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Very good, can't really give anything less than 10/10.


So how did you train it? :) My friend trained 93magic in free game with fire strikes and I know another one who trained 99magic with fire strikes as well. So how about you? Those pesky strikes all the way or by alching something? 8-)

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'wats happening here?' :lol: gotta love f2p.




Amazing achievement. Where do you rank among other pure f2pers? must be top 10 i reckon.








2nd I think....






I know there's a guy with maxed f2p skills.






I know Verie is going to have such a fun time with 99 rc ;)

Hotchick126: June 24th, 2003 - December 28th, 2007


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gratz!!! <3:<3:<3:


Btw... was looking at your rc lvl and...


don't you owe me 30k ess? or did you give it back... remember then once when i gave you heaps of ess so you could get rc up? cant remember if you paid back or not.... oh well gratz on 99 mage, you ownz f2p <3:

[4Th in Finland to achieve 99 mining. 3Rd of June 2007]

Pixels make me horny.

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I know there's a guy with maxed f2p skills.


Here's the link to the Top 200 F2P






Best is Syzygy, no one is maxed yet.


Verie is #7 =P~




Awesome achivemnet. Cant wait to see the ranged <3:

Amazing Avatar by Lit0ua <3:

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