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TIF community memories!


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I remember the testicular torsion thread, as well as the one about the guy who drank his soap or something, and said he had a muscular liver.




One other great one was the who Shaves in that area or not. Can't remember who it was who created that thread, but it had alot of win in it. :lol:




@Rushrock...people used to sell sigs up until some time in 05 (iirc) for Runescape GP (and actually RL money sometimes - well it happened in other forums so I'd presume it happened at TIF, even if it was done in the dark). But obviously Jagex banned people from selling sigs for Runescape GP since then, for their own "reasons." :uhh:

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completly unknowladgeable at Runescape :wall:


But then matthew16200(dark_Aura) always talked to me when the higher lvs wouldn't.


He even killed saifzman <3:


well almost evryone on tet killed saif :?

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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@Rushrock...people used to sell sigs up until some time in 05 (iirc) for Runescape GP (and actually RL money sometimes - well it happened in other forums so I'd presume it happened at TIF, even if it was done in the dark). But obviously Jagex banned people from selling sigs for Runescape GP since then, for their own "reasons." :uhh:


It was around for a decent amount of time while I had my account, and considering the join date it'd be at least mid to late '06.




Heh, I actually remember making an obnoxious thread in the Media [or whatever it was...] forum about how selling sigs is probably illegal by Jagex rules, back when people were still selling sigs on this forum. Took about ten minutes for it to get to three pages of people shooting me down with resounding "NO, YOU IDIOT!" comments :lol: .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Lol, I remember that "emo" thread, it was pretty recent, the "gangsta" thread too. I kept delivering RayOxide verbal sonnings kept he kept trying to prove me wrong about stuff. :P






I remember Vik, I believe he was banned for a thread on Child Molestation, in fear of it bringing back negative memories of posters...




I couldn't stand Striker. He would constantly flame people then edit his posts so he wouldn't get reported for it. Thank goodness that flamer's gone. =D>




I remember that thread about video games making people intelligent. I got in a debate about it with Reb, and eventually, I was at a loss for words. He got me. :P




Ohhhh, the picture thread was cool too!




I also remember posting like a madman on General P2P, and how General F2P was like a barren desert, lol. Now I post mainly on the Off-topic forum and it's sub-forums.
















I realised. I love you guys.












...... :roll: :lol: :P

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^ I remember that video game debate. Which side were you on again? lol.






Heh, I actually remember making an obnoxious thread in the Media [or whatever it was...] forum about how selling sigs is probably illegal by Jagex rules, back when people were still selling sigs on this forum. Took about ten minutes for it to get to three pages of people shooting me down with resounding "NO, YOU IDIOT!" comments




Yeah, sweet sweet irony :(. I'm just amazed no one has made a "TOLD YOU SO!" post yet in the media board.








I was pretty sad when they banned the selling of signatures, it really killed off a lot of the community for a bit. It was too bad really, so many artists just in it for the geepee's. :(

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I remember people like Lion and Smavey... I have fond memories of the 2004/05 Halloween party TIF threw at draynor manor. I got a kiss from Smavey as second prize for a find-me competition, and as a result I thought he was a chick for about a year... those were the days :( .

Lvl 80 construction.


Dragon Drops: 11 (4 Chains, 2 Axes, 1 Med, 2 Skirts, 1 Legs, 1 2h)


God Wars Drops: 4 Zamorakian Spears, 1 Godsword Shard 1

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I remember when Blackbane, on the back of Oergg's wonderful work, started the OoC. We became really good friends in helping out in its infancy.




If you haven't heard is band, by the way, on myspace, you really should. Great listen.

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Organising the slave auction last year, participating in the drop party and being a member of the TET was fun. Post-refresh-post debates were fun. Where did they go!?


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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5. I remember a time where theSith and Bubsa were competing (well it wasnt a competition) for 10k posts.




psh, we all know who the real man is here in this instance.







Besides, it was Sunli.






Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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I remember I came here when I was barely 14 years old (I think the exact reg date was September 13th 2002), and how my posts and English probably didn't make any sense at all. I was extremely lame. For example, I thought the avatar titles were equal to how awesome the poster was. So I desperately tried to raise mine (and not get banned). I even memorised how many posts most of the title's required. Yeah I was new to the internet.




I remember rsn_lead's old posts with his awesome stories, one in which his girlfriend almost drove them off a cliff in their car. I also remember how he hated being called "rsn" (he explained it in a post one time that "rsn" was a clan, so by calling him "rsn" you weren't refering to him as a person, but a clan). Thinking about his avatar still creeps me the hell out.




I remember Mercifull attempting to make similar posts when rsn_lead stopped making them. I don't remember if they were particularly successful or not, though.




I remember when Raenond banned me for two weeks for seemingly unknown reasons. I still don't know what the hell.




I remember when the Media Board used to be an awesome place. With people such as Keiphus, silent_009/Huang, Witty_Fool, tttia, Domicus_UK (or something like that), Uncoverd, GSW, sub_divi and Alex (who was banned more times than I can count, but was brilliant at modelling and making abstract pieces). All excellent artists and I think most of them does it for a living now.




I remember, before I had gotten into graphics, being awestruck when I sent Keiphus a small picture of a dragon's head on a golden kite shield I had just stolen from someone using the google image search, and simply used the bucket tool in MS Paint to make the dragon's head black and the kite shield yellow (although I think I actually drew the kite shield) and asked him to "make it cooler", as I would use it as an avatar. A few minutes later he sent it back to me and it was all 3D-ish!... Yeah, he had just used Bevel & Emboss on it but damn if I wasn't impressed as hell.




