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Goldfish Jumping out of bowl.


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Anyone experienced a problem like this? My goldfish jump out of the bowl sometimes. I don't know when it happens but everytime I notice, it is already dead. I have already replaced around 4 fish. :( My bowl is not covered but I don't want to get a new one. Anyone got any ideas?

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put a chain around the goldfishes neck, build a little house at the bottom of the fish tank and tie the goldfish to the house- Problem solved.




What if the fish chokes? :(

It shouldn't, don't tie it too hard, also use some Sehat Perkasa Ultimate on it's neck before putting it on.

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The fish tries to overcome the barrier that prevents him from swimming any further by jumping over it. Maybe the bowl is too small.
Sounds sensible. Try getting a bigger tank with a lid.
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i had a similar problem but not exactly the same. My fish(still alive 5 years old at least) stays at bottom of bowl then has what looks like a epileptic fit and splashes water everywhere. Then after half an hour it stops and lies at bottom:S


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I had goldfish that would do that. They'd always land back in the bowl though. Mesh might be a little too rough if it flies into it. Why not just keep replacing a tissue over the top and rubber band it tight? Water might evaporate into it though and make it just fall apart but give it a try anyway.

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My advice. plug a toaster in. put it on the fish bowl. tape a note saying " you jump you die NUB "


Super Siggied :thumbsup:


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When we used to have our pond, we had a mesh cover over the top that you can lift off, but I think we had that to protect the fish from preditors, but im sure using mesh will help you keep your fish in their bowl.




I'm going to be using a mesh on my garden pond just to keep the leaves out. Have had it since last summer, and no fish have been eaten.



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4 goldfish jumped out of the bowl?






what do you do to the poor things?








I think you should just put some kind of mesh or something on top of it.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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