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LOL @ American Economy


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Of course nowadays suggesting something like that would mean you're a commie.
Even though that kind of regenration existed WAY before Marx came along, and was actually used most effectively by the Fascist Nazis?
That was (mostly) a sarcastic remark. A few months ago I was having pretty much the same discussion with some American students and the moment I suggested that the state might have to be the one that provides the jobs and invests the money, they all thought I was talking about communism. The bottom line is that this level of government interference in the economy seems to scare a lot of Americans, even if it is necessary to pull out of a recession.


Ahh, thanks for clearing that up. It's a very state-involved process, I'll agree, but it's certainly not a left-wing ideology. :lol:

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Back on-topic though, I belive the US Dollar is actually becoming weaker. It's not just the Canadian and Australian Dollars that are becoming stronger against the US Dollar. I think the pound is now over twice as strong as the US Dollar. Either everyone else is becoming stronger (not likely), or the US Dollar is becoming weaker (very likely considering recent events).


You're right. About 5 years ago, the US Dollar was stronger than the Euro. Now, you can get ~$1.40 with one Euro.

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Even if they're not being drafted, they're still fighting and dying abroad rather than working in factories and offices. War takes manpower, regardless of whether that manpower comes from professional soldiers or draftees.




Not really. If we were in a time of peace, they would be training at a military base somewhere. And factories work better without workers, they have robots to do those things now. Not many jobs left in factories.




And don't expect something like the 30's to ever happen again. If the US offered millions of jobs to improve the system, it would cost the Fed lots of money, and all the "unemployed" white men would not want to work in menial construction jobs. However, illegal immigrants would and we would have a renewed influx of illegal immigration.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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In Economics today we were told under Bill Clinton the economy was so strong that they could have wiped out income tax if they wanted to but under Bush he has kinda messed it up :P Seems that it was true


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In Economics today we were told under Bill Clinton the economy was so strong that they could have wiped out income tax if they wanted to but under Bush he has kinda messed it up :P Seems that it was true




Your economics teacher is an idiot. In order for a plan to truly change the economy, it takes years.




Clinton was riding on the results of Reagan. And the government would NEVER take away the income tax. It seems to me that your economics teacher just wants you to hear what he wants you to hear.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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In Economics today we were told under Bill Clinton the economy was so strong that they could have wiped out income tax if they wanted to but under Bush he has kinda messed it up :P Seems that it was true


Bush is an idiot, yes, but there is no way a country can realistically survive without Income Tax and maintain a high quality public service. Then again, Americans aren't as fussed about state-funded public servives as we Brits are, so, maybe they could have done, but only at the severe cut back of public funding.

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In Economics today we were told under Bill Clinton the economy was so strong that they could have wiped out income tax if they wanted to but under Bush he has kinda messed it up :P Seems that it was true




Your economics teacher is an idiot. In order for a plan to truly change the economy, it takes years.




Clinton was riding on the results of Reagan. And the government would NEVER take away the income tax. It seems to me that your economics teacher just wants you to hear what he wants you to hear.




Not at all, it was in terms of national debt and that the American economy was doing so well it could of wiped it out if it wanted to, I never said the government would take away income tax so don't even consider i said that. It would take away all the money they were making if they cancelled it but it could have been possible. But sure, it probably couldn't have been lasted if that idea was actually implemented. It wouldn't have been sustainable.


Proud Retired Council of The Gladiatiorz

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Don't take it personally. I was calling out your economics teacher, not you. Glad you understand his folly.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Yeaaah... Your economy is [bleep] up because of the war..




The war has nothing to do with it. The reason we're going under is because over the years China has been slowly robbing us of our manufacturing base. It won't be long before we have nothing significant at all except an extremely strong military.




In Economics today we were told under Bill Clinton the economy was so strong that they could have wiped out income tax if they wanted to but under Bush he has kinda messed it up :P Seems that it was true




America survived for over a hundred years without an income tax. I don't see why we couldn't now. And if all those politicians wouldn't overspend and get us into huge debts America would be a much happier place.




Back before they started the federal reserve in the early 1900s, the government payed for its services through hidden taxes (which I believe it still does now :| )

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War can be good for an economy.




Look at WWII, by that time USA was out of it's depression however Britain was still in a depression. The war created the jobs that were needed to help the British economy. This also applies for America, although they were pretty much out of the depression their GDP still increased vastly because of the war, their outgoings were also higher and debts were increasing but is still lead to an economic boom.




Of course Maynard's approach is better and is quite possibly the reason that the US is the economic force it is today. As long as people have jobs, an economy will improve and eventually thrive.

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War can be good for an economy.




Look at WWII, by that time USA was out of it's depression however Britain was still in a depression. The war created the jobs that were needed to help the British economy. This also applies for America, although they were pretty much out of the depression their GDP still increased vastly because of the war, their outgoings were also higher and debts were increasing but is still lead to an economic boom.




Of course Maynard's approach is better and is quite possibly the reason that the US is the economic force it is today. As long as people have jobs, an economy will improve and eventually thrive.




Unfortunately, Iraq is not a total war (well, I guess that's pretty fortunate) so there is not a huge demand for wartime production. They are not stopping making fords to produce aircraft, for example.




In addition, most military equipment today is machine manufactured, so there are much fewer jobs available than if they were made by hand.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Maintaining a war means you need amunition, supplies, etc. Which means that there will be more jobs in weapons factories. It was good, but only because no one bombed the US at all.




I suppose the current wars are similar (oil profits skyrocketed after the invasion :shock: ).

