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Who's your candidate for the 08 presiential elections?


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Meh, just curious. :-w




This thread applies to anyone here, even if you're not a US citizen. Tell me who do you want in the white house and why.




Debate on here if you want, but this is meant to be an experiment. I don't wnat to just know who you support, I want to know the reasons. Also if you don't know/lost confidence in the government also post.




EDIT: Incase you're wondering, my support is firmly rested with Ron Paul, for several reasons:




(1) He's a constitutionalist, and would never consciously approve of any law that encroached on the people's basic rights, not even in the face of terrorism.




(2) He will get rid of all the waste of government, and concentrate only on things that need to be done. I once heard him question why we paid to bomb bridges in Iraq, rebuild them, and leave the bridges at home rotting. :P




(3) He will cut down on spending big time, and abolish the income tax. :D




(4) He's not corrupt and tyrannical like all the other politicians in Washington. He's never once taken money from a corporate lobbyist, either.




(5) He is going to follow George Washington's warning not to get entangled in foreign alliances by pulling out all troops, not just in Iraq in Afghanistan, but in all foreign countries.




(6) After decades of debate, he's finally going to put up a fence at the border. :D




Basically, the exact opposite of Big Brother, which is what America needs.




Go to his campaign site for more information.

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Right now I haven't seen anyone that I would like to vote for. I will be watching the Republican primaries very closely.




Don't even get me started on the movie/rockstar debacle that the Democratic Primaries were. I was almost embarrassed for our political system.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I can't vote yet :( .




But I wouldn't be surprised if Hilary won :-w . Bush pretty much lost the Republican party their credit, so the new president will probably be a Democrat.


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Ron Paul




I don't agree with him completely but on the stuff we disagree he wouldn't be able to get it passed anyways.




Basically our government needs to stop spending so much money. He is the only guy I think would actually act to do his best to cut spending. Sure most of them say they will but Ron Paul's voting record backs up what he says every time. I actually trust he will try to do what he says. I don't feel that way with Romney, Hilary, Obama, Guliani, etc.




The more we spend now the more we are going to get taxed later be it in the form of direct taxes(income tax) or in the form of indirect taxes(government printing more money so inflation goes up so all money I earn and have saved is worth less so I have less).

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Honestly, I will be sticking with the Republican side mainly because of my stance on the war, and I would hope to see Fred Thompson or Rudy Gulinani win it.




I can't vote till 2012 Elections anyways, so it doesn't really matter.




Heres what I think will happen. In the Republican primaries, there are quite a few people who are contending, so I think that's gonna be too close to call(for now)




In the Democratic Party, I think that Clinton will barely edge Obama, and go on the the Presidential race.




Now that its Clinton vs. a Republican, I honestly think that the Republican will win. Why? Because, more than likely, quite a few Obama supporters would rather have another Republican in office rather than Clinton, because for one, she is way more liberal than Obama, so I actually think that choosing a Republican would be closer to Obama than Clinton. Another reason is that she is a woman, and though I have no problem with it, there are quite a few Americans that think a man should be running this country, and not a woman. Its not fair, but I think it will still affect voting.




My Prediction is Clinton wins Dem. Primaries: 55-45 vote in favor of a Republican.




On the other hand, if Obama wils the Democratic Bid, he will be our next president. Why? Because the very liberal Clinton supporters will want two things. 1)The war in Iraq to stop ASAP. 2)Anything but a Republican in office. So therefore, all of the Clinton supporters would go to Obama, causing him to win by a decent amount.




My predection is Obama wins Dem. Primaries: 60-40 or maybe even 65-35 vote in favor of Obama.




Summary: Contrary to popular belief, I do not believe that Hillary Clinton will be our next president. She will probably win the Democratic vote, but in the end a Republican would beat her. If Obama beats her, he will be our next president.




The Future for Clinton?


I do believe the Americans will eventually vote Hillary Clinton into office. Just not in 2008. It can happen one of two ways.




1)A republican is elected president in 2008. The war continues, and it just gets worse. By 2012, Clinton would have a HUGE support group, winning the election by a landslide.




2)Obama gets elected into office. He is very successful and serves a solid 8-year term. America is then confident in the Dem. Party, and elects Clinton in 2016.




If the Republicans succesfully end the war, or Obama does horrible like Bush, you should never really expect Hillary in the Oval Office.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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From an outside perspective, Barak Obama - just to see how many people get pissed off.




People would get pissed off at Hillary too.




As for me, my options are open to all except Guiliani and McKane.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Besides my opinion on abortion, the only problem I have with Barack is his complete lack of experience. He has almost no federal experience, and less than one term of a Senatorial career.




He's worse at foreign policy than Bush, too. I do like his stance on the war (not afraid to back down, not campaigning on troop removal to garner votes).




I still consider Hillary to be the AntiChrist incarnate. There's absolutely nothing I like about her or her policies. I am not a sexist, but there are numerous women I would rather have as President.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I'm thinking a chimpanzee would be the best choice this year.





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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I'd love for Ron Paul or Barrack Obama to win. They're both candidates of change. I don't see how anyone would want the current polarized to the extreme bipartisan system continued with Guliani or Clinton.

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I'm thinking a chimpanzee would be the best choice this year.








see? this is what i've said the past 3 elections. i said a trained monkey would be a better president than gore or kerry, and we got one....




of the current candidates, fred thompson's got my vote, simply because he's the least irritating to me.




I was almost embarrassed for our political system.




every time i watch the news i'm embarrassed for our political system.




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From an outside perspective, Barak Obama - just to see how many people get pissed off.




People would get pissed off at Hillary too.




Yeah, but he's black. Could you imagine the [garden tool]-down on that one? Hoowhee.

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I would like Obama for my first choice then Ron Paul.




Seriously, if Giuliani or Hilary became the president, I would be moving out of the United States. For one giuliani is using 9/11 for votes, which is not cool. Hilary is saying anything to please the crowd, she is never consistent with what she says.

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I'm still rooting a bit for McCain.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Not being from the US myself, I can't really tell the differences between one or another candidate, but instead for the Parties as a whole. Seeing there is a strong bipartidism there, it'd be non-sense for me to support any party other than the Republican or the Democratic party, so I'd rather stay with the Democratic one (that'd be Clinton or Obama, right?). The Republican is too much of a right-wing party, IMO, their policies are too aimed to a laissez-faire, free-market economy, and they are too conservative for me.

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=; Did you know it dosen't matter if we vote or not...I mean the electoral college decides for us -.-






Just being that average American here :anxious:


You elect the members of the electoral college. You're just not aware of it. Each 'candidate' for electoral college membership pledges to vote for a particular candidate. When you cast your ballot for Tom Cruise on election day, you are actually casting a ballot for the electoral college members who pledge to vote for Tom Cruise. If Tom Cruise wins the popular vote in the state, then all the electoral college members who pledge to vote for Tom Cruise will meet in the state capital and cast their official votes for Tom Cruise.




On rare occasions, electoral college members have deviated from their pledge, but those people are [wagon].

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Fred Thompson. I like his voting record, I like his history and he reminds me of Ronald Regan, one of the best presidents the US ever had. Besides, hes played as the president 8 times now in movies, so you know he has more experience then other candidates.

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