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Zombie Plans-Revised


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Even then, isn't P90 ammo relatively uncommon? I chose .22 weapons for two reasons, one being that the ammo is incredibly common, two being that there may come a time when I have to kill 1,000 zombies right in a row and .22 ammo is really the only kind that I could conceivable carry 1,000 rounds of.

Ok, if it had to be common in the place I was I'd just get to chayenne mountain, I dubt the Airforce is as strick on who can enter when doomsday is imminent.





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Guest Mrmegakirby

Honestly, Mather, you of all people would need a bolt action rifle to conserve ammo and be accurate. So why the hell did you choose a P90? Bad accuracy, and very fast...


And enough the makeshift weapons, Hex. A knife taped on a pole is a failure just waiting to happen.


I would use a semi automatic rifle for my primary weapon. Preferably .22, with long range and accuracy. I'd also have a backup .308 sniper rifle, along with some sort of handgun.

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I still think all of you would die if there was an actual zombie invasion.

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I think most of us can digest small amounts of metal, but no, it wont help you since you wont absorb much of the metal into your bloodstream. Plus, the amount of metals needed are so low that eating more than a teaspoon full would be bad for you.


It just doesn't provide much nutrition.

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I think most of us can digest small amounts of metal, but no, it wont help you since you wont absorb much of the metal into your bloodstream. Plus, the amount of metals needed are so low that eating more than a teaspoon full would be bad for you.


It just doesn't provide much nutrition.

I ate one krone one year ago, never came out.


Eating steel would provide tme with carbon that the body might make into proteins or karbohydrates by taking hydrogen from water/stomache acid





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Carpenters hammer?

Good choice. The reach leaves a lot to be desired, but it wont break, is easily available and has other applications aside from zombie killing.

On with the nail removing hook thing would be nice, and ideally you want one which has as long a handle as you can get.


I'm going to use a crossbow and trench knife.

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Mather, Whats that in your other hand?


Anyway, Ross - I have quite a long reach carpenters hammer, its not one of those ones with the nail removing claw thing but I have one of those hammers (alibet smaller) its handle I wouldn't really use in close combat with zombies (i'd never get that close to zombies) but i'd use it for opening doors and beating humans.

My main weapon for close combat with zombies will be a sort of pole which I have. Its a metal pole which is a metre (or maybe slightly more) it resembles a pipe in the sense that it is hollow on the inside however it is extremly thin for a pipe. The hollow bit in the middle is 2cm and it has a thick-ish metal sorrounding it.

Heres a diagram.


The red bit I will cut off and sharpen, I will make it into a sort of spear in which I can impale humans and zombies on.


Along with my monomoleculour wire and my trusty guns, Cassul and Jackal.


I just started re-reading Hellsing.

But I thought this picture was very cool


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In my right hand was a Colt Special Combat airgun, I'm leaning on a Barnett Banshee Quad compound bow, with one Sami knife one carpenters hammer and a large, heavy hammer.


I shal post a pic with other weps tomorrow, when my parents are at work(those were the ones I managed to sneak past them(baw and airgun were in my room)).





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General rule for your weapons would be if it can't kill a human outright, it's worthless against zombies. For example if I put the airgun to the back of your head and unleashed, would it kill you?


No. Your head would hurt but you would live.


Anyways I think I might scribble down a list of equipment that would be useful to have if you had transport (motor vehicle of some sort), time to prepare and get away, and a list of the first things you should grab for if you're in immediate danger just to use as a reference. What do you guys think is the most weight that an average person could carry for days on little rest?

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I know nine different spots where the cranium is so weak on airgun-shot would be fatal, all but two big enough for me to hit in less than three shots at a distance of thirty meter, four places on the body where a small hit causes instant, temporary paralyzation and one spot where a hit would cause rapid blood-leekage even without heart-beat(which the zombies couldn't survive without without looking like the previous hosts of a half-life 2 fast-/ headcrab).


Also with a bow(at least with that) I can pierce the skull with one shot at more than 25 meters, and with the Sami knife I could decapitate/dismember it before it can land a blow/kick/bite.


Big hammer + skull = *splat*

Small hammer + skull = hole.


Hook + cheek = *crack*

Upercut + chin = lethal concussion.


Tomorrow I will show you swords and other weapons found within this recidence and maybe some video evidence of how the bow/airgun would work.

Any questions?





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Zombies don't bleed, don't get concussions, and don't get stunned or paralyzed from pain.


Methinks you have too much confidence in your own abilities.

Confidence is a good thing in small doses, but it's bordering on arrogance, and we all know where that leads.

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Yeah, total instantanious decapitation is very hard to achieve with any one handed blade. If you were using a claymore or two handed axe, maybe, but as it is, it would be very difficult.


Although I will disagree on the crafting of arrows. It's surprisingly easy once you get the hang of it. Making the arrowtips may be difficult, but thats about it.

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When have we changed from 'severing of the spinal chord destroys the zombie' to 'only destroying the brain, and the entire brain. Not just half of it: ALL OF IT'

If the destroy brain thing was true decapitation would do something, it would render the rest of the zombie incapable of moving. Only the head could move.

And I don't really care about some slow head trying to roll its way over, i'll probably just hit it with my pole (theoretically)


and Grim

I'd hate to live forever in a large metal area, never knowing when you can leave. Never seeing other people.



Edit: Ross, my mate made an arrow and bow aswell, it went all across his (very very very long) garden easily. He had better aim then me, lol.

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A Sami knife is a small machete so chopping apart a spine is easy, also I have a kukri in case the knife is too light.



But the 40 zombies all around is a unlikely situation only survivable throught the use of a minigun, P90 or other fully automatic gun with a large mag.





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