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13 December 2007 - "A Word About Our Updates" + Wallpaper


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They do "fair trades", but couldnt do "fair stakes" when GE came out? Give me a break, they are delibarately forcing people to quit.




Aaah, but, even with "fair" stakes, ppl could loose on purpose in order to abuse the system (that is, transfer money).




Good point I guess I dindt think of it that way, but its still utter garbage what they are doing.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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Um, you might need to log in. F2p can't pk anymore, at all. No pvp in the wildy. Bounty Hunter is what members have been given as a replacement, and f2p doesn't have access to that.








Clan wars and Bounty Hunter are F2P.




As is duel arena now. :wink:




#-o Scratch that, then. Coulda sworn the mainpage said BH was members only.

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If you look at the wallpaper - the monster is available in the colours red, blue, green. ;)




Fun, flexibile, exciting. In order to support those skills players would find ways of making $ like staking, pking, merchanting.




Look what they do? They destroy all ways of making $ and keep lying their way out of what they have done.




Skillful merchants are making millions off the Grand Exchange, like I predicted beforehand. Of course, you wouldn't know.




You tell 'em.




People are whinging all over about how pure ess prices will rise... so few can recognize this as a golden opportunity slapping them in the face.




Or soft clay with bought bracelets, to name another.




But hey, you can't sell iron knives for 40 each anymore, so the GE must be broken beyond repair. :lol:

PvP is not for me

In the 3rd Year of the Boycott
Real-world money saved since FT/W: Hundreds of Dollars
Real-world time saved since FT/W: Thousands of Hours

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You can make $ from pking, staking at the tourneys and merchanting is still possible.




Saying they are making people quit is just stupid, that's like saying a shop deliberately closes it's doors because it doesn't want any more income.




I won't say any more, but it is clear to me why people like you do not like these updates.




Would you and all your infinite wisdom like to clarify the meaning of "people like you"? Ill speculate and say that you are saying people like you based on how I treat certain members of this forum?




Either way, im glad YOU enjoy the updates and best of luck to you with staking, pking, merching, skilling, and whatever else it is you wonna do. However, sinse im not a fan boy and not afraid to critizise what I feel to be WRONG ill straight up say what I feel that jagex are lying to stall their $ loss.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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merchanting is NOT dead. Not in the least.Ungodly profits are dead.


As I explained in a clan chat I will use the example here.




You kill dust devils you get a d chain drop. ( free item ) You run to the GE and put it in for sale. Say the minimum sale price is 10m. Your gonna say your not going to be happy with a 10m profit on a single item?




People complaining about Jagex " setting " prices on items are completely wrong. Yes they set the initial price based on what they thought was fair ( or based elsewhere who knows maybe players ) Yet it is us who decides how much we buy and sell for.




Jim puts a D chain in the GE for max price. It sits there and isn't sold so Jim reduces the price. Thus reducing the profit. You really think Bill is going to buy for max price? no he will try to buy it as cheap as possible to save money.




On the other end , Jim puts a D chain in at the minimum price. It is sold and the overall price is reduced because Jim bought it on the low end.


So who is to blame for prices? Jagex for putting the ball in our court or us for being cheapskates and trying to buy things cheap?


Started January 2001

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More lies to try to stall the rate at which people are quitting it seems. Im glad they are losing money to be honest, maybe then they will realise how stupid these changes truely were.




With posts like this, all they do is add insult to injury. Personally, im glad that due to their decrease in income half of these brain dead mods will be fired.




For me, no other game will be as good as runescape was because of the amaizing skill system in runescape. Fun, flexibile, exciting. In order to support those skills players would find ways of making $ like staking, pking, merchanting.




Look what they do? They destroy all ways of making $ and keep lying their way out of what they have done.




There was numerous ways to implement this properly, but they delibarately did waht they did.




They do "fair trades", but couldnt do "fair stakes" when GE came out? Give me a break, they are delibarately forcing people to quit.




How many of those that staked and PKed for money used any of it for "skills"? The majority just used used it to stake/PK more.




And from what I've seen the only ones that have quit are a lot of the bots, and several thousand PKers/stakers.




And while I don't like seeing any player that didn't break the rules leave, runescape can survive without bots and the few thousand that have left.




All the ways of making money are not gone. Several "quick and easy" ways have been removed. There are PLENTY of ways left, but they MIGHT require more of a time investment.




If this isn't for you, then I suggest you go play any one of a hundred instant gratification first person shooters on the market today.




When all this is over, and runescape still exists will all these "doom and gloom" players admit they were wrong?

"Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

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If you look at the wallpaper - the monster is available in the colours red, blue, green. ;)




Fun, flexibile, exciting. In order to support those skills players would find ways of making $ like staking, pking, merchanting.




Look what they do? They destroy all ways of making $ and keep lying their way out of what they have done.




