other is mad. Then we get into a big argument, and I get punished. The punishments are getting worse and worse, but I have to say that's he's pretty nice for rarely grounding me. Anyways, back to the geek part. He has no idea about anything relating to modern culture. He also claims to have a British accent, but really just doesn't know how to pronounce words. (Can't blame him, he's an immigrant.) Also, he talks really loudly and often ignores people, although I don't know if it's purposely. Anyways, he acts like I'm a five year old. Literally. He buys me stuffed animals. (The only thing I do with stuffed animals are test out my fake "weapons" on them) He talks to me as if I'm a baby. In fact, he often acts like a five year old himself. One last thing...He never takes people seriously. He laughs at everything I say, even if I'm completely serious.


Overall, all I have to say is my dad has issues. When he's good, he's not bad. When he's bad, which is often the case, he's terrible. He keeps my family alive, so I thank him for that.[/hide]




[hide=My Sister]My sister and I are extremely alike. People say we look alike, but I've never seen the resemblance. Our personalities are also very similar. Other than our genders, the only big difference is that she's more into music and I'm more into computer/video games. We're both teenagers, so we understand each other pretty well. Also, we think pretty much the same way. We often think the exact same things. Once in a while, she says, "That's something I would say." I guess living with her my whole life does that.


Anyways, our relationship can be uber-awesome-extremely good, good, neutral, bad and want-to-punch-you bad.


Uber-awesome-extremely good is pretty nice, and it would be awesome for it to be like that all the time. This is when we're making jokes and both of us are laughing. Unfortunately, our hormones kick in and this rarely happens.


Good is sort of neutral. It's when we're doing the same thing (Like watching the same TV) and not arguing.


Neutral is usually the case. In fact, it's right now. It's when we're not interacting at all. Normally it's when I'm on my computer, and she's either holed up in her room, practicing an instrument or watching TV.


Bad is...Bad. It's the aftermath of our heated arguments. It's when we're mad at each other but aren't expressing it. If only all our disagreements were like this...


And want-to-punch-you bad is literally when we want to punch each other. Except, we always have some love for each other and never do. It's your normal teenage brother-sister argument. Except a little less bad.




When we're not arguing, we get along fairly well. When we are, she's nearly as bad as my dad. Maybe even worse in some cases.






So overall, my family is nice. I'm glad that I only have one sibling, and that it's a sister, not a brother. Why? A brother would be too much like me, and we'd argue a lot more. Not to mention those arguments could get physical, which sucks.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I get along with my older brother quite well. None of my friends can get along with there brother(s)/sister(s). Maby my brother being 5 years older than me has always helped.




Me and my Mom don't always get along, though I have to admit alot of it is my fault. I just don't like cleaning my room, among other bad habits.




I get along fine with my Dad. And neither of my parents have any substance abuse problems or anything.




I think I might get along better with my parents than most teens, seeing as I sorta skiped the whole rebelious thing. I just don't see how intentionaly upseting/stresing my parents could be a good thing. It would just make me feel bad because I seem to be overly empathetic sometimes, so I can't stand making other people I know feel bad.


I'll just quote you, because that's exactly how my home life is.


[>>Thanks to Yaff2 for Reaper,Trooper,and DOOM sigs, Navyplaya for nature sigs, Hardwick246 for gold sig, ThruItAll for Darkwatch and guitar sigs, and Aijiru for avvy!<<]

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I'm 16 and my mum forces me to go to Church because Jesus has brainwashed her.








ha, when I was like 15 or so my mom forced me to go to church. Finally like a year later I left and was much less of a believer than I was going in. Hated that place.




Anyway, my mom is like a crazy germ-a-holic OCD person that complains all the time about nothing and yells at everyone, my brother is really crappy, I guess my dad's alright but he never stands up to my mom and tells her anything I tell him, so I prefer just not to tell anyone anything.

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I'm 16 and my mum forces me to go to Church because Jesus has brainwashed her.