Also the "Crafter's Guild" or whatever it was called, which was a usergroup where only the "superior" artists of the Media Board was allowed in. We had our own forum back on Scapeboard, our own avatars and everything, but it ultimately died out and the usergroup was disbanded. I remember people trying to create a new one several times, but nothing really happened.




I remember when I won some Christmasy-related art contest and I got to choose my own custom title... and then how shortly after that Scapeboard's database was whiped, and the admins wouldn't let me have my custom title back when TIF came.




I also remember when pixel sigs were making their way to the Media Board, and then how the forum subsequently went down the [cabbage]ter. Now I never go there anymore.




I remember lots more but I can't be bothered typing it all.


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Heh, it's OK :P But I'm pretty sure neither of us considered it a competition.




Oh, but we all knew it was :P






Bubsa, do you remember that thread the [wagon]-kisser made congratulating you on 10k posts?


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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I remember when the Media Board used to be an awesome place. With people such as Keiphus, silent_009/Huang, Witty_Fool, tttia, Domicus_UK (or something like that), Uncoverd, GSW, sub_divi and Alex (who was banned more times than I can count, but was brilliant at modelling and making abstract pieces). All excellent artists and I think most of them does it for a living now.




Yeah good times, good times. What is amazing is how much its really changed in all these years. I mean, I remember people like DementedHero (what in the world was his scape name again?) doing these mirrored abstracts and everyone ate them up. :lol:






Standards were deffinitly different back then, it was interesting. We had some amazing artists though -- with out a doubt. I certainly think that if it wasn't for all the great artists back in the day I'd never be where I am today in graphic design.








I remember those special media boards too. I never got into the first, but I got into the second as an apprentice. Of course after bragging to people about it (haha) we found out a few weeks later that he had been ripping all of his signatures for years. :shock:






It could have been the reason why he never actually taught me anything... :lol: :wall:












Oh man, what else. I remember all the media board crazes and the phases we went through. Like, I remember the bryce phase and all the horrid crap that came out of it, or the terragen phase in which everyone and their dog tried to make landscapes. :lol:






Than we got to pixels and it just... got kind of boring. :(

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I remember when the Tip.it Daily MSN chat started...it used to be pretty fun, but it was kinda crazy on the first night. For a couple of days, all I saw were 'body parts' drawn in the handwriting feature >.<




Then that settled and the chat was amazing. But it slowly died..now there's a few people that still log on msn. It was great while it lasted however.. :)




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I remember the random image board. I'm still disappointed it was taken down...:(




I remember MPC and Ghost, and how they used to flame people, how they came to DeloriaGod (did they get banned?) to flame people there, and how they currently have disappeared, at least in my knowledge. Has anyone seen them?

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Of course after bragging to people about it (haha) we found out a few weeks later that he had been ripping all of his signatures for years. :shock:




I have a vague memory of this. What were the details?

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Yeah good times, good times. What is amazing is how much its really changed in all these years. I mean, I remember people like DementedHero (what in the world was his scape name again?) doing these mirrored abstracts and everyone ate them up. :lol:





Uncoverd was DementedHero on Scapeboard.




Also who was the guy who took you on as an apprentice? Wasn't that Witty_Fool? I remember us having this pretty big post about you, if we should or should not take you in. It was crazy. We were all just impressed by the fact that you never gave up, even though most of us gave you a pretty hard time.




It's unfortunate that I've managed to save everything I've made (over 1000 images!) except for the very first stuff I did, and the sigs I bought before getting into sigmaking. Would be interesting to see them now since I thought they were really awesome at the time.


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Of course after bragging to people about it (haha) we found out a few weeks later that he had been ripping all of his signatures for years. :shock:




I have a vague memory of this. What were the details?




His name is on the tip of my tounge... I want to say it started with an "M".




Details wise I remember he used to be a fairly respected abstract artist, and he always had a problem with text. I think it was one day he posted something new and a guy found out that hidden in the mess was an abstract piece from DeviantART.






I remember I was bragging to you about having him as a 'master' though during the whole apprentice thing. :oops: whoops.









Uncoverd was DementedHero on Scapeboard.




Also who was the guy who took you on as an apprentice? Wasn't that Witty_Fool? I remember us having this pretty big post about you, if we should or should not take you in. It was crazy. We were all just impressed by the fact that you never gave up, even though most of us gave you a pretty hard time.




It's unfortunate that I've managed to save everything I've made (over 1000 images!) except for the very first stuff I did, and the sigs I bought before getting into sigmaking. Would be interesting to see them now since I thought they were really awesome at the time.




Ah yeah Uncoverd, that was it.




Like I said I can't remember the guys name.. wish I did though. And yeah I'm glad I never actually managed to give up, I think it was just because I wanted to prove the guys like Witty_Fool wrong. :P






And yeah I remember you guys giving me such a hard time, haha. Glad you did though.








You know who's another guy I remember? Theakman_2, or however he did it. I remember he helped me a ton with my landscapes -- definitely owe a lot to him.






It's unfortunate that I've managed to save everything I've made (over 1000 images!) except for the very first stuff I did, and the sigs I bought before getting into sigmaking. Would be interesting to see them now since I thought they were really awesome at the time.




wow! :shock:




I've had so many different computers since I started making stuff that its scattered across all of them, or gone in many cases.

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