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Is Jagex Towers really profit driven?


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Is Jagex Towers really profit driven?




To many, the answer is simply; Yes, Of course, Duh, ETC. It is used as a factor in many debates. Recently, I've seen my share of "Jagex just wants your money", but it was just those comments that set me writing this debate. Before you flame me with "How could you even doubt it?", let me explain. This debate was based off of Benar's recent post Where are Jagex's Priorities?"




We've all seen the updates Jagex puts in for us to enjoy, explore new content, and skill with. Members get a much larger portion because, there are fewer of them, and they pay Jagex $5 - 7 per month [ To my knowledge ]. Of course those who are helping pay for the servers and giving Jagex a nice profit will get their moneys worth. So by giving members more skills, updates, and map space, Jagex is pressuring many who are already hooked by the gameplay, perhaps less interested in free to play achievements, to become members and unlock new content. Jagex certainly puts efforts into turning free to play players to active members, but any company that needs money to keep up servers and pay employees would be foolish not to. But it is not for that sole fact that they keep free to play running. The free to play experience arguably could just be used to pull players into paying. But I feel otherwise. They maintain free to play to always have an alternative to paying. Therefore, players do not have to pay just to play the game and can enjoy the experience without cost.




Jagex could easily shut down free to play, and just keep members. But, this would cut approximately 70% of their players [ My own estimation, not fact ] off from playing. Those players who have been playing since the beginning of Runescape Classic who felt no need to become members would feel betrayed. Instead, Jagex keeps servers open for all to play. All to play. This means children under 13, macroers, and rulebreakers can play, along with dedicated players. Would it not be simpler to shut down free to play, and get rid of most macroers, immature players, and players who feel they must be rude? Please note that I said most. Some macroers would shell out the money to remain making money, some immature players would still be in the game, and whenever there is a rule, there is someone to break it.




But focus on the more thoughtfull updates. The addition of German servers to accomadate those who play in the Netherlands and Germany, the various free to play updates that appear time to time, and the graphic and sound updates that have occurred. Focus not on the negatives, but what Jagex has done to accomadate all players, members or not. Please tell me your opinions.




This is a debate in progress. I am rather rushed at the moment, so leave your comments and I will try to add them to my post and respond when I get the time. :wink:

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No one can possibly know wheter Jagex cares about the players and the game or if they are just a company that wants to make money. F2p is simply a way to make players join members...thats why it has almost never been updated. However my opinion is that jagex cares about player satisfaction and is not in it only for the money.

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Jagex has been 100% driven by profit ever since andrew released members and saw how much money he was making.


Jagex allows f2p to remain only to recruit more members, no ones going to pay for rs members straight off the bat, and if it was a limited demo places like miniclip would drop support for rs.


Jagex also threatened to ban permantly any f2per who is cought blocking the advertisements.

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At the end of the day, Jagex is a business, and there to make a profit. However, I think they have not completely forgotten their players; the proof of this is in the holiday updates, which are not concerned with player satisfaction, but rather just a bit of harmless fun. So I think that they are not entirely profit driven.

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Jagex, as a business, does what they can to get more business. It may look like Jagex is trying to supply their customers with updates just for them but in reality, its just another business tactic to get more players. If more people are playing then there is a larger audience for other componies who "sponser" the game to have their ads and commercials viewed on Runescape.com. Jagex makes money off of f2p because of those ads. Its like television, it maybe free for you to watch but the commercials are there to support the shows and stations. The more you watch, the more money the network will make from advertising. These commercials boost product awareness by making the product known. You may not buy the Bud Light or the Reeses but you know it is there. More updates will encourage more players to play the game and boost awareness of the products or the services that Jagex's "sponsers" offer. The updates are not for you, they are fore Jagex and their business.




Everything today boils down to one thing and only one thing; Money.

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The large majority of companies would be ready to do any abomination, corruption or deceit to gain money. And now we are just at the point of wondering is Jagex "cares" about us. Of course they don't, but they sure love our money, and love to make us believe they "care", they sell more if they say that.

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Yes, JagEx wants our money. And, according to the rules of capitalism, their own selfish motivation will drive them to create a desirable quality product that will make players happy and therefore generate more revenue.




So in a twisted sort of way, JagEx by the simple fact that they are a successful company MUST empathize with their players and do their best to make a really awesome game that gives people what they want.




