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One of the best things you can do is to do just enough damage to discourage someone from fighting, and if they persist, break the limb they try to hit you with. :-w One good shot to the elbow/knee or with a weapon (pencil in the shoulder, metal bar-thing to the family jewels, use your imagination :mrgreen: ) should get them and almost every bully in the county to back the hell off. If you find yourself defending against 5+, go immediately for the quickest, high-damage shots. If you can get 2+ in one swing, go for it. :-w If they're carrying knives, take one/two and go berserk (no throat or nut shots, or anything fatal. You're defending yourself, not imitating Michael Myers. :XD: ). If you know you're outclassed, try and either 1) throw something at them and run for your life or 2) force them into a situation where it's gotta be 1x1. If one of 'em has a gun, though, you're fu**ed if you can't get it from him.

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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I've been saved quite a few times just because I was quite sociable with everyone at high school.




I was out late one night, and I was parked down at one of the local beaches and it was dark. A car full of Poly's came up to me, and they were saying how they were going to smash me and stuff, but I knew one of the guys and he told his that I was cool and to leave me alone.




I don't think it's nessacarily the small people that get picked on, I think it's more if you're just quiet, shy and not very outgoing, they'll see you as weak, and pick on you for it.

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but my bro jumped him even thoguh i was wining just to get a few punches.




If you would have left that out, I would have been like "Hey, good for you!" But you don't deserve that since two of you took on a single guy. Idc if you were winning or not, I still see it as a pansy move to have your bro jump in too.

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I (along with several other) was bullied for a few years...then this year I tripped the jerk in the cafeteria, shoved his food in his face, and proceeded to beat the crap out of him. He hasn't annoyed anyone since.




And I didn't get suspended. He ran over to the teachers.




"Did you see that?"


"See what?"


"Sam beat me up! And stuffed my face in my food!"






"Well, without a reason, it's bullying. And Sam is not like that."


Then he admitted to being a bully and got suspended.




I love teachers who know that even though they can't do something about something, they can refuse to dicipline a kid who does it for them. :)



If you believe you came from monkeys, you probably did.

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I (along with several other) was bullied for a few years...then this year I tripped the jerk in the cafeteria, shoved his food in his face, and proceeded to beat the crap out of him. He hasn't annoyed anyone since.




And I didn't get suspended. He ran over to the teachers.




"Did you see that?"


"See what?"


"Sam beat me up! And stuffed my face in my food!"






"Well, without a reason, it's bullying. And Sam is not like that."


Then he admitted to being a bully and got suspended.




I love teachers who know that even though they can't do something about something, they can refuse to dicipline a kid who does it for them. :)




There's no exuce for stooping to his level. And I can't believe the teachers let you do that. You should have both been suspended.




I ask you, what's so hard about punishing bullies in a more conventional way instead of resorting to such barbaric behavior? You could have given that guy emotional damage for life.

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If you would have left that out, I would have been like "Hey, good for you!" But you don't deserve that since two of you took on a single guy. Idc if you were winning or not, I still see it as a pansy move to have your bro jump in too.
You can fight to win, or you can fight to impress your peers.




And if you want to win, you do whatever it takes with no particular regard for something as flimsy as "rules".




And Hi9im8Here7, it isn't punishment. It's defense. There's a difference.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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One of the best things you can do is to do just enough damage to discourage someone from fighting, and if they persist, break the limb they try to hit you with. :-w One good shot to the elbow/knee or with a weapon (pencil in the shoulder, metal bar-thing to the family jewels, use your imagination :mrgreen: ) should get them and almost every bully in the county to back the hell off. If you find yourself defending against 5+, go immediately for the quickest, high-damage shots. If you can get 2+ in one swing, go for it. :-w If they're carrying knives, take one/two and go berserk (no throat or nut shots, or anything fatal. You're defending yourself, not imitating Michael Myers. :XD: ). If you know you're outclassed, try and either 1) throw something at them and run for your life or 2) force them into a situation where it's gotta be 1x1. If one of 'em has a gun, though, you're fu**ed if you can't get it from him.




wow... dumbest post ever. Do not take this mans advice

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I usually cop crap from bullies about being a loner, but I just ignore them, because most people at my school aren't worth the effort. My school is made up of mostly country kids, and I get [cabbage] for having a computer at home. :? It's quite funny really.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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There's no exuce for stooping to his level. And I can't believe the teachers let you do that. You should have both been suspended.




I ask you, what's so hard about punishing bullies in a more conventional way instead of resorting to such barbaric behavior? You could have given that guy emotional damage for life.




