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Second kite in 3 clues.


I was looking at the stupid hat but whatever :thumbup:

League of Legends Referal link: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4e55a571778d2633364408

"Life is short, and shortly it will end, Death comes quickly which respects no one, Death destroys everything and takes pity on no one"

Drops: 8whips, 28dboots, 1hand cannon, 2 dmeds 3dskirts 2 dbows

99s(in order): Attack Constitution Defence

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<3: <3:




Loved reading the diarys and why did Hazzelmere have to die? I know he said it was going to happen but. :cry: As you can tell by my inventory... The fight disappointed me.












Lucky :cry: I was sort of secretly racing you and it looks like you won, I still have grim tales and back to my roots and rocking out to finish :cry:

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<3: <3:




Loved reading the diarys and why did Hazzelmere have to die? I know he said it was going to happen but. :cry: As you can tell by my inventory... The fight disappointed me.














Welcome to the club. Lots of pros in here.

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<3: <3:




Loved reading the diarys and why did Hazzelmere have to die? I know he said it was going to happen but. :cry: As you can tell by my inventory... The fight disappointed me.












Lucky :cry: I was sort of secretly racing you and it looks like you won, I still have grim tales and back to my roots and rocking out to finish :cry:





Lol. So was my in game friend. Hes still 15 qps from WGS and we both started at 200ish.




Thanks Musky. :D



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Wootz. And the badly edited-in shards in the inv are the ones I got back after swappign 1600 Swamp Titans and a few other pouches. :o


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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my first ever dragon drop had it like 10mins ago \'




i seriously think they upped the drop rate of d chain from dusties, i started thinking this since i got my d chain from dusties last week, people just cant be THIS lucky all of a sudden (especially me for that matters)




congrats though, its an awesome drop and an awesome feeling to get it :D

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It would make sense that d-chains would have an increased drop rate, to off-set the decrease in dragon plate pieces. Jagex, so it would seem given the speculation, is quietly adjusting things to go exactly how they want, chains will go down to make the plate more desireable, or just to make a fair margin between the two.




that or people are just lucky, and its all coincidence. who knows?

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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