As for F2P, all it is is a brilliant marketing scheme. They know they more you play, the more likely you are to get members. They also know that theirs is not exactly the brightest star in the constellation, so they give you F2P to draw you in since it is after all, free. But being the biz whizzes they are, they but adds in F2P that they are payed really, really good money for. If JagEx wanted, they could keep all the servers up and provide basically the same level of quality for everyone just on ad money. P2P would not exist at all, it would be a completely free MMO driven by advertising.




But, JagEx wants to line their pockets with a bit more cash so they charge for access to about 90% of the game. I applaud them for it, I think they are very wise to do this. I would doubt their sanity if they did not, they have a golden opportunity to make a lot of cash and they are seizing it. They are playing both ends of the field: they have a pretty good free MMO that draws in lots and lots of ad revenue. And they have a monthly fee MMO that draws in even more revenue. The best of both worlds.

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The advertising in f2p, at best, allows them to break even, or sustain f2p. The reason they introduced members in the first place was so that they could sustain the game, as the advertising at the time wasn't enough.




Now they couldn't sustain the game on ad money alone; think of all their employees, some who would most definitely get the sack because Jagex can't support their salaries - the game would suffer from this, as there would be less people on content, less customer support - which is bad enough as it is-, less doing the administration tasks of the business - basically, the game suffers.




Not to mention the fact the Gower's have to make money to pay for cars, houses, food, booze, etc. So it would be quite impossible to run the game on ad money. Besides, it would be a right slap in the face to members if all the content they paid for suddenly became available to everyone.

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Of course Jagex wants your money! you would have to be the stupidest most ignorant person in the history of the world to thing otherwise. Honestly they have to get your money if they want to keep running. Personally i truly doupt that they would opt for more money over you the player, this reflected by a number of decisions Jagex has made. first of all, they ban macros who pay membership, why would they do this if all they wanted was money? they would make far more then they do if they just let them play. Also if jagex wanted more money then they would would have gone public by now, selling stocks in their company would make their profits skyrocket and possibly their popularity.

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Of course Jagex wants your money! you would have to be the stupidest most ignorant person in the history of the world to thing otherwise. Honestly they have to get your money if they want to keep running. Personally i truly doupt that they would opt for more money over you the player, this reflected by a number of decisions Jagex has made. first of all, they ban macros who pay membership, why would they do this if all they wanted was money? they would make far more then they do if they just let them play. Also if jagex wanted more money then they would would have gone public by now, selling stocks in their company would make their profits skyrocket and possibly their popularity.
To adress your post:


If jagex doesnt ban the macroers legit players will quit, and jagex will lose more money then they would be keeping the macroers.


If jagex went public, paul and andrew gower would possibly lose creative control of the company and have to take share holders advice, something they dont want to do, they dont have the desperate need for money to make so drastic a change, considering they were worth 32 million pounds each mid last year.


Andrew has already stated he will sell runescape for 500 million american dollars.

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1 Million members is about $6,000,000 USD per MONTH. They make some more of advertising and such but it's business. With Jagex worth ~$106M Pounds money HAS got to thier head. F2P is recruiting like a demo of such and then they show you the "cool" memebers items. Then you say "Mommy/Daddy can I please be a Runescape memeber". Thats is why F2P is still there. Also blocking adverts and get a PERM ban wtf! Jagex=Moneygrubbing Peeps.




I think when memebers came out it drove Andrew+Paul into Millionares and now they are all about money!




Jagex has been 100% driven by profit ever since andrew released members and saw how much money he was making.


Jagex allows f2p to remain only to recruit more members, no ones going to pay for rs members straight off the bat, and if it was a limited demo places like miniclip would drop support for rs.


Jagex also threatened to ban permantly any f2per who is cought blocking the advertisements.




That is EXACTLY what Jagex is about. I give you :thumbsup: :thumbsup: for that post :)

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Also blocking adverts and get a PERM ban wtf! Jagex=Moneygrubbing Peeps.




Oh yeah, who cares about honouring their advertisers? Who cares if they signed an agreement and part of that agreement ensured that the ads would be viewable? Who cares if it's just a rule? Who cares if their advertising gets pulled because of it?

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Also blocking adverts and get a PERM ban wtf! Jagex=Moneygrubbing Peeps.




