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What should I buy with 3.7M Fitting my stats.


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obby mauls are far cheaper imo.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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3,700,000 Needles.




You've gotta start somewhere.



I would like to get the most difficult 99 in the game to accomplish. which is woodcutting.
because I had a drunken night in philadelphia and sprayed a fire extinguiser, evacuated a 7 story hotel on the philly stadium, spent the night in jail.. then got on level 2 prob & have to pay 50 a month because I have a job. It's their way of collecting more money out of me.





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Most 90 crafters trade furies for the materials+100k i think


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


Website Updates/Corrections here. WE APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT! Crewbie's Missions!Contributor of the Day!

Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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That is a good idea ive heard about that method. The only thing is.......... I dont have a trusted gem cutter.




dont ever even think of trying that. almost all crafters trade amulet for gem+materials and sometimes cash. i wouldnt get a fury and waste all your cash. get some bone bolts and train range. selling the str ammy (t) and buy a glory. str ammy is terrible to use in members. buying a d skirt or legs if you dont mind spending more. get some armor to use for training so you dont waste veracs

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Spend it on rounding your stats to 70s. Start with buying a Dorgeshuun Bow and some bolts bolts (5k at a time), for 70 range. Spend the money slowly and wisely. Remember to save some away for opportune moments.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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Work on getting your major skills (Range, Mage) to 70, Put some money into your prayer, And then maybe spend a bit of money on herblore, Nothing beats the ability to make your own potions frankly...




Or like Devilsbr0 said, Buy 3,700,000 Needles...You have to start somewhere :lol:





"Your account "Z0mg ownpur3"has been created , Thanks idiot, the average IQ of this game has now dropped from 13 to 12"

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You could use it in fletching or RC and make more money so you can do even more. Or use it on some of those really low stats. I know they keep saying 70 but maybe you could try getting all lvls to 45 and go on from there.




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Fury is a waste of money, its stats are only somewhat better then the glory's, and its a 3.7m loss you if you die, compared to losing a 50k glory.




I'd suggest getting some stats up, good ones like Range, Mage and Herblore, then maybe get your stats to good barrow level, and barrow for money.


Then use that money to make more money... Somehow..

Barrow Drops: Guthan's Helm, Karil's Crossbow.

5 Pieces of the Crystal Key so far.


I would never consider meeting people irl. Not just because of risks that they could be a 40 year old man who is only interested in the bottom half of your body.
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full veracs.




Nice going there, I see you're on the ball :P




Anywho, why do you have to spend it? Save up for a dragon chain or something :)




Fury is a waste of money, its stats are only somewhat better then the glory's, and its a 3.7m loss you if you die, compared to losing a 50k glory.




Uhm, fury protects over like everything :thumbsup:

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Face Your Fayt has a good point. Potions and runes are very very VERY good tradeble. And you can make more money then.


When you have more money then now, come back, and follow the rest of the advices.




3.7 million Needles is a good investment though... :-w

"We had gay burglars the other night. They broke in and rearranged the furniture."



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