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Does wearing pink make you gay?


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My flatmate has a pink t-shirt now because he put something red in with his washing :P Also I wouldn't say wearing a pink shirt makes you fashionable. An example - My friend often wears a pink t-shirt out, but he also chooses to wear things like chef trousers with it :shock: (he also is wearing a black eye just now, probably not for his fashion sense though)








Anyone remember the simpsons where Homer goes to work in a pink shirt? :P

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my friend has a shirt








"Real men wear Pink"








it's perfectly fine, and if anybody questions you, just call it 'salmon colored' :lol:

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wow, guys, come to South beach in florida, see how much pink you'll see. Pink is in, and not just the plain pink polo, lacoste shirts, but the one's with stripes and buttons. I wear pink shirts, i like em, and a lot of people that i hang out with do also.








Wearing pink does not make you gay. Yes, there are a lot of gay guys wearing pink, but just because I wear pink, doesnt mean i'm gay. You guys are stereotyping them. Just because someone wears a nice colored shirt, jeans, and flip flops, you assume they're gay. It's just the style atm. Live with it, or don't wear it, simple as that.








As for the collar up, :roll: :roll: Woah, you're tough now. Never understood that style. But then again, you might be wearing your jeans at your knees. *sigh*


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They just wear pink for attention. It was a fad a couple years ago, you would see a guy and think "wow that guy must feel comfortable with himself to wear pink!", but now it's been overkilled












Orange is where its at now, or was this winter,








now its all about the different colours

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speaking of being different. i really hate that its cool to be different now. its like punk is suddenly cool. thats hard to get around. i want to be different but now its cool to be different. so what do i do? be like everyone else? but that would mean being different. hell ive got myself confused








and also. saying that gays wear pink and are softys or whatever is [cabbage]. i know a gay guy. he is really cool. he is one of the funniest guys i know, and he does not act girly at all. he rides bmx and if anyone here rides they will know thats gona get you hurt pretty damn fast.








and what the [bleep] is with censoring gay. it shouldnt be an offensive word.

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Most people around here wear pink for the sake of "looking cool" and being like "HAR HAR LOOK, I WAREZZ PINK!!1" It has become like the new "cool, gangster" thing to do. Oversize pink shirts to ridiculously baggy pink jeans to even uneccessarily long pink shoelaces. It's getting ridiculous. And every last one of them that wear it to be gangster would make fun of a homosexual wearing it the very first chance they get. It's sick.








Unless you really enjoy wearing it and like the color, don't put pink clothing on. Personally, I think it looks pretty bad on most guys unless you have your hair a certain way and it compliments the rest of your clothes (in which case if you did all that, you'd either be called * or here in New York, a metrosexual :P )








Agreed. Seems that alot of preps (note i didn't say all) wear it, just because they think it's "cool" to do.








oz: thats why I just stay normal, I don't act punk and i don't act preppy as well. And it works for me. IMO, if your trying too hard to be different, kind of takes away the point :P

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Although i don't particularly like the whole wearing pink fad, i am yet to hear of a magical garment that turns you into a homosexual when you put it on.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Although i don't particularly like the whole wearing pink fad, i am yet to hear of a magical garment that turns you into a homosexual when you put it on.








So, if it's not your clothes... What explanation do you have?


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You guys sound like such tools, lol. "Pink is in!".








"Girl's dig pink!"..Really? So you wear it to make girls like you? That's what we call being a shallow individual, and it'd take an equally shallow woman to like you for wearing pink.








Furthermore, if you actually have to do something out-of-the-ordinary to make girl's like you...Maybe you really should consider being a homosexual, because obviously being yourself never works, and when you "grow up" that's what you need to do. I don't think a pink shirt with a flipped up color is going to impress a 25 year old woman...It may work for the little 15 year old girls that know no better, but whatever...lol.








I love how stupid things like this get started though...Some kid see's it on MTV and then wears it to school, then everyone else starts doing it, next thing you know it's all over the goddam country. And it only lasts 2 months, then all your $50 pointless shirts will never be worn again because when the fad is over, I gaurentee people would be like "What are you, a homo?" if you wore it afterwards...:roll:








Someone needs to learn how to be themselves.

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Although i don't particularly like the whole wearing pink fad, i am yet to hear of a magical garment that turns you into a homosexual when you put it on.








So, if it's not your clothes... What explanation do you have?








One night with your mother is enough to turn any man to the dark side.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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It's called having a life and fashion. If you had any fashion sense you would know








Some people have "fashion sense", and others prefer to not look exactly the same as everyone around them. Who needs fashion sense when you just wear the same as everyone else?




If buying clothes because i like them rather than because everyone around me does, then i guess i have no fashion sense.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Following a trend does NOT mean you have a fashion sense..:roll:








And what did "having a life" have to do with anything? So because I don't wear pink shirts and follow trends, I now have no life? Riiiight. Dude, I wonder if you'll look back years from now and see how much of a tool you are, or if you'll actually look back on this and still think "Man, that Dark Tigra guy has no life because he doesn't wear pink shirts!" :roll:

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I dont wear a pink shirt because its "cool" or the "in colour". I got it because it was a) in a 20% off sale, and B) it came with a cool tie



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You guys sound like such tools, lol. "Pink is in!".








"Girl's dig pink!"..Really? So you wear it to make girls like you? That's what we call being a shallow individual, and it'd take an equally shallow woman to like you for wearing pink.















What's the first thing a girl sees when she sees a guy? How he looks. She doesn't see the personality, the sense of humor, the smarts, or all that. Some girs (and i said some) when they see a guy in pink, it grabs their attention. Hence "girls dig pink" and if a girl i'm talking to likes pink, am i not gonna wear it because it might make me look shallow? You're never supposed to stop impressing a girl.


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I wear pink all the time. Nothing wrong with it. Also, I don't wear it simply because it's in or whatever I wear it because it's a nice looking color on me, because I have black hair and pink and black look nice together. Pink looks nice with long curly hair. So I wear it? Wouldn't you wear something that looks nice on you or comp0liments your personality?

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I'm hot in a pink shirt, a tight pink shirt, tanned skin, nothing makes you look more male than a tight pink shirt. Not too bright pink of course. :wink:


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@J_Rod_The_Ti: See, that's the thing. You wear pink because it suits you. Unlike a lot of people who do it just to be "in" or whatnot. Props for that.








@gehjl: I was unaware that "gabbing attention" means people "dig" whatever got their attention. I guess with your logic the next fad will be purple, blue and bright green chicken suits :roll:

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