Ha, my mom always used to drag our family to Church, but a year or two back I was eventually able to persuade her into having us just go on Christian holidays :-w . Dunno why we ever went, not like anyone in the family was all that religious or anything




Well, this should be a good lead in for my mom. My mom's spiritual, but more Buddhist spiritual, believing in the soul and it's power and whatnot, nothing to do with blind faith or anything :-w (which is why I never understood her need to go to Church, she's not all that devout a Christian). Well, if you exclude her believing all those "psychics" are real, and her believing that crystals can hold spiritual power, she's pretty normal. Good job, intelligient, good and nice all around, little dense on the science side though. That's the main thing- me and my dad have so much trouble explaining scientific things to her (even though she's intelligient otherwise) and it gets so annoying when she gets spiritual about everything. I mean, I had to have a frikkin' 30 minute conversation with her explaining why Neutrino's have nothing to do with ghosts, even if they're dubbed "ghost particles". God that one was annoying.




Dad's good, really intelligient (talk with him about physics and whatnot a lot), read more books than I can count. We get along fine.




16 year old sis is more stubborn than a 100-foot thick wall of reinforced steel. Resorts to whining whenever she loses an argument.




14 year old sis wins tattle-tail, lazy [...] of the year. She won't ever get up to get the phone ringing 5 feet from her, and she's great at telling the half of the story that helps her. Remote hog too.




Got nothing to say about my 12-year old bro though. He's nice and everything, nothing against him :P .

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Lets see.




Mom lives in North Carolina. She crys about a lot of little things. Getting her life back together. She's nice most of the time.




Dad lives down at the ocean front. Pretty cool. He works with lights, sees concerts and other events for free. Pretty sweet job in my opinion. Lives with a girlfriend.




4 year old (half) sister. Do I have to say more? <3:




7 year old (half) sister. Adopted at birth. Lives with California. I know nothing about her.. :?

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My little brother and sister argue over who gets to push the elevator button. Very annoying -.-




I know how that one goes...




#1:"I press the elevator button!"


#2"No I get to press the button!"


#1"No I called it!"


#2"So what?"


#1"So I get to do it!"


#2"You did it last time!"




#2"So its my turn!!"


#1"No its my turn!"


Me: "Why do you care??"

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Well, I get a long well with my mum and my dad, although he had a severe problem with alcohol until 2 years ago, when he almost miraculously stopped drinking for good. My sister is, according to most people that know both of us, the exact opposite of me, in almost every sense. I barely can't stand her, mostly because of the way she acts, and I'm quite happy she got married and doesn't live with us right now (it sounds so wrong when I write it...). My bro is severely /[developmentally delayed]ed/, in the real meaning of the word, and although it's been difficult for me to cope with him, we get along fine and he's taught me to be patient, comprehensive and open-minded.

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I have a younger brother. I get along with him perfectly. He's 3 years younger than me yet hangs around with my friends and me, and they all love him. He's not a pest or anything, he's a pretty cool dude. Like one of my group pretty much.




I get along perfectly with my parents also. They let me stay out as late as I want as long as I tell them where I'm going, and they let other people stay overnight and as long as they wish as long as I tell them beforehand. Even my friend...who happens to be a girl. They leave us well enough alone when we are together. It's pretty sweet.




And the hell of the thing is, with all this freedom, I could do WHATEVER I want. Yet I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, hardly anything illegal. Hell yeah. I'm sixteeeeen.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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I have... a lack of troubles? I have an average of 10 minutes of real conversation between my parents or brother and I. We dont talk much because we can all function indipendiently with out much need for talking.


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I have a younger brother. I get along with him perfectly. He's 3 years younger than me yet hangs around with my friends and me, and they all love him. He's not a pest or anything, he's a pretty cool dude. Like one of my group pretty much.




I get along perfectly with my parents also. They let me stay out as late as I want as long as I tell them where I'm going, and they let other people stay overnight and as long as they wish as long as I tell them beforehand. Even my friend...who happens to be a girl. They leave us well enough alone when we are together. It's pretty sweet.




And the hell of the thing is, with all this freedom, I could do WHATEVER I want. Yet I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, hardly anything illegal. Hell yeah. I'm sixteeeeen.




Boy do I wish that my life was a ton like that. I have a twin sister that I hate, and both my parents always like here better even though she can never seem to do anything right.

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