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God Wars backgrounds


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The second one is fantastic, but the goblins etc. could of been better arranged to look less stiff and awkward. Overall nice job.




1. 5




2. 8


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Hmm I would never use anything RSrelated irl but that's just me I suppose.




Either way the quality of the imported pics (characters) is a bit ... low.




There are techniques to optimize quality of imported images but then again I have no idea which grade this is for and if it's being quoted (do they call it like this in english to :/) on design or idea.






I don't particularly like the first one. Second one is better but try covering them with shadows as if they were really be seen while being in a cave ... then again I have no idea ... *yada yada*

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A good desktop background leads your eyes into the picture so you dont get eye strain staring at a close screen for a long time. the 2nd one does that pretty well because of the perspective, but the armadyl one just looks like a lot of images layered on top of each other.



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I see stone elementals in the Guild Wars background. :shock:






Generally I would say they aren't so good.


I quite like the manipulation, but RuneScape graphics vs decent backgrounds just don't go well. That, and RuneScape graphics are awful anyway.

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1st one is like a 4/10 and the seoncd i would say a 8/10 souly for the bg, lov that second ones background it goes very well and for some odd reason amkes me wanna c wats around the corner lol, wat class is this in if i may ask? lol my teacher flips out when i open ms paint cause shes teaching the class power point...like thats advanced and i don't kno it or somthin <.<


Sig by thru,yaff, ty both :)

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