Skillful merchants are making millions off the Grand Exchange, like I predicted beforehand. Of course, you wouldn't know.




And what would you know about being skilled or merchanting gold seller? This is all thanks to your kind, buying up a lot of rares when they were dirt cheap and then selling for $$$ later, yea you are skilled.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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On a better note something to think about. In one of the last updates to summoning a picture was put in with the eggs everyone is collecting. Then todays wallpaper. Notice something very similar with these 2 things? notice the color of eggs and creatures. Then the amount of both.




Started January 2001

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merchanting is NOT dead. Not in the least.Ungodly profits are dead.


As I explained in a clan chat I will use the example here.




You kill dust devils you get a d chain drop. ( free item ) You run to the GE and put it in for sale. Say the minimum sale price is 10m. Your gonna say your not going to be happy with a 10m profit on a single item?




Yup, thats definately merchanting. I guess I just didnt expect all the "intelligent" people to dissapear from this forum THAT quickly.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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How many of those that staked and PKed for money used any of it for "skills"? The majority just used used it to stake/PK more.




And from what I've seen the only ones that have quit are a lot of the bots, and several thousand PKers/stakers.




And while I don't like seeing any player that didn't break the rules leave runescape can survive without bots and the few thousand that have left.




All the ways of making money are not gone. Several "quick and easy" ways have been removed. There are PLENTY of ways left, but they MIGHT require more of a time investment.




If this isn't for you, then I suggest you go play any one of a hundred instant gratification first person shooters on the market today.




When all this is over, and runescape still exists will all these "doom and gloom" players admit they were wrong?




I never wanted instant gratification. I invitested a lot of time to get where I am (reffer to link in the comment).




What I dont like is being told what something is worth and not being able to value it for my self.




What I dont like is no longer being able to give my friend a ton of yew logs I bought so that she can make it into logs for her 99 fletching goal and that I can alch later.




What I dont like is that I cant give my friends potions now so that they can later give me herbs they gather.




The draconian trade restriction, despite all their promises of change, are nothing more than a sugar coated death pill.




Ironic, how those very same people that are unhappyw tih changes are aruging with me just for sake of aruging, despite themselves hating the changes.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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More lies to try to stall the rate at which people are quitting it seems.




Really? You really think they're lying? So, you mean to say that Jagex is not going to make improvements or at least try to make players accept the changes. Really?




I understand you're upset about something, but c'mon, be reasonable.


Maxed total levels

Remaining for Completionist Cape: Livid Farm spell (Borrowed Power)

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And what would you know about being skilled or merchanting




Clearly more than you - you are the one whining all across the boards how you are no longer able to merchant anymore.




Oh wait I forgot. All your "merchanting" profits came from rip-off deals and price manipulation. Guess what, that is not what real merchanting is about anyway, and indeed, Jagex "ruined" that kind of "merchanting".




Continue to whine. Noone cares and Jagex is determined to keep their system like this anyway.

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This creature on wallpaper is probably a wyvern

Dharoks, emo's ultimate weapon if you know what i'm sayin. :lol:
Very nice 10/10

For a second when I was looking at your drop-list picture. Ilooked at the dragon longsword and said "They have a dragon longsword now??" ohh I'm tired :wall:

..., then I noticed a gravestone where our tank was supposed to be and my health was a 1 digit number again.

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And what would you know about being skilled or merchanting




Clearly more than you - you are the one whining all across the boards how you are no longer able to merchant anymore.




Oh wait I forgot. All your "merchanting" profits came from rip-off deals and price manipulation. Guess what, that is not what real merchanting is about anyway, and indeed, Jagex "ruined" that kind of "merchanting".




Continue to whine. Noone cares and Jagex is determined to keep their system like this anyway.




Whatever you say goldseller. I never manipulated, thus why im still not banned, unlike you. I wihsh I could have seen the look on your face when you saw that you were banned cheater.




And im expressing my concern not whining. I stopped merchanting when I quit, what I was doing now was buying supplsy for cheap to concerve $ for skilling.




You call yourself a merchant? I was there, you never merchanted you bought a lot of stuff for cheap and were holding on to it THATS IT.




Now you write up big articles to somehow attempt and regain the respect that some people had for you (obviously those who didnt know no better). Unlike you I never sold or cheated so keep on writing articles.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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after looking at the new wallpaper it looks like a runescape character could nicely fit into the little deep on the new creature maybe we will be able to fly and ride them around, i know long shot but it sure as hell would be a blast.

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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How many of those that staked and PKed for money used any of it for "skills"? The majority just used used it to stake/PK more.




And from what I've seen the only ones that have quit are a lot of the bots, and several thousand PKers/stakers.




And while I don't like seeing any player that didn't break the rules leave runescape can survive without bots and the few thousand that have left.