Hey Ghandi, stop preaching your anti-violence to us. You have no idea what kind of world we live in if you think things can be solved peacefully. Try stopping a war with a hunger strike. Oops, you just died and didn't make a difference. Seriously, violence is the answer whether you want to believe it or not. Why else would we have wars? We've not out there killing each other for the fun of it..




You can fight to win, or you can fight to impress your peers.




And if you want to win, you do whatever it takes with no particular regard for something as flimsy as "rules".




If you can't clean up your own mess, don't bother fighting imo. You go ahead and fight to win, I'll keep my dignity.

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You can fight to win, or you can fight to impress your peers.




And if you want to win, you do whatever it takes with no particular regard for something as flimsy as "rules".




If you can't clean up your own mess, don't bother fighting imo. You go ahead and fight to win, I'll keep my dignity.




You're obviously lucky enough to only be able to fight where and when you want to if you want to keep "your dignity". And if you're fights revolve around your dignity you probably shouldn't be having them, i.e. they're not necessary.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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There's no exuce for stooping to his level. And I can't believe the teachers let you do that. You should have both been suspended.




I ask you, what's so hard about punishing bullies in a more conventional way instead of resorting to such barbaric behavior? You could have given that guy emotional damage for life.




Hey Ghandi, stop preaching your anti-violence to us. You have no idea what kind of world we live in if you think things can be solved peacefully. Try stopping a war with a hunger strike. Oops, you just died and didn't make a difference. Seriously, violence is the answer whether you want to believe it or not. Why else would we have wars? We've not out there killing each other for the fun of it..




You can fight to win, or you can fight to impress your peers.




And if you want to win, you do whatever it takes with no particular regard for something as flimsy as "rules".




If you can't clean up your own mess, don't bother fighting imo. You go ahead and fight to win, I'll keep my dignity.




Because you always have the choice of when you want to fight, right?

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Raz, just how many fights have you been in? Trust me, when you're fighting someone whose bigger than you and you can't get away, you can't screw around. You almost HAVE to break something in order to get them to leave you be. If you're not experienced in fighting, take a martial arts class or get a friend who is and train with him/her. I wanna see if you can come up with anything better. I may not be Mike Tyson, but I've seen a few fights.

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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Raz, just how many fights have you been in? Trust me, when you're fighting someone whose bigger than you and you can't get away, you can't screw around. You almost HAVE to break something in order to get them to leave you be. If you're not experienced in fighting, take a martial arts class or get a friend who is and train with him/her. I wanna see if you can come up with anything better. I may not be Mike Tyson, but I've seen a few fights.




Hah dont preach to me you muppet. When your fighting someone bigger than you, you almost have to break something?! are you criminally stupid?! ofcourse you dont. jesus christ. If there bigger then a nerve strike will do, jesus. Breaking his arm of someting like that would only come into play if he had a knife or something along the lines of that. but a broken nose? prehaps yeh.




Oh yeh, just because he is bigger, does not mean he a jaw of steel ?




If im not experienced in fighting. HAHA

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No, that's assault. It's defence when he's the one beating you up at that particular moment.

If someone recurringly attacks you, defending yourself "in between" attacks can hardly be described as an unprovoked assault.
If you can't clean up your own mess, don't bother fighting imo. You go ahead and fight to win, I'll keep my dignity.
What? "Don't bother fighting"? "Dignity"?. You talk about how violence is the answer to problems, you talk about war, yet the kind of violence you're talking about is not a last resort after all other options have been exhausted. It's not in response to an actual threat to yourself or someone near you.




It's to impress your peers. Poserish much?

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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I think everyones been bullied at some stage. I used to get "bullied" by some idiots in my science class, they just made ridiculously stupid and random comments to me, after a while i got really annoyed by their idiocy and just sat there. I'm not going to lie and say "oh i beat them all to death" because i didnt use to be like that, even today i think if someone bullied me (which no one does) i'd still not retaliate, unless they hit me i'd just ignore them. Its the best way in the end because you don't have to deal with them for the whole of your life. :wink:




Oh and on violence, violence can solve many problems, because i personally wouldn't hit someone unless they hit me first my parents have always said they'd support me if i came home with a suspension because i beat up a bully at school who had done something to my friends/me. I think self defence is a good thing and if you show that you're not going to take any [cabbage] you're less likely to be bullied in the future. Either that or you'll make a lot of enemies.

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I've had my fair share, but thats long gone history. unfortunately, Its first day of school here, and I am in grade 12. This means there are gonna be many other grade 12's out trying to initiate the grade 9's >.< . I always said I'll try to stop as much as possible.... I just hope all the people i know are smart enough to not do it.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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I dont get bullied, I bully.




