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Does your Parent/Guardian play RS?


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My Dad used to play on an account, but this was before farming came out. I'll keep the rsn private just for privacy reasons.


He got 1340 total and over 100 combat and had some pretty decent stats (ie 75 slaying, 71 mining)




He also used to talk to Mod Mark alot, not sure how they met but whenever i looked was looking at him slaying or something he would be talking to him... he saw no big deal out of it but i thought it was pretty cool that Mod Mark was actually replying - They used to slay together sometimes.




Not sure why he quit, but he still plays a few games on the PC - no mmorpgs though, just shootem ups like COD4 and Half life/quake/serious sam




Another thing that was cool about his account was that he never traded with anybody really, all the rewards that he got he just used to keep in his bank. He had quite a few zammy pages too, and before the trade limit i tried to persuade him to play again - sell them and start playing again.




We also duoed the kaphite queen ~100 times to no avail, but he did lose 2 verac's helms that i gave him which i wasn't too happy about at the time! - as i had to repair them.


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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And yet, after 3-4 years of playing, I have 124+ Combat and nearly 1900 skill total... and his mining + smithing are still higher than me. >.<




It's honestly really interesting what older (as in age) players train...




OT: No. MY little brother does though, sort of, he's a frickin' ownage mage.

OH S***! He/she/it is back!

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I would be so embarrassed if my parents played XD


I know a school mate who's mum plays with her.


It makes me lol (thank god that's not me)




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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my parents don't play games at all, but it's interesting how my little brother got me into Rs.


he had played it for a month or so and 2 months after i started i caught up with him. a while after that i was way better then him so he quit :P


I knew his password so I stole all his riches and armour and transfered them to mine \'


but once in a while he tries to play again; but he thinks it's become too complicated then he quits again after yelling at me for 30 mins about giving his 200k and full rune back(which was a more then i had when i stole it) my networth now is about 30~40m but i'm not ever giving it back :twisted:



became quest point master on: 21 dec 2007 2:43 pm

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nooo... it would be cool, though. But my siblings play!




My brother started playing later than mee, and by the time I first got bored with it I had like 46-47 combat... next thing I knew he was level 51 and I was scrambling to get better. Luckily for mee, he forgot the password (I had nothing to do with it, I swear!) and I was free to be better than him without worryng that he's betteh than me. He's been going through accounts like they're going out of fashion ever since.




I remember when I was bored I asked him to fight me in Duel Arena -- I'd give him the best armor he could wear (black), and I'd wear nothing but a rune kite and a rune scimmy -- I owned him. He might have gotten one or two lucky hits... but I owned him SO hard.




And my sister... has this weird obsession with ashes. Srsly. I was watching her, and she was walking around picking ashes up, banking them, picking them up, banking them...




My brother is just a fighter-dude, though.

Balance may be power, but chaos is still pretty damn fun.


Canada can't be second rate, polar bears are their main mode of transportation.

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My parents don't, and I doubt they'd want to. The game has a bad reputation with them because I sometimes stay on too long when I'm supposed to leave the house. They get mad, but the reason I'm not going isn't related to Runescape at all. I seriously wouldn't know what would happen if I asked them to try and play. They probably wouldn't know what to say either. It would be a very awkward situation.




After 3 years of being the only one in my house playing Runescape, I got my brother to start. I bet he wouldn't have kept playing if it wasn't for HD. He's not a total graphics nerd, but I have a feeling he wouldn't stay too long if it wasn't for them. He only played for about 4 hours total, and only plays when I ask him if he wants to. Usually he just says, "I'll do it later..." and forgets about it (or does he?).




I got him one month of membership for Christmas, and he has yet to enter the code on the card. He'll probably take much more interest in the game once he sees all the stuff you can do as a member. Though he has ADHD, so that's not a good combination. I'm not sure if he'll be patient enough to get any levels higher than 30.







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