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Where do you want to go?


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I want to go back to Bulgaria. I left 2 weeks ago, and I've regretted it since. It was about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã4 for a litre of vodka, and about 60p for a pint.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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I suggest seeing the Vatican, even if your Atheist.




You don't have to be a theist to appreciate architecture and culture.




Exactly, I was in complete awe when I went there.




Sistine chapel <3:


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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I suggest seeing the Vatican, even if your Atheist.




You don't have to be a theist to appreciate architecture and culture.




Exactly, I was in complete awe when I went there.




Sistine chapel <3:




Ha, I was expecting an argument when I posted that. You are a gentleman, sir.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Heh, I think it was just a little miss understanding because what you said is what I meant by my first post :P




But that is ok, because no argument happened.




We have enough from those religion threads.




Edit: BTW, why is the page screwed up? I get a horizontal scroll bar...


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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(Lol, that's like Friday, Thursday, Wednesday. Yay. And wow, I just realized FTW and WTF are backwards versions of each other. So WTF is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Enough off-topic...)




Anyways, I would like to go to Greece someday, view all the ancient sites.


Otherwise, a return to Edinburgh would be nice, and possibly also Bordeaux/Paris again.




And of course, Taiwan. I'm considering moving back when I'm older...For now, annual trips back will suffice. Hopefully. Taipei is a beautiful city. If it were up to me, I would have never moved to Massachusetts in the first place.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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(Lol, that's like Friday, Thursday, Wednesday. Yay. And wow, I just realized FTW and WTF are backwards versions of each other. So WTF is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Enough off-topic...)




Before I knew it was for the win, I thought it was wtf backwards :-#




Anyways I want to go to canada again <3: I can't go back until my passport gets here or my birth certificits are sent back from making my passport. You never know what they will want at the ol' blue water bridge :boohoo:


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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(Lol, that's like Friday, Thursday, Wednesday. Yay. And wow, I just realized FTW and WTF are backwards versions of each other. So WTF is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Enough off-topic...)




Before I knew it was for the win, I thought it was wtf backwards :-#




Anyways I want to go to canada again <3:




Everyone wants to go to Canada <3:


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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(Lol, that's like Friday, Thursday, Wednesday. Yay. And wow, I just realized FTW and WTF are backwards versions of each other. So WTF is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Enough off-topic...)




Before I knew it was for the win, I thought it was wtf backwards :-#




Anyways I want to go to canada again <3:




Everyone wants to go to Canada <3:


I was in Canada on Monday and Tuesday. Flew to Buffalo, drove to Mississauga. Stopped at Niagara Falls on the way back. Even though it's like my tenth time to Canada, still...A nice place. But penguins>beavers.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Rome, never been and my parents love it there. The food, the architecture, the history, yeah. Definite city break.




Thailand and Canada are supposed to be very beautiful in their own way, and i'd like to visit Australia as well.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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To find myself this one corner of the world, where I can walk out onto with barefeet, yet carry no weight. Gaze off into the distance, but not see a thing. Being only able to hear the sounds of the Earth moving constantly and forever around me and to experience its pure tranquility for one brief moment in time. Only then, can I truly think that I have lived in this life.




I don't know where this place is, it could be half a world away, it could be on my doorstep, but I know that one day, some day, I will find it.

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To find myself this one corner of the world, where I can walk out onto with barefeet, yet carry no weight. Gaze off into the distance, but not see a thing. Being only able to hear the sounds of the Earth moving constantly and forever around me and to experience its pure tranquility for one brief moment in time. Then, i can truly think I have lived.




I don't know where this place is, it could be half a world away, it could be on my doorstep, but I know that one day, some day, I will find it.




good luck :D

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To find myself this one corner of the world, where I can walk out onto with barefeet, yet carry no weight. Gaze off into the distance, but not see a thing. Being only able to hear the sounds of the Earth moving constantly and forever around me and to experience its pure tranquility for one brief moment in time. Then, i can truly think I have lived.




I don't know where this place is, it could be half a world away, it could be on my doorstep, but I know that one day, some day, I will find it.




good luck :D

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Japan for the Sushi <3:


Japan, but for different reasons (although plenty of sushi is pretty dang good :P ). If I ever learn Japanese, it'll be interesting to see how xenophobic their culture and society really is. My dad doesn't say much good stuff about the Japense nation, in the both the past and present, but I'd like to see how receptive they are to gaijin (or Japenese for foreigners) myself, firsthand.




Shinto seems very interesting as well, as well as the landscape. But Japan has such a bubble culture, seperated from the world... it'd be an interesting experience. Might do it in college.




Oh, and as for my first point, does anyone here watch Ghost in the Shell, Stand Alone Complex? Watch the anime carefully, and you'll see plenty of hints of Japan's (or at least the creators') opinions of the USA, or Imperial America in the anime. It's not pretty.




Basically, the Japanese are always portrayed as the heroes, while the Americans are always portrayed as filthy scum, in both war stories and present events during the anime. I don't want to believe they're xenophobic as a society, but... >_<.




Oh, but of course, I love anime. Can't go around denying that that would be one of the reasons I'd want to go :-w .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Id say Dubai, NYC, Las Vegas, Japan (Tokyo and the rural areas), Frankfurt (or Germany in general buy Frankfurt would most likely have the best sasuages) and also places in Africa if I wasn't scared of catching diseases. Finally, from what I can remember, I would like to visit Australia, I would most likely go to Melbourne since i have family there.

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Hmmm, South America, Africa, probably USA also, see what it really is like there.




I'm doing my O.E (overseas experiance) in a couple years, plan on staying in London, work for about a year. Skip over to other countries for the weekend, then have a six month holiday afterwards. Egypt would be very cool also. Italy would be a definate, Rome would be awesome.

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