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Zombie Plans-Revised


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My perfect zombie: Rage zombie.


method of reanimation: Bodily fluids entering you.


looks: Decayed.


speed: Above average.


intellegance: Basic human skills and such.


notes: I shoot them.


Lol nice notes.

The sour dough of the epitmous pie hungers for another's sweet lips to be dulled into a state of most irreverant humbleness


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Hex, why don't you just [bleep] off?




We discussed Romero Zombies to hell, and we've done the same for Rage.




You can't mix zombies, and say they'll be similar to both. Due to how it works, since most suggested Rage, we'll discuss the most likely type, which is actually Rage.




Now, to survive the infected, you essentially need to barricade yourself somewhere with some weaponry, and a month or two of food, to let the infected starve.




EDIT: Actually Hex, if you read this, tell me everything about Romero zombies.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Romero zombies are the ones in night of the living dead.


Rage zombies are not most likeley at all.






I was just trying to stop the arguing. i will continue to use the romero zombies and I will say they are romero zombies.


sword dude. you need to calm down. its a forum. don't create a flame war.

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Thanks for doing it's code, just so we all know this is a democracy and that means I will get all the zombies together and make one zombie out of all of the ideas. It's not 60% votedfor zombie a and 40% voted for zombie b therefore a is the zombie it works like this: ok... Zombie a was first so most charicteristics from him and then some characteristics from zombie b but not as much.


1. [bleep] you, no it isn't. Don't know where you even got that idea.


2. We've spent over 150 pages talking about romero zombies. There's nothing more to discuss there.


3. Yea, rabies does push out all thought. That's why rabid dogs are so vicious and don't respond to anything and will maim whatever they can find. Rabies already instills hydrophobia in the victim, so pure, unrelenting anger isn't too much of a stretch.


4. All that Toxoplasmosis page told me was that they can get rats to seek out cat-urine stained areas for more viruses. Still don't see how that ties into romero zombies.


5. What you described This being as "not" is a democracy. What you described is a sort of republic.


6. I bet if I had made that Mexican rocco would have laughed instead of losing his [cabbage]. Calm down, dude, it was just a joke.


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Romero zombies are absolutely impossible. Entropy and the conservation of energy are enough to disprove them. Rage zombies are 99.99% impossible, a virus would have to hit very specific circumstances to get anywhere near something like that.



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kk, back to rage zombies then. oh and indy... there not 99.99% possible. and romero zombies are quite possible.




Rage zombies are basically impossible. I should have added more 9s. The virus would never appear in nature, and it would be extremely unlikely that humans could (or would want to) create it. Romero zombies are absolutely impossible.



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kk, back to rage zombies then. oh and indy... there not 99.99% possible. and romero zombies are quite possible.




Rage zombies are basically impossible. I should have added more 9s. The virus would never appear in nature, and it would be extremely unlikely that humans could (or would want to) create it. Romero zombies are absolutely impossible.


You say such a virus could not appear in nature but how do you think rabies would be a houndred or thousand years from now if it doesn't go extinct, viruses evolve to not only animals, viruses actually evolve faster. Also it's not to unlikely we create a similiar virus by accident.





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Any disease like that would die off in nature though, unlike rabies. Ebola is slowly killing itself because it rarely spreads before the victim dies.




To be honest, let's stop pretending any of this is realistic, and just have fun with it.



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Ok. If the only way a zombie can be killed is by damage to the brain and loud noises attract


zombies wouldn't the best weapons be shruikens? Silent and can be aimed for the heD


Umm...no. Only someone who has mastered them would be able to use them effectively, and I doubt they would even penetrate the skull. A better weapon would be a crossbow. It would have much better range, accuracy, and kill rate of shurikens.


What's with your strange spelling of head?

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Shurikens were designed to penetrate skulls, iirc. But, they're difficult to aim, and a crossbow would be way more common. I mean, ninja stars aren't exactly lying around all over the place.



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Ok. If the only way a zoHmbie can be killed is by damage to the brain and loud noises attract


zombies wouldn't the best weapons be shruikens? Silent and can be aimed for the heD


Umm...no. Only someone who has mastered them would be able to use them effectively, and I doubt they would even penetrate the skull. A better weapon would be a crossbow. It would have much better range, accuracy, and kill rate of shurikens.


What's with your strange spelling of head?


a crossbow is a fantastic weapon albiet hard to get hold of, another good thing about the crossbow is that you can make your own ammo + reuse ammo.


Reason head is spelt wrong is because I'm typing on my iPhone very quickly.




To the person who said silenced gun : silenced guns actully make the same sound as a car door slamming however a shruikien may only make a faint fwoosh. The good thing about shruikens are there light, deadly and quick also there easy to get hold of, just go to any French corner shop. Crossbows will be hard to find but you could create a makeshift one out of wood, elastic trousers and a nail gun. Which brings me to this... Nails guns as a weapon?

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Ok. If the only way a zombie can be killed is by damage to the brain and loud noises attract


zombies wouldn't the best weapons be shruikens? Silent and can be aimed for the heD




Come back after reading all 175 pages.

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Ok, no need to be jerks. Shurikens if you have a decent supply and some talent would be ok for defense. Crossbows are actually kinda loud. Silencers are designed to mask the sound so other people don't recognize it as a gunshot, not hide it all together, but zombies wouldn't care if it was a gunshot or a tree branch snapping. Weapons like shuriken and throwing knives are some of the few truly silent weapons.



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I highly doubt anyone here could hit a small target with enough for to pierce a skull. If we could somehow create a thrown knife slingshot kind of thing...

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Hey, great idea.


If zombies are attracted to the smell of humans pile up a ton of dead bodies somewhere and run, once all the zombies are there... Boom! I placed a time bomb earlier.




Forgot about throwing knives. Some sort of meteor hammer would do the trick if your close


to zombies.




To person saying thrown knife sligshot thing. Great idea. I think I mentioned earlier to make a


crossbow like thing all i'd need is the elastic from some elastic trousers and two pieces of wood. A kitchen knife or something like that would be good.

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...How does that help it? Even if it worked, ok, 2 or 3 less zombies to worry about, but we'd me miles away. Waste of explosives.




And when I said "Slingshot", i meant high powered. No way that with the things you listed, you could pierce a skull.

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