Oh yeah, who cares about honouring their advertisers? Who cares if they signed an agreement and part of that agreement ensured that the ads would be viewable? Who cares if it's just a rule? Who cares if their advertising gets pulled because of it?


f2p has adverts? i think i accidently blocked adds coz i never see them on my f2p pure =X

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

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Also blocking adverts and get a PERM ban wtf! Jagex=Moneygrubbing Peeps.




Oh yeah, who cares about honouring their advertisers? Who cares if they signed an agreement and part of that agreement ensured that the ads would be viewable? Who cares if it's just a rule? Who cares if their advertising gets pulled because of it?


f2p has adverts? i think i accidently blocked adds coz i never see them on my f2p pure =X








You should probably stop blocking them.

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Also blocking adverts and get a PERM ban wtf! Jagex=Moneygrubbing Peeps.




Oh yeah, who cares about honouring their advertisers? Who cares if they signed an agreement and part of that agreement ensured that the ads would be viewable? Who cares if it's just a rule? Who cares if their advertising gets pulled because of it?


f2p has adverts? i think i accidently blocked adds coz i never see them on my f2p pure =X








You should probably stop blocking them.




Nope, he should stop saying he is blocking them, lol. "Look jegax, i am blockin ur adds hahaha, heres meh rs username, im breaking the rules, bannn mmeeeeee hahahahahahah!"

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I personally dont see Jagex as a profit driven company at all...




The Company Jagex was created to run the Game Runescape as a business, however it was fist a hobby that both Andrew and Paul where passionate about doing *for free*.




Today Jagex is probaly making millions per month, and Andrew and Paul can be found on the UK's rich list at ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã108. If they no longer had the passion for the game they have no need to continue.... they have far more money than they will probaly ever use.




also when we look at Jagex as a company they are in the top 100 companies to work for, they spend atlot of money on their staff treating them well, and doing things with them..... that is losing profit no matter how much it motivates staff.






At the end of the day Jagex is a company and need to make money to suvive... so so they should good company good product they deserve what they get. Although I dont feel that money is what drives them! Money is a biproduct of their passion.

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I personally dont see Jagex as a profit driven company at all...




The Company Jagex was created to run the Game Runescape as a business, however it was fist a hobby that both Andrew and Paul where passionate about doing *for free*.




Today Jagex is probaly making millions per month, and Andrew and Paul can be found on the UK's rich list at ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã108. If they no longer had the passion for the game they have no need to continue.... they have far more money than they will probaly ever use.




also when we look at Jagex as a company they are in the top 100 companies to work for, they spend atlot of money on their staff treating them well, and doing things with them..... that is losing profit no matter how much it motivates staff.






At the end of the day Jagex is a company and need to make money to suvive... so so they should good company good product they deserve what they get. Although I dont feel that money is what drives them! Money is a biproduct of their passion.






I agree... Money came to them after they worked hard to make the first runescape, they invented members when their advertiser ended their contrat with them, and they needed some money to suport the game until they got another advertiser, and, after, they left members there.

That's what it takes to be a hero, a little gem

of innocence inside of you that makes you want

to believe that there still exists a right and wrong,

that decency will somehow triumph in the end.

--Lise Hand

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jagex is profit driven they use free worlds too draw people in and then get them to become members. With the new updates they get more free players to be members and get members to play longer and longer. They are profit driven. Runescape was all about profits most of the time some well thought out rants are ignored as it would make members less atractive.

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If Jagex cared more about its customers than its profits they would do something about their abysmal customer support. Simple as that.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

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Originally Andrew wasn't intended to earn heaps of cash with Runescape.


He just saw that it was a good way to earn money.


And face it, people work to make money.


And why wouldn't you earn allot of money if you were capable to do it?




Yes, Jagex lately screws up allmost everything.


I even consider stop playing Runescape.... :cry:


But I don't think Jagex hates all F2P.


They hate everyone except if they get paid because they are evil. :lol:

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Who are we to say what the motives of the individuals in charge are?




The customers. Without us, they'd be out of jobs. So, in the end, it is really us who are in charge.




Whell, what if Andrew said "I' ve had enough of all this whining and ranting about everything!!! I don' t need this, I can share all the money with my workers and I' m done!!!"




It' s them. How would you feel if you just want to make people happy, and then comes a brat, thinkig a slash in a zero is worse than starving families...




Besides, it IS their job, but they can quit anytime they want. But so can you members :twisted:

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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