All the ways of making money are not gone. Several "quick and easy" ways have been removed. There are PLENTY of ways left, but they MIGHT require more of a time investment.




If this isn't for you, then I suggest you go play any one of a hundred instant gratification first person shooters on the market today.




When all this is over, and runescape still exists will all these "doom and gloom" players admit they were wrong?




I never wanted instant gratification. I invitested a lot of time to get where I am (reffer to link in the comment).




What I dont like is being told what something is worth and not being able to value it for my self.




What I dont like is no longer being able to give my friend a ton of yew logs I bought so that she can make it into logs for her 99 fletching goal and that I can alch later.




What I dont like is that I cant give my friends potions now so that they can later give me herbs they gather.




The draconian trade restriction, despite all their promises of change, are nothing more than a sugar coated death pill.




Ironic, how those very same people that are unhappyw tih changes are aruging with me just for sake of aruging, despite themselves hating the changes.




These are all valid points, the reason lots of people argue with you is because well....you're argumentative. If all your posts were like this people wouldn't give you a hard time.

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berbatovsky, I love to argue.


However, some people put on a mask and pretend to be what they are not. They write up big posts to gloat over people quitting and at the same time hide their true colors. They talk about merchanting while themselves being a big reason for the changes we have to deal wtih now. Those people make me sick. So anyone and everyone is welcome to ague with me, but I will still call out the cheaters and hypocrites on their lies.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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On a better note something to think about. In one of the last updates to summoning a picture was put in with the eggs everyone is collecting. Then todays wallpaper. Notice something very similar with these 2 things? notice the color of eggs and creatures. Then the amount of both.


[hide=Second Summoning wallpaper]eggsnd0.png[/hide]




Wow, with all the big changes recently, finding out what will come out of those mysterious little coloured eggs feels like an anti-climax.. :|


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And what would you know about being skilled or merchanting




Clearly more than you - you are the one whining all across the boards how you are no longer able to merchant anymore.




Oh wait I forgot. All your "merchanting" profits came from rip-off deals and price manipulation. Guess what, that is not what real merchanting is about anyway, and indeed, Jagex "ruined" that kind of "merchanting".




Continue to whine. Noone cares and Jagex is determined to keep their system like this anyway.




Whatever you say goldseller. I never manipulated, thus why im still not banned, unlike you. I wihsh I could have seen the look on your face when you saw that you were banned cheater.




And im expressing my concern not whining. I stopped merchanting when I quit, what I was doing now was buying supplsy for cheap to concerve $ for skilling.




You call yourself a merchant? I was there, you never merchanted you bought a lot of stuff for cheap and were holding on to it THATS IT.




Now you write up big articles to somehow attempt and regain the respect that some people had for you (obviously those who didnt know no better). Unlike you I never sold or cheated so keep on writing articles.




You really are quite pathetic launching such low attacks on people like Duke Freedom, calling him a 'Cheater' and such. Everybody makes mistakes and at least he had the honesty to go ahead and admit it publically, and he is still held as a respected figure by a lot of people.




I don't know what it is, wether you crave the respect other people give him or wether you want respect from him as a fellow 'merchant' (although I don't see why you call yourself one) but whatever it is, you're going the wrong way about it and quite frankly I am sick of seeing you swan about these forums like you are some great player when you quite obviously aren't.

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jonni, you know nothing of me so dont even try it.




He gets what he deserves, coming here accusing people of cheating and talking about this and that. If you want to idolize him go for it, I know just who and what he is.




People who make mistake dont try to redeem themselves by lashing at others and calling them this and that just to make themselves look better.




So thank thanks to him if you have any friends quitting the game.






I need his respect like I need cancer. I tried being civil with him to which he responded by spewing more webs of lie and deceit in order to make myself and unleash look bad and himself look better, look how that turned out?




I get plenty fo respect in game, not becasue of my wealth, but becuase of how I use it and treat people. On here, I treat everyone hwo they deserve it. Dont like it? go pretend that you know me and make assumptions about me






Makes sense now after looking when you joined and your skill total. The relationship between the 2 of us is just that, between the 2 of us, from back before you even played ruenscape. Glad you are taking sides and attacking me, but you dont know what you are talking about so atleast from 1 side you look clueless and like a fanboy.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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We would really like you to make your feelings known, not in a negative manner that offers no potential solutions, but with constructive criticism and suggestions that we can draw ideas from. For example, if something is broken, don't just demand that we put it back to what it was - instead, tell us your ideas to make the new system work. In summary: we would like you to think about how we can make life in RuneScape more enjoyable for you, while ALSO keeping out real-world traders and bots.




For those of you that have ranted, NOW IS THE TIME TO STOP. Be more constructive rather than "OMFG I'm quitting this is the end of RS!! I hate it I hate it so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!"




Plugpoint92 ::'


Maxed 15/06/13

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