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I suppose the current wars are similar (oil profits skyrocketed after the invasion :shock: ).




That's just OCEA manipulating the prices to make the US look bad so they can screw us on oil prices.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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LOL @ the title of this thread.


Epic fail.








lol @ another wicked random thread




Potential battle coming up?


Nah, I'm not trying to start a battle. Canada was the only thing I can compare it to. I don't know a lot about AU dollars and such.




:? Not news to me. Its been all over the news. Canadians have been flooding America, getting stuff for mad cheap. Heck, a few months ago, it was like 96 cents to a dollar.




Us Canadians will take over :twisted:


I know I'm just pointing it out.








It's hardly reason to laugh at their economy :-k




It was by far the strongest in the world.


fix'd. Yeah, it's important but it's not top-dog anymore.






People who say war can help the economy are idiots. They don't realize what part of the war affects it. Iraq will certainly not help American economy


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

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How does war help the economy? It was F. Roosevelt's New Deal which got the U.S. out of the Great Depression. Also, it might be true that the war created jobs, but the reason is not because the U.S. were partaking on it, but because the U.S. were (and still are) one of the biggest weapons producers on the world, and the European countries needed those weapons.




In fact, just sustaining the military (not taking into account current wars) is a big load on the economy: It's $439 thousand millions a year, plus whatever Afghanistan and Iraq cost at the moment. [Check any of the links above]


You can't tell me that spending that much tax money on military is healthy for the economy. Even if you say it's necessary and whatsoever, you need a strong economy to sustain such expenditures, but even so, it's weakened by it. Now add the current War on Terrorism and the Crusade for Holy Democracy in Iraq.







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How does war help the economy? It was F. Roosevelt's New Deal which got the U.S. out of the Great Depression. Also, it might be true that the war created jobs, but the reason is not because the U.S. were partaking on it, but because the U.S. were (and still are) one of the biggest weapons producers on the world, and the European countries needed those weapons.




In fact, just sustaining the military (not taking into account current wars) is a big load on the economy: It's $439 thousand millions a year, plus whatever Afghanistan and Iraq cost at the moment. [Check any of the links above]


You can't tell me that spending that much tax money on military is healthy for the economy. Even if you say it's necessary and whatsoever, you need a strong economy to sustain such expenditures, but even so, it's weakened by it. Now add the current War on Terrorism and the Crusade for Holy Democracy in Iraq.










All kinds of fancy reasons why war helps the economy. During WWII americans (usually) women would produce this stuff like crazy and the economy got a big boost. Not sure how it is now, but I'm hoping the war (while horrid and good for nothing else) is helping our (I'm an American) economy.




But, the big reason here why the other countries' currencies are catching up is credit. I don't know a whole lot about economics, so don't take my word as an expert or anything, but from observations and various reports and papers I've read; I believe the US is on the verge of another panic and/or depression. Consumerism and Capitalism has really taken it's toll. One of the biggest problems that caused the Great Depression was people investing in the stock market with money they didn't have. So, we didn't learn from our mistakes and with our credit system and debts at an all time high (and still rising), stuff is being bought with money that's not there and could very well cause something similar or worse than the Great Depression. That's just my take on it though.




Congrats for Canada though! I love maple syrup. :thumbsup:

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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LOL @ the title of this thread.


Epic fail.








lol @ another wicked random thread




Potential battle coming up?


Nah, I'm not trying to start a battle. Canada was the only thing I can compare it to. I don't know a lot about AU dollars and such.




:? Not news to me. Its been all over the news. Canadians have been flooding America, getting stuff for mad cheap. Heck, a few months ago, it was like 96 cents to a dollar.




Us Canadians will take over :twisted:


I know I'm just pointing it out.








It's hardly reason to laugh at their economy :-k




It was by far the strongest in the world.


fix'd. Yeah, it's important but it's not top-dog anymore.






People who say war can help the economy are idiots. They don't realize what part of the war affects it. Iraq will certainly not help American economy




lol was the biggest? and not top dog? I don't know where you get your facts but with the exception of china, japan, and a few other countries U.S. has a GNP that is over 2x more than any country. U.S. also has a higher GNP than any country including china and japan.



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How does war help the economy?




Congrats for Canada though! I love maple syrup. :thumbsup:




Canda FTW!!! \' Even though we're in your war in afghanistan. :uhh:


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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How does war help the economy?




Congrats for Canada though! I love maple syrup. :thumbsup:




Canda FTW!!! \' Even though we're in your war in afghanistan. :uhh:




Afghanistan? You mean that country where the guy who attacked us (who's also probably dead) is hiding? Please, we left there and attacked the real enemy (Iraq duh, with all that oil and a dictator who didn't want to sell it cheap to us they had to have been up to no good), while leaving Afghanistan to pardoned warlords. We may have thrown a few Canadians over there too, but that's just because we're the U.S of A and do whatever we please. We own the world, duh!

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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only in america.




Yay! He said the right country this time!

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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It's hardly reason to laugh at their economy :-k




It was by far the strongest in the world.


fix'd. Yeah, it's important but it's not top-dog anymore.






People who say war can help the economy are idiots. They don't realize what part of the war affects it. Iraq will certainly not help American economy

You, my friend, are the idiot.
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This three and a half minute video articulates my response to this topic nicely.

I found it funny that he called gold and silver "neccesary items". If you can't eat it, or use it to produce food, you need to trade it to aquire food within an economic system. If it has no real use when it comes to gathering food - such as gold - it's value within an economic system is no more tangiable than that of paper money.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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