Revenge will be exacted upon you by way of the sword, until you are bucking, braying and pawing at the floor for mercy.




So? If someone wears a cape to school they aren't getting away with it.

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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There's no exuce for stooping to his level. And I can't believe the teachers let you do that. You should have both been suspended.




I ask you, what's so hard about punishing bullies in a more conventional way instead of resorting to such barbaric behavior? You could have given that guy emotional damage for life.




Hey Ghandi, stop preaching your anti-violence to us. You have no idea what kind of world we live in if you think things can be solved peacefully. Try stopping a war with a hunger strike. Oops, you just died and didn't make a difference. Seriously, violence is the answer whether you want to believe it or not. Why else would we have wars? We've not out there killing each other for the fun of it..




You can fight to win, or you can fight to impress your peers.




And if you want to win, you do whatever it takes with no particular regard for something as flimsy as "rules".




If you can't clean up your own mess, don't bother fighting imo. You go ahead and fight to win, I'll keep my dignity.

Seriously, how many fights have you ever been in? Not that I personally have been in alot of fights, but I don't go around talking out of my arse about fighting either.




And what are you on about 'keep your dignity, to civilised people, under most circumstances, you lose your dignity when you start fighting at all.




If your bite is as bad as you bark, which I doubt it is anyway, you will end up in prison pal. You can't go around knocking seven bells out of anybody that you have a disagrement with and get away with it.




And violence is not the answer. We have wars in extreme cases of countries disagreeing however the vast majority of disagrements between countries are resolved diplomaticaly however we don't hear about it as much because it doesn't make for interesting news stories.




Please, pull your head out of your arse.

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I was bullied from about 3rd grade up until 6th grade.




[hide=story]One day in 5th grade, a guy decided to be all smart and start poking fun. I got annoyed..pretty much said "Shut up, James. You're gonna wish you woulda shut up if you don't". He ignored it, and went on. And me..being the kinda strong guy I was back then, hit him and put a big, black bruise right on his face.




So, I went to the principal. And she just took testimonies from the people who were there and judges. So..all of his friends were right there. Guess who got in trouble? Me. I got a 20 minute lecture and a lifetime's worth of threats..heh, I kinda said 'Whatever'.




Then in 6th grade, I hauled off and hit another one of them. He was about 6 feet in the 6th grade..so..yeah. I kinda got hit a little too. No principal this time though.




And lastly, in 4th grade..this kid just turned around and hit me about 7 times in the back of the head, then got me in the cheek. I lost that one horribly. So, long stories short...I had a violent history of grade school bullying >.>[/hide]




Well, theres my story. 'Twas all very violent..heh. The afterstory? I haven't been bullied or been in a fight since. Those guys, no joke, are probably the most hated people in the school now for some reason. Seriously..I guess it pays off to keep your mouth shut and fight if you have to >.>




[hide=EDIT.]Didn't see the violence conflict. Let me say this..I tried to walk away from all but one of those fights, the 4th grade one was one I didnt see coming. In 5th grade, he had been harassing me all year. I could have fought then, or been harassed for the rest of my life. We haven't spoken since. As for 6th grade, he came over to me and all..I just responded. I tried to calm him down. It didn't work..so I just fought back until he went away..and I posted this Just to clear things up. I DID try and avoid them.[/hide]




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There's no exuce for stooping to his level. And I can't believe the teachers let you do that. You should have both been suspended.




I ask you, what's so hard about punishing bullies in a more conventional way instead of resorting to such barbaric behavior? You could have given that guy emotional damage for life.




Hey Ghandi, stop preaching your anti-violence to us. You have no idea what kind of world we live in if you think things can be solved peacefully. Try stopping a war with a hunger strike. Oops, you just died and didn't make a difference. Seriously, violence is the answer whether you want to believe it or not. Why else would we have wars? We've not out there killing each other for the fun of it..




99% of the Earth's conflicts are due to greed and agression by at least one side. And even if you justify your attack with "he hit me first" you're still in the wrong.

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I've had my fair share, but thats long gone history. unfortunately, Its first day of school here, and I am in grade 12. This means there are gonna be many other grade 12's out trying to initiate the grade 9's >.< . I always said I'll try to stop as much as possible.... I just hope all the people i know are smart enough to not do it.


That is exactly like what happens at my school! All the guys try to bully the little kids and all the girls try to stop them. I hope you can counter their testosterone with your gentleness, Lionheart!

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99% of the Earth's conflicts are due to greed and agression by at least one side. And even if you justify your attack with "he hit me first" you're still in the wrong.


Gotta go with deloria on this one.




Are you trying to preach that self-defense is morally wrong?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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